Some people have a strong desire to show off after doing something they think is very powerful, so most villains talk a lot.

Of course, it could also be that he was using words to induce and disintegrate the enemy's will.

Lanvus explained to Cecima the source of his state and divinity, and took the opportunity to restore his state to completely kill the Nighthawks who, in his opinion, were stupid and unsightly.

When Klein saw Lanvus draw out his bone sword and was about to stab Sisima, he decided to rush out regardless, and all the consequences could be considered later.

However, Wang Zichuan held him uncharacteristically, and said softly in his usual unserious tone:

"They'll be fine, the Evernight Goddess is watching them."

"The mouse will die where the mouse should be. When he escapes, you can chase after him and kill him yourself."

Klein suddenly calmed down.

Anger overwhelmed my reason, I am not such a reckless person.

Klein calmed down and replied in a low voice:

"If I throw the magic lamp like a flying knife, can I kill Lanvus?"

And Lan Erwusi saw that the night watchman in front of him still had the ability to resist, he no longer hesitated, and ran away decisively.

He skillfully opened the manhole cover on the street and entered the sewer.

"Let me tell you, the rats of the Thief Path like to drill down the sewers."

Wang Zichuan thought of Hazel, her demigod teacher, and Lan Erwus in front of him, and said something with a sigh.

Klein didn't care what the Djinn said. He followed Lanvus cautiously and followed him into the dark sewer.

Lanervus walked skillfully and quickly in the sewer. Suddenly, he turned his body instinctively, and a playing card slashed his shoulders with a gust of energy.

Lan Erwus turned around in shock, saw the figure chasing from behind, raised his arm again, and threw out the cards in his hand.

Wang Zichuan watched Klein calmly shoot in silence, and he couldn't see that his emotions just now were out of control.

This time, he didn't intervene at will, letting Klein vent his long-held emotions to his heart's content.

The battle was as expected, Klein was victorious, and his sins were judged.

Klein's suppressed emotions spewed out like a volcano, and he couldn't help laughing and crying.

Returning to the one-bedroom he rented in the East District, Klein immediately held a ceremony and moved all related items above the gray fog. Klein leaned on the bed, and his mind and spirituality gradually calmed down.

The faint crimson outside the window shone through the window and reflected on the head of the bed. Klein looked up at the high-hanging red moon, and suddenly remembered a sentence.

"Raise your head to look at the bright moon, and bow your head to think of your hometown."

He twitched the corners of his mouth and suddenly wanted to talk to someone.

"What is Lanvus' badge?"

"I don't know when I will have the strength to avenge Ince Zangwill."

"When will you get the magician's main ingredients?"

"The money hasn't landed yet. Is there any good way to make money?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing again. If I was still on Earth, I would have often thought about how to make money, but it's definitely not as urgent as it is now.

"Lanwusi's badge is a token of a Thief Path Beyonder organization. They call themselves the hermits of fate, but they are actually a group of Amon victims."

"Amon? A great noble family of the Fourth Epoch?"

"Yes, he is an angel of the Thief Path, and likes to persecute Beyonders of this path."


"Do you know the name of the organization that secretly affects the world situation?"

Klein followed Deng Shen's words and asked questions based on Roselle's diary at will.

"I know, but I think it's best not to tell you now that the angels of the audience channel have the characteristic of 'whatever they say will be known', so that may cause you to be watched by some existence."

No wonder Roselle dared not mention the name of that organization in his diary.

Klein just chatted with Djinn about issues that should not be discussed at his sequence level.

In the morning, Klein woke up lazily from the simple bed, his mood was much brighter than the sky outside the window.

Back at No. 15 Minsk Street, he cooked a nice lunch. Klein kept a good mood and entered above the gray fog with the Beyonder characteristics of a short-term rental.

Using the knowledge from Roselle's diary to "prostitute" another main ingredient of potion, Klein ended the party contentedly, and he could be promoted as long as the order arrived.

In the days that followed, Klein did not receive any new commissions. Except for one visit to Reppard's house to check the development progress of the bicycle, he spent the rest of the time at the Cragg Club, which had free food and drink.

It wasn't until Wednesday night that Klein finally gathered all the materials and was successfully promoted to Sequence Seven.

Tomorrow night, at the gathering of the old Mr. Eye of Wisdom, I can also sell the medulla crystals of the Elf Fountain to that stinky pharmacist for a small profit.

Since I killed Lanvus, my luck has improved, Klein thought happily.

Outside the window, the crimson crescent moon, which was half hidden behind the cloud and mist, seemed to have life. It quickly emerged from the shadow, and the blood-red outline quickly spread to fullness. In an instant, it was crimson and bright, as red as blood.

"Blood moon."

"This world is really weird. The rules of physics and most of the common sense are the same as those on Earth. Just add occultism and it becomes weird."

Admiring the clear and peaceful night sky and the bright red moon outside the window, UU reading www. Suddenly, Klein heard illusory prayers echoing in layers.

Klein immediately took four steps backwards and came to the top of the gray fog to check the source of his prayer.

After adding a new member to the Tarot Club, Klein returned to reality, remembering the full moon babble that Miss Magician said, he decided to ask the magic lamp.

Anyway, it seems to know everything. If Miss Magician wants to pay the price to understand the source of the raving, Mr. Fool can't answer, doesn't it seem that this Fool is not good enough.

Going downstairs to the living room, the room was brightly lit by the crimson moonlight.

It's so bright that you don't need to turn on the lights.

Klein sat on the sofa and whispered:

"Do you know the source of the ravings that some Beyonders will hear on the full moon?"

Klein waited for a while, but didn't hear the magic lamp's answer.

Huh? What about the lamp god? Does the **** of lights sleep at night?

Klein picked up the magic lamp, swayed up and down twice, and asked doubtfully:

"Are you there?"


Wang Zichuan quickly got out of the magic lamp and said angrily:

"Are you polite?"

Klein smirked and said:

"I want to ask about the full moon babbling."

"That is Bethel, the ancestor of the Abraham family. He was exiled by the night and the tyrant. He will exert influence on his family's blood during the full moon."

"Is his title Mr. Door?"

"Yes, the door is the name of the top of the sequence of the apprentice pathway."

I know the name of a sequence 0 again!

"Then is he asking for help?"

"Hey, yes, no, I can't answer this question for you, I'm afraid you'll get a headshot if you hear it."


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