Northern Song Dynasty?

Ming dynasty?

It’s hard not to be drawn to the appearance of these two dynasties that are almost impossible to put together except as a control group.

Seeing this headline, which in the eyes of others would definitely be considered sensational, Li Yi clicked on the topic with a flick of his finger.

The interface jumps and a video appears on the screen.

The video was shot at a salvage site, with text descriptions:

[The water level of a river in Kaifeng suddenly dropped, and an underwater stone carving was discovered. The video shows the salvage scene of the relevant departments. ]

In the video, it can be seen that many people gathered at the scene, and there were machines salvaging the fish by the river.

Soon, a boulder weighing more than ten tons was lifted out of the water, and it could be vaguely seen that there seemed to be a whole text engraved on it.

The boulder fell on the shore, and onlookers came closer to watch curiously, including the person who shot the video.

As the camera gets closer, the words on the boulder gradually become clearer.

On the top of the boulder, there is a line of traditional Chinese characters engraved – Wen Daming collected Youji Liaodong.

Below is a neatly arranged seven-character rhyme poem.

At the bottom of the poem, the character”李” is inscribed.

By the end of the video, the entire comment section was discussing this poem.

“《I heard that the Ming Dynasty harvested thistles from Liaodong”? A Ming Dynasty poem that has never been handed down?”

“How do you know upstairs that it has never been handed down? How can you be sure that this is a Ming Dynasty poem?”

“As a graduate student majoring in ancient literature, I have never heard of the name of this poem. Doesn’t that still prove that this poem has never been handed down to the world?

“As for the dynasty of this poem, everyone has heard that the Ming Dynasty collected Youji from Liaodong. I would like to say that it is a Tang or Song poem. With your IQ, would you be willing to believe it?”

“If a graduate student majoring in ancient literature has never heard of this poem, does it mean that this poem has never been handed down to the world? Could it be that you are relatively ignorant?

“In addition, why can’t you believe that it is a Tang or Song poem?”

“Mad, I can’t stand it as a mere passerby. What kind of idiot and mentally retarded person is this?

“Why can’t it be Tang poetry or Song poetry?

“Anyone with a kindergarten degree wouldn’t be able to say this, right?

“During the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, there are still nine leaky fishes at this end who haven’t even figured out the order of historical dynasties?

“Ming Dynasty after Tang and Song Dynasties

“If he was a poet of the Tang and Song Dynasties, how did he hear the news that the Ming Dynasty had regained Youji and Liaodong, which happened hundreds of years after him?

“Did you travel back in time to tell the poet this news and watch him write this poem with your own eyes?

“In addition, talk less when you are not educated, lest the entire network knows that you are a father-in-law.

“Suddenly there was a message outside the sword that Jibei was being collected. When I first heard it, my clothes were filled with tears.

“But seeing where my wife is worried, she writes 277 volumes of poems and is wild with joy.

“To sing during the day, you need to indulge in alcohol. Youth is a companion, so you can return to your hometown.

“That is, crossing Wu Gorge from Ba Gorge, then descending to Xiangyang towards Luoyang

“《I’ve never heard of”The Ming Dynasty Collected Thistles from Liaodong”, but you should have learned the poem”The Official Army Collected Henan and Hebei” by the Poet Saint, right?

“Let’s take a closer look. Whether it’s wording, sentence composition or emotional expression, this song”Wen Da Ming Takes the Thistles from Liaodong” is no worse than the poet’s”Wen Guanjun Takes Henan and Hebei”, right?

“If this song”Wen Daming Gathered Thistles from Liaodong” is really a masterpiece that has been handed down from generation to generation

“Not to mention that you must have learned it in textbooks, but a graduate student in a related major should have at least heard of the existence of this poem.

“do you understand? Any other questions? Awesome!”


“However, I have never studied the poet you are talking about, or”Wen Guanjun Takes Henan and Hebei”.

“Moreover, did the Tang and Song dynasties precede the Ming Dynasty?

“But even so, wouldn’t there be a Qing Dynasty after the Ming Dynasty?

