Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 224: The Establishment of Le Neumerville (Part 2)

"Aristophanes, something has happened!"

Farodin rushed into the huge dining room early in the morning, and a group of dwarves, humans, and elves were sitting at a long table eating breakfast.

Monsagun and the other dwarves drank with wine glasses, while the elves ate sausages and fruits gracefully, and the humans ate the very common white bread and butter.

They all stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the sweaty night elf, locks of long emerald green hair sticking to his face.

And Aristophanes stopped discussing with Lor'themar and Cirvanas, stood up and walked towards the druid: "What's the matter, Farodin?"

"Acandor's energy is out of control!"

Before Druid finished speaking, Aristophanes had already flashed in front of him: "What's going on?"

Farodin said anxiously: "I don't know either! Acandor's growth was very stable a few days ago, but this morning the magic power of the whole plant suddenly went berserk."

Hearing the words, the elf mage touched Farodin's shoulder with one hand, turned his head and said to Isarios: "Lord, please take the life essence bestowed by His Majesty to the place where Arcandor is planted. Now is the time to use it."

The teleportation magic circle instantly appeared at the feet of the two, and a burst of blue light flashed, and they disappeared directly into the restaurant.

Isarios, who was sitting by the table, closed the big book in his hand, ignored everyone's gaze, got up and walked out, Cirvanas and Lor'themar looked at each other, stood up as well, and said Ordering the rangers under him to enter the state of combat readiness, the entire restaurant's common language, dwarf language, and elf language were intertwined, and it suddenly became a mess.

And Aristophanes and Farodin appeared directly outside the door of the hall where Arcandor was planted. The two walked in. The originally smooth and orderly arcane arts had become extremely chaotic, and the elf mage saw Akan at a glance. The piercing screams of the constant mana storm gathered in Dole's canopy reached their ears.

"According to the records in the teacher's book, this is the scene formed because Arcandor's arcane energy overwhelmed the natural energy, causing the two to lose balance, which made the arcane energy out of control." Farodin moved his Adam's apple and swallowed. Tumo said.

"When Arcandor can no longer control that mass of magic power, arcane energy will spew out, not only killing Arcandor itself, but also likely to kill all creatures near it. Relatively weak The disastrous effect is that the surrounding creatures are distorted or mutated by magical explosions, turning into humanoid monsters or dryads." Aristophanes had seen these things before, and he took Farodin's words, "The tree acts as a physical vessel of arcane energy,

So we have to increase its own strength. "

"Yes, and I think your idea is feasible. Use the pure life essence from the Emerald Dream to improve the life level of Alcandor, so as to maintain the balance between arcane and nature."

The elf mage nodded, but he still took out the black sandalwood cold to activate the various spell runes and enchantments that had been arranged in the building before: "Farodin, wait for Isarios outside the door, I will first Stabilize that manastorm."

After he finished speaking, he jumped into the deep pit and approached the big tree without waiting for the druid to react. The mana storm became more dazzling, and violent power gushed out, as if it would explode in the next second.

Aristophanes had a serious expression, holding the staff with both hands and raising it forward. Farodin lowered his head just in time to see a trace of purple light emerging from his body, converging on the top of the Ebon Chill, and a line of purple mana penetrated slowly and firmly. into the storm.

"Hmm!" The elf mage snorted, and drops of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his face, and the rapidly spinning mana storm stabilized under Farodin's surprised eyes, even though it was still absorbing arcane powers. Magical power, but the speed has obviously slowed down.

Seeing the easing situation, Farodin let out a sigh of relief, turned around and walked out of the hall. After a while, a huge green dragon flew from the sky, and some figures in the distance were rushing here.

Farodin stretched out his hand to block the dust from the green dragon's wings, Isarios landed on the ground, and then turned into a human figure, holding two gemstones, one red and one green, respectively.

"Lord Isarios, Aristophanes is already waiting inside." Farodin hurried forward, and at the same time fixed his eyes on the two shining gems.

The green dragon nodded, and he and Farodin walked into the hall, and then took a deep breath looking at the steady mana storm: "You mortals are really terrible, you can make such a thing ..."

Farodin smiled awkwardly, but said nothing.

At this time Aristophanes' voice came from below: "Isarios, I need your help!"

Lord Green Dragon jumped directly to Aristophanes' side, and Farodin also quickly ran down.

"Lord, have you brought those life essences?"

"Here," Isarios raised his hand, "are you going to use them all?"

"I think the life essence given by Her Highness Ysera is enough, Farodin, will you use rejuvenation?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I will draw out the life essence in the gem, and then you will use the method of rejuvenation to guide this energy into Alcandor."

