[192) Solution

“Is there only one way to drive them out? Or let them disappear in half to make room for us humans.”

This is indeed a big problem for Li Wei. On one side are the human beings he has been protecting, and on the other side are innocent billions of gamma stars. Both are moral and righteous, and both are hard to choose.

“In any case, you can’t sacrifice people on this planet, because they didn’t do anything wrong, and they have made huge amounts of concessions to allow humans to take refuge in their territories. They are kind to humans, so we can’t En avenged his revenge.

Captain Marvel looked at Li Wei’s eyes and said seriously.

“But I really can’t think of any other way. Could it be that mankind should be sacrificed in vain?”

“We must have other ways. But in any case, it is not the time to be anxious. If even you are at a loss, the other person will be even more helpless. You have to resist, even if you pretend to be, you must make everyone feel at ease. Ah!”

When Captain Marvel saw Li Wei who was anxious and at a loss, he couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

As the backbone of the team, if even he is in chaos, then there is no need to do the next thing.

Li Wei definitely understands this truth, but in the face of such a situation, he really can’t control his emotions.

The more this time comes, it is also the time to test people. Fortunately, Captain Marvel is there, and he can calm down quickly when he is disturbed and prevent him from making any wrong decisions.

Under Li Wei’s reluctance, Captain Marvel dragged him to the long office. After all, they have helped them so much, so the thank you should go in person. Although they are also in dire straits, they must be grateful after all, and they must not lose their courtesy.

After seeing it, Li Wei was still full of joy. Thank you for bringing tea and water to Li Wei.

But Li Wei was unmoved, still frowning, thinking there.

“I heard that you have collected all the five-color stones, what are your plans next?”

After sitting down, Shik went straight to the subject and asked what he wanted to know the most.

“Huh? Tonight, I now plan to rebuild the Justice League, and then restore the former glory of the civilization of the universe.”

Li Wei, who was still considering countermeasures, was suddenly interrupted in his thoughts, but he did not react.

“Since you have a five-color stone in your hand, you can directly make a wish. With one wish, the Justice League can regain its glory, and then you can become a great man of the ages.

Shi Chang’s words actually have some kind of inducing connotation, but the tone is a little strange, it seems to be a test of Li Wei, and it seems to be a satire of Li Wei.

“I don’t have the idea of ​​using the five-color stone for the time being. Although as a divine tool, its ability is very attractive, but for me, I just wanted to use it as a symbol of the Justice League in the future, and to rebuild the Justice League. I still want to do it myself. If I have to, I might use it.”

For his husband, Li Wei is still willing to tell the truth.

Hearing Li Wei’s thoughts, Shik nodded in satisfaction.

“It seems that I did not misunderstand the wrong person. If you really use the wish of the five-color stone to take a shortcut, then I may not keep any of the 7.6 billion humans you brought, and I will drive them all out.”

Hearing this, Li Wei just woke up like a dream. It seems that the seemingly random question by Shi Long just now turned out to be a test of his own. Fortunately, his philosophy is the same as Shik. If it is not, it may cause a problem. Disaster.

“In this case, I happen to have one more thing I want to discuss with you.

Seeing that Shi Chang was happy, Li Wei decided to strike while the iron was hot, and solved his most troublesome problem.

“But it’s okay. As long as I can help, I will definitely do my best.”

The market is happy too. Before Li Wei can say anything, he has readily agreed.

“Beria” came to the earth to invade you know, although I successfully beat him away, but now the whole earth is in ruins, it is not suitable for human beings to survive. So I want to discuss with you How can I rebuild the earth, or how can I settle these 7.6 billion humans?”

Li Wei’s original idea was to allow 7.6 billion humans to continue to survive on the planet Gamma, but to make such a request naked, no matter how you hear it, there will be aggression and domineering, so after thinking about it, Li Wei still speaks. Speaking of another way to rebuild the earth, try to make your request less harsh.

But as soon as Li Wei’s voice fell, Shi’s long hearty laughter rang.

Hahaha, I said, how come your kid is very worried when I come here today. It turns out that you are worried about the life and death of your 7.6 billion humans, but in my opinion, you should be more inclined to the latter idea. ”

shi can tell Li Wei’s true thoughts at a glance.

Li Wei smiled awkwardly. Some selfish thoughts of himself were seen, which was still very embarrassing for him. But seeing how long the shi looks, it doesn’t mean to blame, Li Wei just feels relieved a little.

“Don’t worry, how to solve this matter? I have already thought about it for you.

Shi took a long pat on his chest, as if it was wrapped around me.

Li Wei’s eyes brightened. If there is a better way, he definitely wouldn’t choose the second idea.

“Actually, my method is very simple. For the gamma star people, this is simply familiar, but for you humans, the current level of technology development is too low, so in the face of natural disasters, it will only be temporary ( The money is good) at a loss.”

Long Shi said.

“I will send you 1,000 scientists, as well as construction workers. They are all the most cutting-edge experts in natural disasters and research and development of new technologies here. The heavy damage your planet has suffered may be nothing more than a trivial matter in their eyes.”

Speaking of this, Shi Chang is a little proud. In the final analysis, this is also the advantage of their Gamma planet, and a unique sense of pride arises spontaneously.

“Huh? Your technology has been sent to such an extent. I really underestimated you and the power of technology.”

After all, Li Wei did not use any technological means to improve his own Ability, so he has always left most of the things related to science and technology to Iron Man, and Batman.

In his eyes, the speed of technological development will never keep up with the growth rate of his own strength.

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