Seth In's voice fell, and the already quiet basement became more and more audible.

Seth waited for a while and found that no one asked, so she continued:

"This prophecy is: a variable comes into the world, and countless fates are rewritten."

"The revelation the leader got: rules, disorder, dawn."

variable? rule? What does this mean? Perhaps Her Majesty knows, I have to write to her and tell her.

Cattleya was calm on the surface, but she couldn't wait to tell the Queen about it.

"You are in Intis, in Loen, in various countries on the land, or above the sea, there are some channels, some sources of information, the leader wants us to collect the sudden and strange happenings in various places during this period of time. Yes, unusual things. Variables may be hidden in these inconspicuous little things."

"You can report the recent incidents that you think are suspicious now."

Seth In conveyed the prophecy of the leader of the Ascetic Order of Morse, and asked important people on the periphery of the organization to provide possible clues.

"It is said that the Ghost Empire appeared again, and countless pirates flocked from the sea, chasing this ghost ship into the misty sea." A rough voice sounded, his face was rough, his hair was disheveled, and his body was burly. A person who has been floating above the sea for a long time.

"There is a change in the Intis military espionage department, but my informant couldn't get a more specific reason."

The lady who spoke had a lazy voice, and her long flaxen hair was soft and curly, like rippling waves, long spread out behind her head.

"In addition, in the near future, the Secret Order may be secretly looking for an item, or it may be a person. I guessed from the transfer of their lower-level personnel."

The lady whose voice was as smooth as hot cocoa provided information about Intis.

"There's a newly-rising courtesan in the upper ranks of Trier, a very, very attractive lady."

When everyone heard the words, they looked sideways, and the speaker quickly added: "I mean, it appeared suddenly, and there were no rumors before. It's very abrupt. Unmarried young ladies usually don't do this, so open."

Under the faintly contemptuous eyes of everyone, he coughed lightly and continued:

"I have another piece of news here. It seems that the archbishop who defected from the Church of Evernight two years ago appeared in Trier."

At this moment, a man with a standard Loen appearance suddenly answered.

"The Church of Evernight's Red Gloves team in Backlund has been frequently mobilized recently. It turned out to be because of this incident."

Everyone whispered and discussed the defecting bishop of the Orthodox Church for a while, and then several people spoke one after another.

"There was a farm in Segal where all the crops died overnight."

"There is a factory in Constant City that suddenly collapsed during the daytime, not because of disrepair, but because it was said to be a new factory built the year before."

The people at the party took turns providing intel from their sphere of influence, some of which were valuable, some sounded like local tabloid headlines.

Cattleya didn't want to say anything at first, she didn't have much sense of belonging to the Moroccan Order, and she was always on the edge of the organization.

As a Beyonder of the **** pathway, after she left the Dawn, she was developed into a peripheral member of the Morse Ascetic Order. Because of this, it is rumored that Admiral Star broke with the mysterious queen and left the sea.

"One of the most famous treasure legends in the sea, the key of the **** of death has new clues, and some treasure hunters are chasing these clues."

Cattleya pondered for a while, but still told a not too secret message.

After almost everyone had spoken more or less, Seth Yin spoke again:

"The variables in the leader's prophecy are very important to us. As a member of the organization, you must actively run, inquire about news, and find abnormalities as soon as possible. You can report all abnormalities, and the organization has a way to verify. For the news you reported, the organization There will be corresponding rewards.”

After the secret meeting, Cattleya returned to the Mirai, which was parked in the port.

There was silence on the Future, there was no noise from the sailors, no noise, no sound of walking, or running and jumping. Cattleya's heart sank, worried that something bad would happen to the Mirai during her absence.

In the strangely quiet atmosphere, Cattleya suddenly heard the sound of things being moved from the lower deck of the cabin.

Letting the starlight shine in her palm, Cattleya slowly walked down the cabin. The sound came from the warehouse with drinks, and it seemed that someone was moving the drinks. Cattleya cautiously approached the warehouse door, the warehouse door was wide open, and a stooped figure was moving barrels of beer to where they should be, lined up neatly.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Seeing that it was Frank, Cattleya relaxed a little and asked Frank's unusual behavior in a quiet voice.

Hearing the captain's voice suddenly, Frank was startled, but quickly turned around and said with a smile, "I'm sorting these beers, captain."

"What about the others?" Cattleya quickly asked.

"They are all in their own rooms." Frank still replied with a smile.

"What's the matter? Didn't they plan to hold a drinking contest while I was away and no one would restrict them?"

Cattleya suppressed the strange emotions that kept rising in her heart, controlled her voice, and continued to ask calmly.

"They're too noisy, Captain." Frank scratched his hair and said annoyed, "I think they should be quiet for a while and have a good rest. I injected some special sedative and sleeping effects into each barrel of beer. The potion, it works, Captain, you see, they're all quiet now."

Frank seemed excited again, and continued as if taking credit, "I'm afraid they'll catch cold and get sick sleeping on the deck, so I've moved them all back to their rooms. But it doesn't matter if they're sick, I've developed a few new fruits. The medicine of taste, taking medicine is like eating fruit, it is both nutritious and healing, which is really a wonderful thing.”

Cattleya had already put away the starlight in her palm, was silent for a few seconds, and asked another question.

"When will they wake up?"

"Tomorrow morning, when the sun rises. It won't delay tomorrow's trip."

Cattleya silently returned to the captain's room.

The night gradually became richer, and the water waves blown by the sea breeze became deeper and deeper. The Mirai was gently swayed by the waves that spread out in circles, and the rushing water hit the Mirai one after another.

On a rare night without the laughter and shouting of the crew members, Cattleya felt peace and quiet. Her thoughts were flying, thinking of her childhood, of the Emerald City, and of the Dawn. Thinking of this, Cattleya suddenly got up, found a pen and paper, and began to write quickly:

"The Ascetic Order of Morse received a prophecy that predicted the present world of variables. This prophecy is..."

"The pillars are giving orders to all members of the organization to find anomalies. UU"

Cattleya stopped writing, thought for a while, and added another sentence.

"You should have a better understanding of this prophecy, and be able to see the specific direction of the things symbolized in the prophecy more clearly. If you are also interested and have things that I need to do, please write back..."

Writing here, Cattleya hesitated, and the tip of the pen stopped. After being silent for at least a minute, she suddenly moved the pen quickly again, crossed out the previous sentences, and then re-written:

"This prophecy may also have a certain significance for Element Dawn. If you are interested in the variables pointed to by the prophecy, you can also collect the corresponding information. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Cattleya re-examined the letter she had just written, and after feeling that there were no inappropriate words, she took out another piece of paper and copied the letter.

After folding the letter, she took out a delicate golden mouth

Qin, rubbed it lightly, put it to her lips, and blew it silently.

There was no gloom, no breeze, and nothing changed, except that the folded letter paper disappeared out of thin air.

In the gorgeous palace on Racha Island, Bernadette has not yet fallen asleep. She was suddenly inspired and found a letter lying quietly by the bedside.

She opened the folded letter and saw the familiar and beautiful handwriting.

"Variables? Rules? Wrong order?"

What does this symbol refer to?

Things related to rules, um, the Dark Emperor and the Inquisitor pathway. If it can affect the last days, it should be related to divinity.

Dark Emperor, divinity... Bernadette suddenly trembled violently, could it be, could it be his father?

Father, is he resurrected? !

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