(225) Find Lichma

“But we are not familiar with the Lichma civilization. It must be extremely dangerous. So if you go to visit the Lichma civilization, let me go with you, OK?”

Captain Marvel knew that Li Wei was comforting himself, but he really didn’t want to stay on the earth anymore, waiting for Li Wei in worry and anxiety. This is really a torture for him.

Li Wei sighed deeply. He didn’t know that the Lichma civilization would be troubled, but how could he rest assured that his favorite person would go on an adventure with himself.

Since the Lichma can control the fire of hell, after thousands of years, they must have developed a more powerful weapon. Maybe the fire of hell they just conquered has become for them. Pediatrics. Therefore, for this unknown danger, Li Wei is not sure whether he can retreat with his whole body, not to mention taking care of Captain Marvel.

“Baby, the Lichma civilization has been sent to a degree beyond your imagination. What kind of strength does a race that has existed for tens of millions of years and what is their national sentiment? Will they still welcome outsiders? This is unknown to us. So I have to take this risk alone, because this is a challenge for me after all.”

After all, the black beam of light had already made it very clear that this challenge was aimed at Li Wei himself, and the Avengers and even Captain Marvel he was involved in were all implicated by Li Wei and had to face it. Such a dangerous predicament.

So Li Wei has always felt guilty for them. And in such a dangerous situation, he was even more reluctant to let Captain Marvel follow him to take risks. So Li Wei won’t agree anyway.

“But I don’t care if I will take risks or even die. I just don’t want my patience to continue to endure this kind of torment. You know waiting for a beloved one full of anxiety in an environment that you think is comfortable. Human feeling? It’s like putting my heart in a pot and slowly frying, it’s not just pain that can be described

Captain Marvel shouted hysterically.

This sentence really shocked Li Wei. He never thought that Captain Marvel was suffering like this in his heart. And the protection he thought was to make the other party endure tremendous pain silently.

For Li Wei, this is tantamount to a thunderbolt shock.

Li Wei couldn’t help holding Captain Marvel into his arms.

“Baby, why didn’t you tell me before? I’m sorry to have made you endure such torture, it’s my fault.”

Li Wei held back his tears. His heart now seemed cut by a knife, and it was more than just the pain that could be explained.

“I don’t want to tell you how I feel, but you have never given me such an opportunity, let alone such time, for me to express my heart. It’s been a long time since we sat together and chatted, It’s been a long time since you told me your inner thoughts.”

Captain Marvel is just a woman after all. She has her own fragility, but also her own sensitivity. But she can’t vent all of this at will, because her man is Li Wei, who is destined to benefit the universe and become a great hero respected by a group of people.

So as soon as Captain Marvel warned herself in her heart, she must not have a child’s temper, let alone become a stumbling block on Li Wei’s road to success.

This sentence sounds very sad, but for Captain Marvel it is a choice that has to be made.

But this time Captain Marvel really couldn’t stand it anymore, she couldn’t stand the torment anymore.

Li Wei hasn’t been able to say a word for a long time, he doesn’t know what kind of response he should make. Everything is his own fault, but he has no power to change such a status quo. Because there are so many responsibilities on his body that she can’t take care of the emotions of the person she loves most.

A man with the world in his heart is destined not to be fettered by the love of his children. Even if he loves his partner again, the so-called more important things in this world will help him to throw out the last bit of children’s affection in his heart.

So this is not only the sorrow of the hero, but also the sorrow of those who follow the hero.

Fortunately, Li Wei is not lost in his huge career. Deep in his heart, Captain Marvel is still the softest piece. For this woman he loves deeply, Li Wei is really willing to give up everything 0…

“Then this time we will fight together.”

After many thoughts, Li Wei finally made up his mind.Although the future is extremely dangerous, as long as the person he loves can be happy and happy, then he is not willing to let go of all his worries?

Captain Marvel raised his head, his clear eyes met Li Wei’s warm eyes.

“Then let’s go now.”

In order to complete this task as quickly as possible, Li Wei is not willing to waste any more time. Although I was fighting with the fire of hell just now, I was exhausted both physically and mentally. But he still didn’t want to waste time to rest.

‘Let it all come to an end! Let my life return to peace.

This is Li Wei’s biggest wish so far.

In this way, under the blessing of super power, Li Wei took Captain Marvel to the vast universe.

Then Li Wei released the fire of hell.

Captain Marvel was shocked when he saw the fire of hell for the first time. As a warrior, he could definitely feel the terrifying combat power and extremely high temperature from the fire of hell, and he felt even more distressed in his heart. stand up.

“This is the fire of hell that has been subdued by me. I have squeezed out a trace of the soul in his body, and the fire of hell can originally unconsciously lead us to the Lichma civilization at 1.2. We just need to follow him. It’s okay.”

Li Wei succinctly explained what they were going to do next, and let a flash take Captain Marvel back into the space ring.

Now that he has the fire of hell to lead the way, Li Wei decided to take advantage of this effort to take a good rest and replenish his energy. He really didn’t want to waste a minute and a second.

After the fire of hell was released, it began to move rapidly in one direction. And after Li Wei gave him superb power, the speed of Hellfire’s travel increased even more. However, in the attitude of not hurting any life along the way, you still control the fire of hell through The God’s Telekinesis, and try to go to the vast and uninhabited places.

After all, it is not good to hurt flowers and plants. ”

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