Qonas left MI9 and went directly to the military headquarters. He was going to report to his superiors on the task of escorting the slave ship.

The military is not monolithic. The two largest factions are the king faction and the great noble faction. The former is truly loyal to His Majesty the King and the House of Augustus. The latter swears allegiance to the royal family on the surface, but actually represents the interests of the alliance of some great nobles, mainly those landed nobles with a long history, such as Duke Negan.

Qonas belongs to the former, he is a die-hard supporter of George III. His superior in the military is the Admiral Hein Clausewy, who is directly loyal to His Majesty the King, the Sequence Four Demigods of the Arbiter Path.

When they came to the military headquarters, Admiral Hein's secretary told Qonas that His Excellency the Admiral was patrolling the military camp at this time and would not be back until noon.

Qonas had to wait in the reception room. After just waiting for a while, Qonas felt a little anxious and couldn't help standing up and pacing back and forth in the room.

What happened in Pritz Harbor has always made him restless. Although the enemy did not appear again, the abnormal ability and the unreasonable attack made him unable to figure it out, and the unknown represented danger.

After drinking too much coffee and going to the bathroom twice, the secretary came to inform Qonas that Admiral Hein was preparing to go to the military restaurant for dinner. Quinas thanked the secretary and hurried to the restaurant.

Admiral Hein is a very easy-going person. He considers himself funny and humorous and likes to tell all kinds of jokes, including Ruen's not-so-funny jokes and Intis's colorful jokes.

Qonas soon found Admiral Hein in the dining area. He was holding a plate and talking to an officer with a smile. Qonas knew the officer, who, like himself, was also a major general.

Admiral Hein was a middle-aged gentleman who looked only in his forties. He had a genial face and was well-maintained. If he didn't look closely, he couldn't see the tiny wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. In fact, this is an old man who is nearly sixty years old. His temples are a little gray, but the rest of his hair is still completely black, and his hairline is unexpectedly forward at his age.

Qonas took an opportunity to report to Admiral Hein about the mission on the southern continent.

The Black Gloves’ slave capture operations developed by the military were supported by the Gnostic Society. In the Rhodes Islands and East Balam, they easily captured enough slaves. The biggest difficulty was how to hide from the Church of the Storm. and official investigations. And Qonas' main task is only to **** the slave ship at sea, and once there is a risk of being discovered, he will immediately kill the insider.

Qonas briefly described the general process of carrying out the secret mission, and added several important details. Admiral Hein's smile never faded. He nodded repeatedly when Quinas narrated the key point, as if he was very satisfied with this shrewd and capable subordinate.

At the end of the conversation, Quinas looked hesitant and said with consideration, "Just when I was about to complete my mission and prepare to hand over to them at Pritz Harbor, I was attacked."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Are you injured?" Admiral Hein showed a concerned expression just right.

"I wasn't injured, but I didn't do any damage to him either. This is where I am confused. Please, Your Excellency, give me some advice." Qonas said earnestly.

"Tell me."

"He looks like a spirit body and can always float in the air. He can use the ability of the arbitrator pathway, at least Sequence Five, but the effect of the ability is stronger than the normal Sequence Five. I didn't see him using a sealed artifact, but he said Words that come out will be fulfilled. The most bizarre thing is that he is immune to almost all my ability attacks, whether it is my own or the ability of "Concert of Light and Shadow". I have never encountered such a completely unaffected situation, according to As far as I know, even the adults of Sequence Three or Sequence Two, the ability attack effect of the demigod level is only greatly reduced."

"Um... This is indeed a bit unreasonable, um... What do you think?"

"I think he is not a normal person, but a high-ranking evil spirit of the arbitrator pathway. During the formation, he was affected by the Beyonder characteristics of other pathways, causing his abilities to mutate."

"Well... that makes sense, then what do you want to do?"

"I want to look up the portraits of nobles and royal families based on his image, to see if there is a fallen high-ranked powerhouse with a similar appearance to this evil spirit, so as to confirm the identity of the evil spirit."

"This is a good direction, so what are your plans for the next step?"

"I want to release a mission in MI9 first to find relevant clues. According to the evil spirit's instinct to crave extraordinary materials in this pathway, I will focus on this at the underground markets and extraordinary gatherings in Priz Harbor and Backlund. At the same time, release Wanted, bounty hunters widely launched."

"Okay, you have done a good job on your mission to the Southern Continent this time. I will report this to His Majesty the King and win a reward for you. After you have dealt with this evil spirit, go back and have a good rest."

"Yes, according to your order, I will immediately deal with the evil spirit incident and swear allegiance to His Majesty the King!"

Watching this ambitious and energetic subordinate leave, Admiral Hein's smile remained the same.


Halls Street, in the Welch's living room.

Naya, a beautiful girl with long soft brown hair, pointed to the dark black notebook on the marble coffee table, and excitedly suggested, "How about we do a divination? How about it?"

"Divination? Those are all things you girls like to play with. I think we should find more reference materials."

Klein shook his head in disapproval. The word divination was very unreliable when he heard it. History is a serious topic that requires research and evidence. How can it be treated like a child's play?

"It's not impossible, right? We can give it a try, it's not troublesome anyway." Welch was not as straightforward as Klein, and immediately followed Naya's suggestion and came up with a solution to please girls~www.wuxiax .com~ and then said to Naya: "Do you know how to divination?"

"I know, I know, I have learned something from people, we can do mirror divination."

While speaking, Naya stood up directly and urged Welch to find the items needed for divination.

After a while, Naya and Welch came back with a silver mirror, a candle, and a bottle of men's perfume.

Naya first closed all the doors in the living room, then closed the curtains, and the living room immediately became dark.

Afterwards, Naya carefully wiped the already clean marble coffee table, placed the Antigonus family's notes in the center, and placed the mirror behind the notes, so that the people sitting in front of the coffee table could just see from the table. See notes in the mirror. She set up the candle in front of the note, then lit the candle, took out Welch's perfume, sprayed some in the air, and the air was filled with a strong fragrance.

Getting everything ready, Naya half-kneeled in front of the coffee table, and asked Welch and Klein to face the coffee table and stand behind her in a quiet and respectful manner.

And so a seemingly nonsense divination began.

Under the dim candlelight, Naya stretched out one hand to touch the mirror, the shadow of her arm passed through the note, showing a crooked and turbulent shape, the other hand covered her chest, she closed her eyes, and lowered her attitude respectfully. Chanting:

"Magic mirror, please tell me the origin of the note in front of me."

She repeated in a low voice, Welch stared at the mirror curiously, and Klein thought it was a bit absurd.

The yellow candle light trembled slightly, the room became abnormally gloomy and cold, and the black-covered notebook spread out a strange power, silently wrapping around the three young people in front of the coffee table, but the three of them didn't notice.


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