“Even if this poem is not a Tang or Song poem, why couldn’t it be written by a Qing Dynasty poet?”

“What the hell?……Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms period, Shi Jingtang, the evil writer, sent out the Sixteenth Prefecture of Youyun, and the Han regime in the Song Dynasty has not regained the land of Yanyun.

“It was not until the twenty-seventh year of the Yuan Dynasty (1367) that Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, appointed Xu Da as commander and Chang Yuchun as deputy commander in the northern expedition to the Yuan Dynasty. It took one year to capture the capital of the Yuan Dynasty and overthrow the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. The Han government regained control of Youyun Shi. six states

“Later, in the fifth year of Hongwu, the Ming army regained Liaoning

“In the 20th year of Hongwu’s reign, Jilin was taken over

“In the 21st year of Hongwu, Lan Yu defeated the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty at the Fishing Sea.

“In the 22nd year of Hongwu, the Ming Dynasty established three guards in the three eastern provinces, marking that the three eastern provinces were all occupied by the Ming Dynasty.

“It took more than twenty years to go from the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun to Liao Province and the Northeast, and they were all recovered during the reign of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

“If the author of this poem is a person from the Qing Dynasty or even the later modern period of the Republic of China,

“How long does this poet’s reflex arc have to be, so that he could write this poem after hearing the news that Ming Taizu had recovered Youji and Liaodong after hundreds of years?”

The appearance of a suspected illiterate bully made the comment area a little angry.

While several people chased the troll, some people comforted them in the comments:

“brother! brother! No! Not really!

“That guy is probably an elementary school student who hasn’t graduated yet, so there’s no need to get angry with him.”

“Yes, yes, let’s continue discussing this poem.”

“Speaking of poetry, as this brother said, this song”Wen Da Ming Takes You Ji and Liaodong” really has a feeling of the poet’s”Wen Guanjun Takes Henan and Hebei””

“Compared with the poem by the poet, I prefer”Wen Daming Gathered Thistles from Liaodong”》

“Although the poem”Wen Guanjun Takes Henan and Hebei” is a rare joyful, cheerful and relatively positive poem among Du Fu’s poems,

“But maybe this is the reason why I have been living in poverty for half my life.

“Even the cheerful poems always give me a feeling of not being able to fully enjoy myself.

“Compared with Du Fu, this song”Wen Da Ming Gathering Thistles in Liaodong” gives me the feeling of Li Bai’s unrestrained sword fighting the end of the world, and Su Shi’s heroic spirit of asking the blue sky for wine.

“This poem makes me feel like a giant of time standing on the long river of history

“After seeing the rise and fall from a macroscopic perspective of the past and the future, I am still agitated by the magnificence of a certain page in the history of divisions and unions.”

“The guy upstairs really spoke to my heart.

“The author of this poem is definitely not an ordinary person

���The unusual here does not mean the extraordinary between the mediocre and the famous through the ages.

“It means that the poet of this poem should have a very unusual status in the world.

“Even ordinary princes, generals, and even many high-ranking emperors may not be able to achieve the level of a poet.”

“Hey hey! Are the two people above you exaggerating a little too much?

“I admit that this poem is a good poem, and even if there is some background information about the author’s identity and the background of the poem, it will be an eternal masterpiece that is not inferior to the masterpieces of the poets.

“But this is a giant of time, and it is inferior to princes, generals and ministers. Isn’t it a bit too exaggerated?

“Not to mention anything else, although the signature of this poem does not indicate the identity of the poet, it also gives a surname.

“The surname Li……There was no one in the Ming Dynasty who could live up to your boasts.”

“Speaking of poets……Now it is basically certain that the poem”Wen Daming Gathered Thistles in Liaodong” should be written by a poet named Li

“During the Ming Dynasty, the surname Li……Someone who has talent, structure, and a sense of family and country……Couldn’t the poet be Lee Sun-chang, the Korean prince who was the first of the six princes?”