After Aristophanes finished speaking, he carefully withdrew the magic power that had penetrated into the mana storm little by little, but without the guidance of the elf mage, the magic power condensed body went berserk again.

The elf mage couldn't care less about rest, he picked up the green life essence from Isarios' hand, muttered something, and a white magic circle appeared under the green gemstone.

Soon the gemstone melted into a pool of green liquid under the gaze of the three, and the life force contained in it rushed straight to Aristophanes and Farodin, refreshing them.

"Farodin, it's now!"

The druid stretched out his purple hands, and the green liquid flew into the air under his guidance, and then turned into a thin green yarn and wrapped around the tree of Arcandor.

The essence of life gradually penetrated into its body, the trunk of Alcandor grew again, and the branches began to extend continuously. The mana storm gradually weakened, and the purple arcane began to revolve around its trunk and was gradually sucked into its body. in vivo.

And the black land around the roots of Arcandor was also affected by this life essence, and a large number of green grass and flowers appeared in front of the three of them.

"It's finally stabilized!" Looking at the glistening tree trunk, Farodin's eyes widened, and there was indescribable excitement in his eyes, "According to the teacher's record, Arkandor will mature in two weeks! "

Aristophanes and Isarios also looked at the big tree growing again in front of them, without speaking.

At this time, Farodin seemed to remember something, and turned to ask Aristophanes: "You know, when Arcandor enters the final stage of explosive growth, it will absorb amazing energy from the magic net. The energy here Is that enough?"

The elf mage shook the staff in his hand: "Don't worry, according to my calculations, the energy here is enough for Alcandor to mature, and when the time comes, I will temporarily strengthen the magic net underground to meet its needs." .”

-------Dividing line----------

Two weeks later, everyone came to the hall where Arcandor was planted again.

At this time, the artificially cultivated tree has gradually grown to the level with the ground, and the bare branches and tree body are emitting a shimmer, as if they are gestating something.

"Farodin, Arcandor is maturing."

"Yes, Aristophanes, my teacher's last wish is about to come true." Farodin looked excited, and his hands tightly held the enchanted red railing beside the pit.

Aristophanes flashed to the side of Arcandor and activated the previously arranged energy-gathering circle. Everyone felt a large amount of arcane energy gushing out from the ground, and a faint purple smoke enveloped Arcandor. And the light on it is getting brighter and brighter.

Suddenly a glaring white light illuminated the entire hall, and everyone closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, a fully grown Arcandor appeared in front of them: a huge tree full of arcane symbols , The light blue smoke slowly rose from the roots, and long purple vines grew from the branches, hanging straight to the ground, and each vine ended with a deep purple fruit.

All the elves stared blankly at the tall crown of Alcandor. It is perfectly symmetrical, and the branches are naturally curved, like the most perfect runes.

"Thousands of years ago, when the Quel'dorei were just beginning to unravel the mysteries of magic, a small druidic realm welcomed an elven mage for the first time. Under the silver moonlight, they formed a sect dedicated to To use nature as a carrier to bring magic into balance, Arcandor was born.”

Farodin's voice gradually became louder and echoed in the hall: "My mentors used to belong to this sect. They have passed away long ago, but their legacy has survived. This is a gift from the ancient mage!"

At this time, Aristophanes had already walked up with two purple Arcandor fruits, and handed them to Sylvanas and Lor'themar.

"This is?"

"The fruit of Arcandor, if my guess is correct, it can solve your problems."

After hearing the words, the two elves took the fruit, opened their mouths and swallowed it, and closed their eyes to feel the changes in their bodies carefully.

The flesh melted in the mouth, and two lavender arcane halos immediately appeared under their feet, and gradually shrank, and then the purple light rose rapidly from the soles of their feet, and their fair skin was also dyed purple. At this moment, they were excited When he opened his eyes, his eyes that were originally emitting blue light had turned purple, and faint silver patterns appeared on his face.

"How do you feel?" Aristophanes asked with concern.

"It feels...very strange," Cirvanas clenched his fist and touched his face again, "but I don't have such a thirst for arcane arts anymore."

"Me too, as if I suddenly lost my desire for it," Lor'themar said, looking at his slightly purple skin.

"It seems to be successful. As for the effect, we will study it slowly," Aristophanes heaved a sigh of relief, "but I plan to focus on this from now on."

"Give this land a name, Aristophanes," Sylvanas said suddenly, "after all, this place already has a magic item like Arcandor. According to your personality, I think you must have A series of development plans have been drawn up around it.”

Aristophanes looked at the smiling elf girl and nodded, thought for a while, and then spit out a word in the eyes of everyone: "Reneumerville, the elven language means 'place of life', and it also means our reunion. newborn."

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