Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1380 The Comprehension In Failure

The flower of eternity bloomed brilliantly, each petal carrying Xiao Yun's understanding of the Dao Law, one way after another, constantly integrating into his Chaos Dao.

The Chaos Avenue contains all the Taos, and countless Taos are integrated into it, and finally form a whole, that is, the unity of all Taos.

Xiao Yun's Realm also got a huge Ascension during this time, as if it had broken through the realm level, and was infinitely approaching the eternal Realm.

However, Xiao Yun always felt that he hadn't made the final leap yet.

A level stood in front of him.

That is the last petal of the Eternal Flower. When it stretches out and blooms slowly, the ultimate splendor is gradually dimming, as if there is not enough energy for it to bloom.

A bad premonition rose in Xiao Yun's heart.

His face changed suddenly.

"What is the last step? The integration of ten thousand Taos into one, isn't it the energy of chaos, that is, the power of eternity?"

At this moment, Xiao Yun's mind kept spinning and thinking about hundreds of millions of thoughts.

What exactly is the last step in the unity of all things?

What is eternity?

How can we reach eternity?

Xiao Yun stared at the Eternal Flower in front of him, thoughts in his heart turning wildly, but he was unable to comprehend it, and could only watch the last petal is rapidly losing its essence and slowly withering.

Pulling one hair and moving the whole body, when the last petal withers, along with the other petals around it, are gradually withering.

In the end, Xiao Yun's eternal flower began to wither.

An aura of great annihilation suddenly emanated from the withered Eternal Flower, and even Xiao Yun's heart was impacted.

Xiao Yun's heart was awe-inspiring, he knew that he had failed in his preaching this time.

With the withering of the eternal flower in front of him, most of the energy of his fleshly body was exhausted, and the little energy left was not enough to support him to prove eternity again. A little bit of strength to open up a big world like Honghuang.

But now it is the end of the era, and opening up the world is a waste of effort.

Xiao Yun stared at the Eternal Flower that was gradually withering in front of him at the moment. He felt the collapse of Chaos Avenue and wanted to analyze the reason.

Because he has one more chance.

His spiritual avenue can also prove eternal once again.

However, Xiao Yun's understanding of the Dao of Mind is not as profound as Dao of Chaos, or even the Dao of Universe.

How to integrate the Dao of the Mind into other Dao laws?

Xiao Yun hadn't studied this in depth before.

"The early stage of the unity of ten thousand Taos is correct. This has been confirmed just now, but how can the Tao of the Spirit realize the unity of ten thousand Taos?"

Xiao Yun thought and analyzed in his heart.

The Eternal Flower blooms perfectly in front of it, which means that the unity of all things is correct in the early stage.

As the saying goes, all paths lead to the same goal, and the Great Way of the Mind should be no exception.

But how can the Tao of the Mind be integrated into other Taos?

The Spiritual Dao is more inclined to the existence of idealism, so that the strong people who take the Spiritual Dao will not be suppressed when entering other big worlds.

Moreover, the way of attacking the Dao of the Mind can ignore all the defenses of other Dao Law practitioners.

This means that it is on two different levels than the other Dao Laws.

"Ideal... Idealism... Is it to make me imagine myriad ways, and then integrate into the spiritual avenue?"

Xiao Yun looked at the Flower of Eternity that was about to wither completely in front of her, and the urgency in her heart reached the extreme.

There is not much time left for him, and his understanding of the spiritual avenue is far less than the chaos avenue.

Walking the Chaos Avenue to prove the Tao is eternal, at least he can get to the end.

But taking the spiritual road to prove the Tao is eternal, it is estimated that he will not be halfway there.


"Both of them failed!"

"Is there anyone else who wants to prove eternity?"

outside world.

In the chaotic void, each strong man looked at the withered eternal flower in the distance, and his heart was full of despair.

After Zao Wou-Ki's failure, Xiao Yun also went to failure.

Everyone is desperate, they have seen such a scene too many times. Every one who goes to prove the Tao for eternity will eventually go to failure.

The Eternal Avenue is like a wall to the sky, completely blocking everyone's way of life.

This Chaos Era, like the previous nine Chaos Era, eventually went to extinction.

"Xiao Yun failed to preach the Dao, eh, who is Xiao Yun? Oh, he is the founder of our Kendo Universe, we are all granted the Holy Throne by him, but why do I feel so unfamiliar with him?" Di Tian looked at him. The gradually withering Eternal Flower in the distance muttered to herself, with some doubts in her eyes.

"Someone else failed to preach the Dao. It seems that our Chaos Era is going to perish after all." Lei Zu and the others were also sighing. At this moment, they had forgotten Xiao Yun and Zhao Wuji. Eternal failed.

Lin Xiaoya and Xi Chunyu held hands with each other, they looked at the withered eternal flower in the distance, tears kept flowing in their eyes, and a thick sadness enveloped them.

"Sister, why are you crying?"

"Junior sister, you too."

"Strange, why do I feel so miserable and sad?"

"I don't know, I feel the same way."

"Let's go, go back, in the last days, I want to experience the life of a mortal."

"Together we will!"


Lin Xiaoya and Xi Chunyu left holding hands, the name Xiao Yun had become very unfamiliar in their hearts, just like Hongjun, Heavenly Emperor, Zhang Xiaofan, Tongtian Sect Master, Dou Sheng, Zao Wuji, they were all just proofs The unfamiliar strong man who failed.

And this time.

Xiao Yun can actually sense everything that is happening outside.

Because his spiritual avenue has begun to proclaim eternity, the blooming flower of eternity has multiplied the amount of spiritual power in his heart, just like the only true door, allowing him to cover the entire chaos world.

Therefore, he can clearly see everything that happens outside, and can clearly hear the conversations of people outside.

Even, countless creatures outside, a thought in their hearts can be clearly felt by Xiao Yun.

"Master, and the two junior sisters have forgotten me."

Xiao Yun was very heartbroken at the moment.

Death is not scary, what is truly scary is being forgotten.

If he failed to prove the Tao this time, then no one in this world would know about him Xiao Yun.

"No, I can't fail and I won't fail!"

Xiao Yun stared at the petals that were gradually expanding and blooming around him.

Different from the previous preaching of Eternity, this time, he no longer viewed the Eternal Flower in full bloom from God's perspective, but was in the Eternal Flower, feeling that the whole person was wrapped in petals.

As if he himself were this eternal flower.

"The Great Way of the Mind, it is my mind, not the Great Way."

Xiao Yun felt the blooming petals, and suddenly had a sense of enlightenment.

Other strong people prove the Tao for eternity, that is their Tao and prove the Tao for eternity, and they reintegrate into their eternal avenue to achieve eternity.

But the spiritual path is different.

The Tao of the Mind is to let the own mind preach the Tao for eternity, because the mind and the Tao of the soul are one.

"If that's the case, then Wan Dao is already in my heart."

"I see!"

"finally, I understand."

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