Hatred is the fuel of courage.

If the captain is there, he will definitely pull the opponent into a dream from a distance, and then Leonard and I can rush in and give the enemy a fat beating.

Thinking like this, Klein lowered his head and concealed his smile. He clenched the Beyonder characteristic in one hand and the tarot card in the other as he slowly walked up the dirty stairs.

Passing by the room without a door, Klein glanced at it unintentionally, as if he was a resident here, and casually glanced at the distressed neighbor's house he didn't know very well.

Tracing the source along the thin black line, he found a sinister and fierce man who completely merged into the dark shadow.

The black lines that spread on his body meander and float, as if they are far away in the sky, but also close to his hand. As long as he stretches out his hand, he can grasp and control those thin lines. A man with direct contact with Usu will become a puppet at his mercy.

Directly attack and kill him, and then inquire about the whereabouts of Lanvous, or, just leave, provide his appearance to the friend of Miss Justice, and use the method of tracking and investigation to find Lanvus's whereabouts.

Although various thoughts have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, but in fact it is only a glimpse of time, Klein has not had time to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed past, and a yellow-orange-orange object slammed into the shadow.


Klein jumped up, and the tarot card in his hand shot out like a flying knife.

The figure of the man in the shadow immediately became real. He was like a ferocious beast, rushing towards the original door. At the same time, his left arm swelled and exploded, and a blood-colored storm swept toward Klein one step faster than the man.

Tarot cards were inserted into the man's body fiercely, but the man's flesh and blood wriggled, and the deep wound was immediately healed and disappeared.

Klein jumped into the air, reached forward with both hands, and flicked the silk like strings, trying to play the opening song of a puppet show against the background color of the blood splashing in the sky.

However, this scene was fleeting. Klein twisted his body in embarrassment and fled up the stairs, trying his best to avoid the torrential rain of flesh and blood. He found that it would take a lot of time to influence the enemy in this way. , completely ineffective.

What kind of half a sequence five is this!

I should hide, secretly control the black line extending from the enemy, and then come out after I completely control the opponent. Now, what is the difference between rushing up and sending people's heads?

However, Klein was surprised to find that the terrifying flesh and blood rushed toward his face, and not a single point was splashed on him, and he actually had no confidence to avoid it at all.

Holding Rosago's Beyonder characteristics, he suddenly had some information in his mind. Not only could he control the invisible black line, but he also temporarily gained several abilities that were suitable for combat.

He snapped his fingers, and the dirty curtains in the room that had not been completely damaged suddenly burst into flames, and Klein's figure immediately appeared behind the man.

Just when he was about to escape, Klein suddenly thought that if he escaped from here and went to a place with people, he would definitely bring disaster to others.

Klein snapped his fingers several times in a row, and the air bullets flew at extreme speeds, hitting the tall man from behind. Air bullets penetrated the man's body, spattering blood flowers.

However, this would not do any effective damage to Bishop Rose, who was proficient in flesh magic.

The fortune-tellers are really weak in the battle.

Wang Zichuan watched the excitement leisurely, watching Klein jump up and down like a cat fighting a dog.

When the man of Bishop Rose saw that the flesh bomb was strangely unable to hit the target, he understood that the other party must have related abilities or magical items, and could skillfully evade range attacks.

The scattered flesh and blood strangely condensed into small meat balls, like giant seeds. They rolled their bodies and quickly scattered, ready to find the living people in the apartment and turn them all into seeds. Nutrients, nourish yourself, so that you can use a larger and more comprehensive blanket of flesh and blood to wrap and melt the enemy.


Wang Zichuan closed the room in a timely manner to temporarily isolate it from the real world to prevent players on the field from asking for help outside the field.

Klein saw that although his attack could hit, the opponent recovered faster, and the enemy's attack looked aggressive but always missed.

Is this the meaning of no danger in divination?

How to fight this?

The tall man, who was at least two meters tall, suddenly melted like a wax figure, and a viscous and disgusting stream of flesh and blood flowed towards Klein, while Klein set fire to all parts of the room and jumped around.

The items that can be ignited in the room are about to be burned!

Using the ability to transcend one's own sequence is a very spiritual thing. During the thoughtful time with the other party, Klein felt that his spirituality was rapidly draining and his body was gradually exhausted. Slightly divergent, thinking of playing online games with others in the past life, some stupid than teammates randomly opened strange, and everyone was wiped out.

As the battle in the arena was about to turn into a chasing fight, Wang Zichuan, having seen enough of the excitement, happily stretched out his hand, pointed at the tall man, and said:

"The use of flesh and blood magic is prohibited here."

The flowing stream suddenly solidified, reuniting and pulling up to become a tall man.


The man stood still, unable to move for the time being.

Klein seized the time and immediately caught the man's flying black silk threads, fiddling and combing them with his spirituality.

The deterrent effect is not long-lasting~www.wuxiax.com~ The man is about to get rid of it soon, but Wang Zichuan is floating beside him, waiting to supplement the magnified and strengthened deterrent effect.

Klein calmly controlled these thin lines, watching the man from struggling to being sluggish, and finally losing his autonomy completely, becoming a puppet with Beyonder characteristics in his hand, he couldn't help crying frantically in his heart.

This is the correct way to fight for a fortune-teller!

The previous act of rushing up directly can only be done by a crazy magic lamp!

The magic lamp must have gone up directly before he was alive, and then it turned into a lamp!

The battle in the room that had been sealed by the magic lamp did not cause much movement. Klein released the control, and the tall man fell to the ground with a bang.

Klein took out the spiritual materials he carried with him, and simply arranged a ceremony to summon himself. Then, he wrapped the man's remaining spirit with his spiritual body, and went to the gray fog to channel.

Lanervus is currently hidden in the Dockers' Association in the East Balam Dockyard.

The Aurora Society has controlled Lanvus, and Lanvus has become a vessel for the fallen creator to come!

The figure above the gray fog suddenly covered his face and laughed, his voice echoing in the empty and silent palace.

There seems to be an echo, as if many people are responding and laughing together.

Captain, this is the first step in revenge for us.

Klein controlled his emotions a little, straightened his sitting posture, and prepared to directly reply to Miss Justice's prayer.

He adjusted his voice and said in a low and indifferent voice:

"The perpetrator of the Dharavi Street bombing has been executed."

"The Dockworker's Association of Lanvus in the East Balam Dockyard."

"Report to the Church of the Evernight Goddess that Lanvus has the divinity of a fallen creator."


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