In the afternoon, all the detectives gathered together and continued to discuss the case in the living room of Detective Isengard.

Since he didn't know the identity of the murderer, Klein had no idea how to guide him.

After letting everyone discuss for a while, Detective Isengard suddenly said:

"Yesterday's discussion gave me a lot of inspiration, and I did further research into the victim's family life and their relationship with their husbands and found an interesting thing."

The whispers in the living room stopped, and everyone's eyes turned to Isengard in the easy chair.

"I found that the victims had all betrayed their marriages, they had all had secret lovers, some had cut off the relationship long ago, and some kept in touch until they were killed."

Hearing this, a detective said:

"This must be a breaking point, the killer must be someone the victims know well, otherwise how could they know something that even their husbands don't know."

This is not necessarily true. Beyonders of the demon pathway can directly see the uncleanness and depravity. Perhaps they were singled out and planted a curse after taking one more look in the crowd.

Klein thought to himself.

Do you want the magic lamp to report it again tonight?

Why don't you go to the Church of St. Hillan, the **** of steam and machinery?

Anyway, Klein didn't want the magic lamp to report to St. Samuel's Church of the Evernight Goddess.

"Start with their friends or servants..."

The discussion continued, Klein maintained a solemn expression, and seemed to be listening and thinking carefully, but in fact, he had already started to lose his mind, and began to think about what to do if the magic lamp made a scene in St. Hillan's Church again.

You still have to rely on yourself, the magic lamp is always so unreliable.

Besides reporting directly, is there any other way to alert the police to the identity of the murderer?

After the discussion was over, Klein followed Stuart out of Isengard's house. Along the way, Stuart was very active.

He said slightly excitedly:

"Compared to the previous commissions with ghost elements, I prefer this kind of pure murder. It excavates the truth bit by bit from the complex clues. This excites me, and I feel my mind is colliding and jumping."

No, it's not pure, the serial killer of the demon pathway is much scarier than Wraith Shadow.

Klein showed an expectant smile and agreed with the other party.

"If we can filter out the meeting points from people who have close contact with the victims, we may be able to directly target the murderer. Although it is a big project, I think it is worth the effort."

"Or we can make a psychological close-up of the murderer first and narrow down the screening. He should be a male, and he is physically laborious to shred corpses, and then there may also be a wife who betrayed him, so he hates women so much, and finally his appearance... ...should be shady, people with a dark mind are often reflected in their face and temperament, they may also look ordinary or ugly, and they have been discriminated against by women..."

On the contrary, he is quite handsome.

Klein retorted in his heart.

When he was about to reach the subway entrance, Klein suddenly thought that he didn't need to be obsessed with direct reports, as long as the official Beyonder was concerned and investigated. The identity is for heaven.

After all, with Rosago's Beyonder characteristics, I'm half a Sequence Five, Klein thought with a self-deprecating laugh.


Stuart had a busy day investigating the relatives and friends of the victims. In the evening, Detective Sherlock, who has always been stingy enough to never use good tea to serve him, actually offered to invite him to dinner in order to thank him for introducing him to the case of detecting serial killers, thus expanding his contacts in the detective circle.

Stuart was very happy, and even ordered a lot of drinks on the table, and Detective Sherlock always kept a sincere smile.

In order to show his alcohol intake, Stuart voluntarily rejected Sherlock's proposal to hire a carriage, saying that he was not drunk at all and could take the stagecoach at all. His house was far from the stagecoach station and only needed to cross a short street. .

After getting off the carriage smoothly, Stuart turned vainly into a street with sparse street lights. After crossing this street, he arrived at his residence in St. George, which is closer to the factory area in the southeast.

The dark street lights were weakly lit, and the streets were full of large shadows. Although the alcohol numbed Stuart's nerves, he couldn't help but think that ghosts would pop up in the shadows at any time, so he accelerated. pace.

Stuart suddenly found that a section of the street lamp in front of him was broken, and there was only one left. It was flickering with difficulty, and it didn't seem to last long, and it would go out at any time. It kept making a crackling noise. Exceptionally clear on empty streets on a late winter night.

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In the darkness of the lake, Stuart vaguely saw a squatting silhouette. He seemed to be wearing a hood and a long robe, and his arms were waving rhythmically up and down, making an irregular sound. Dull sound.

Stuart took a few steps forward, trying to see what the man was doing.

At this time, the red moon just swam through the gap between several layers of thick clouds, and sprinkled a dull crimson on the earth.

I saw the cold light flashing from the object in the man's reflected the blood-red light, and I could vaguely see drops of bright red falling, and then looking at the ground, unknown objects scattered irregularly, surrounding There was also a bunch of unrecognizable crimson, and there was a gurgling of liquid spreading out.

Stuart's wine wakes up immediately.

The hooded man immediately stood up and turned around, raising a sharp dagger facing Stuart.

At this time, the street lamp with the remaining breath just returned, and the orange light shone on the man's face, a handsome face clearly reflected in Stuart's eyes, with a strong malice.





Stuart turned and ran, ignoring the fluid running down his pants.

He shouted as he ran, his feet pounding on the ground, and he ran desperately towards St. Hillan's Church, because it was much closer than the police station.

Stuart had never run so fast in his life, he didn't care to check if anyone was chasing behind him, he just ran forward desperately.

He felt like his lungs were about to explode, he was soaked all over, and the wine he drank at night had evaporated long ago.

Finally, he saw the spired building with the triangular holy emblem with gears and levers, and he rushed in like a runaway carriage.

This action immediately alerted the worshippers in the church who had not left, as well as the bishops and priests who presided over the confession and confession.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, a priest immediately came up to inquire about the situation. Stuart was panting so hard that he couldn't even speak.

The priest waited patiently in place, and after a while, Stuart said hoarsely:

"I hit the murder scene, it's that, that serial killer."

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