On the coastal safety channel of the Furious Sea, Dawn is sailing steadily on the rippling sea.

"Captain, are we heading directly to Pritz Harbor? Will it be..."! The first mate of the Dawn made a puzzled voice, "Would it be a little inappropriate for us to drive directly into the important seaport of Loen. I'm not saying that we are afraid of them, I mean, there's no need for it... It's a distance from Beckland. De is not far."

Bernadette glanced sideways at the first officer, and then said lightly, "You don't need to go to the shore."

"Don't you always say that your ability has been strong for a long time, and you are not afraid of anything when you go ashore? You also said that you will capture the Oradec Islands and use this as a springboard to attack Intis?"

The first officer didn't speak, he just made two embarrassed hehes.

"Let's go to the Rhodes Islands to repair for two days. We have not gone to sea for a short time this time. Creatures that cannot survive in the sea will miss the land after a long time on the ship."

At the end, Bernadette added another sentence.

"Pay attention to safety, don't be too high-profile, and don't cause trouble."

"Okay, Captain!"

As soon as Bernadette returned to the captain's room, she saw a shadow floating in from outside.

"When will we land? It's so boring to float on the sea! You still don't let me communicate with your crew in a friendly way. It's like playing a game and hanging up, you can't revive, you have to wait for the end of the game, the interface is black and white , NPCs can't interact!"

Bernadette felt that the lamp **** was saying some crazy things that she couldn't understand again. Could it be the special language of the Sealed Artifact?

"In about two days, I will go to the Rhodes Islands first."

"The city of generosity, Bayam!"

"We're not going there."

"why are you not going?"

Bernadette finally looked at Wang Zichuan and said seriously, "Because we are pirates."

Bayam, the red light district.

"Why do you have to come here?"

The person who was speaking seemed to be of average height and had an ordinary face. If they were thrown into the crowd, they could find a bunch of men who looked similar.

"You don't understand. As a...well...you can't understand, this is a must check-in point. Those who haven't been there will be embarrassed."

Wang Zichuan originally wanted to talk about transmigrators, but then he thought that Roselle and Klay Miao were also transmigrators, which easily caused Bernadette to have some unpredictable associations.

This seemingly ordinary person with no features is Bernadette who used his abilities to change his appearance.

When discussing the refurbishment site of the Dawn, Wang Zichuan strongly demanded to come to Bayam. When Bernadette raised objections, he even threatened her. If he was not allowed to go to Bayam, he would come to Bayam. A big one from a private port, including her crew. So Bernadette had to agree to take him to Bayam for a day while the crew was repairing, and then go back to meet the crew.

Bernadette walked into a famous theater, and was immediately greeted by a waiter. The skilled waiter keenly found that the guest was a novice, and introduced his business and girl with a smile on his face.

In the middle of the first floor of this theater, there is a high circular platform on which dancers are performing diligently. The surrounding wine tables were filled with drinkers and accompanying girls. People in the hall came and went, with noisy voices, cheers, laughter, bragging, farting, scolding, etc., mixed together, making Bernadette extremely uncomfortable.

Bernadette sat at the wine table, ordered some drinks, pretending to enjoy the dancer's performance while drinking. And Wang Zichuan didn't know where to go.

Wang Zichuan glanced around the girls in the hall, but didn't find any one with a good appearance, so he didn't give up and floated upstairs to check the rooms.

Although there is no noise downstairs, the sound of one after another is enough to make a normal person blush.

For a person without a body, or a Sealed Artifact, these sounds and pictures made Wang Zichuan from excited to calm and indifferent and finally boring.

He suddenly desperately longed for a normal human body.

And a deeper understanding of the human nature and divinity described in the original work. When the demigods don't have to eat and have no normal desires, it's really hard to maintain their humanity.

Wang Zichuan returned to Bernadette, this Sequence Three powerhouse, for the first time ever, was a little embarrassed and cramped. This made Wang Zichuan feel better suddenly.

He wanted to make fun of her, but he thought it was not good, so he changed the subject.

"If the prince knew that Cinderella's disguise was what you are now, he would probably commit suicide on the spot."

"Well... not necessarily. With a few bottles of witch potion, a big man with a slap in the foot can become a peerless beauty, and it doesn't affect the use."

Bernadette ignored Deng Shen's teasing about her own abilities and asked directly, "Have you read it? Can you leave?"

After getting a sensible answer, Bernadette got up in a hurry and quickly escaped from the brothel with a style that was different from the usual steady and dignified manner.

Just as he was about to leave, Wang Zichuan suddenly had a brilliant idea.

"Wait a minute, there's one more thing, just leave when you're done."

Calling Bernadette to stop, Wang Zichuan turned to face the door of the brothel, stretched out his hand, pointed to the building, and said in a solemn and low voice:

"It is forbidden for men to have **** here."

Tingen, South District.

In the box of a high-end restaurant, two guests are having a pleasant conversation.

"Mr. Lilly, this property in your name has been vacant for a long time."

The speaker had black hair and brown eyes, round glasses, and a smile at the corners of his mouth, giving people a gentle and reliable feeling.

"Indeed, Mr. Lanvus, are you interested in leasing or buying? You know, this is the best location in the southern district."

This Mr. Lilai has very small eyes, a slightly dark complexion, and has a slightly raised mustache. As his mouth opens and closes, the two small beards shake regularly. He bluntly raised the main question of the meeting.

Lanervus chuckled and said:

"I am planning to prepare a steel company, and I have discovered a rich iron ore in the Hornages Mountains in West Villas County."

"A qualified businessman must be courageous and brave to seize fleeting opportunities."

Lanvus paused, as if adjusting his emotions, and suddenly, his voice became uncontrollably excited.

"This is an opportunity that can change your destiny. As long as you seize it, you can become a big businessman, a big miner, a member of the upper class, and a noble position."

Lan Erwus seemed to realize that he was too excited, and adjusted his tone a little to soften his voice.

"So, I bought the land where the iron ore is located, and through some contacts, I obtained the legal land document authorized by the West Villas County government and the mining rights of the iron ore. This has spent all my savings for many years."


Lanvus looked at Mr. Lilai in front of him earnestly and earnestly and said:

"Do you want to take a stake in this steel company with a bright future?"

Lilai's emotions fluctuated with Lanvous's tone. In the small eyes of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the pupils tended to expand, and Lanvous accurately grasped this.

Lilai's tumultuous thoughts made him a little lack of concentration, and the scene of himself participating in a dance held by the upper class in Tingen emerged in his mind. The big people who used to be able to accompany him to laugh surrounded him one after another. Saying compliments.

He tried hard to suppress these pictures and let his attention return to the person in front of him. He adjusted his facial muscles, showing a tangled expression, and said hesitantly:

"I have to go back and think about it."

Lanvus showed an encouraging smile and continued to talk about his plan.

"I am going to use this steel company to pledge to the bank to apply for a loan to support the follow-up mining matters. For the current situation of insufficient funds, I am going to issue a certain percentage of shares to raise initial funds. If you have friends who feel this If you're interested, we can talk about it on a date."

After a meal, the host and guests enjoyed themselves.

Leaving the restaurant, Lilai hurried away in the direction of home.

Seeing Mr. Lilai disappearing into the street, Lanvuse's gentle and reliable smile changed slightly to outline a mocking expression.

Lilai quickly returned to his home. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the hostess dressed up and preparing to go out.

"Tina, where are you going?"

Lilai swallowed the words he desperately wanted to share, and changed his mind to inquire about his wife's itinerary.

Christina said happily, "It's Megaos. I introduced her to a nice guy. I'm going to arrange for them to meet today."


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