“Damn it! Don’t say it, you really don’t say it, if it’s Li Shanchang……It’s really not impossible”

“Maybe it’s bullshit. Li Shanchang doesn’t read much, right?”

“+1 upstairs, [Picture] This is the authentic work of Li Shanchang, a Korean man in the early Ming Dynasty

“Comparing it with the handwriting on the stone carvings, it is obvious that Li Shanchang’s handwriting is far inferior to that of the author of the stone carvings.”

“If it’s not Li Shanchang, then who could this poet be?”

“Ming Dynasty, surname Li

“Poetry in the Ming Dynasty was not popular at all, and it was even harder to find someone with the talent of Li.

“If it were limited to the early Ming Dynasty, it would be even harder to find anyone with a matching identity.”

“Why does it have to be known celebrities? Couldn’t it be an unknown person who suddenly had an inspiration and made it?”

“cannot! It is the conception and realm of this poem. The person who can write this poem will definitely not be an unknown person, just like ordinary people cannot write Qinhuanghanwu, slightly losing literary talent. Tang Zong and Song Zu are a little less coquettish”

“Hmm~Early Ming Dynasty, Li surname, reputation and status……What a bald problem

“If it’s not limited to the Ming Dynasty, I can think of a few that fit the bill.

“Li Bai, Li Mu, Li Yu, Li Qingzhao……They should all have the ability to write this poem.”

“The speculation above is so outrageous. Why didn’t you say it was Li Shimin?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Don’t say it! Don’t say it! If it is Erfeng….(cjf)..Although there are some doubts about whether he has this kind of talent, he definitely has this level.”

“Damn it! Damn it! I, Cao Cao, fucked me!”

“What’s going on upstairs? Trapped in the grassland?”

“no! Look what I found [Picture】!”

“A word? What did you find?”

“Handwriting! Compare the handwriting!”

“Handwriting? Damn it! Whose calligraphy is this? The handwriting looks very similar to the words on the stone carvings!”

“Not only are they very similar, I am a specialist in trace science. According to my professional standards, this calligraphy and the stone carvings can basically be determined to be by the same person!”

“real? The case was solved so quickly?”

“so……Brother, don’t just pull weeds, but tell me who wrote this?”

“I still ask, I still ask, are one or two of you blind? Didn’t see the signature below?”

“Signing off? Let me see……What the hell is this? I don’t know a word of it!”

“Is the person upstairs stupid? I don’t know the signature, but if I don’t know the signature, how can I not understand the poem?”

“Poetry? It rained last night……Damn it!!!”

“Like, like a dream?”[]

“Li Qingzhao? Is this calligraphy authentic by Li Qingzhao? So this stone carving?!!!”

“impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

“Fake! This is absolutely false! Forged!”

“That’s right, how could Li Qingzhao, a female poet during the Song Dynasty, leave a song called”Wen Da Ming Gathers the Thistles in Liaodong”?”

“When Zhu Yuanzhang regained Liaodong, Li Qingzhao was already 300 years old.

“If this was really written by Li Qingzhao, could it be possible that she lived from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty?”

“From the Northern Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty? From Little Madam Li to Madam Li, then Aunt Li, Grandma Li, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Grandma?”

“Li Qingzhao, who is over 300 years old? I would rather believe that Qin Shihuang is still alive today”

“I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in the end I got doubts.

“Okay. Stop pretending. I’m showing off my cards!

“In fact, my true identity is Qin Shihuang

“I actually didn’t die at all. Not only did I not die, I also joined an immortal organization.

“Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty were all in the same organization as me, and Li Qingzhao was also a member of it.

“Our organization has always been hidden behind the scenes, guiding the development of mankind.

“What you can see is only what we want you to see

“Now that the earth is recovering, the world will change and a new era is coming.

“Therefore, we decided to move from behind the scenes to the front, and prepare to actively guide the evolution of mankind from the bright side.

“Now you only need vMe 50 to learn in advance about our detailed extraordinary plan for mankind, so that you can be ahead of others in the new era of the future.

“My WeChat is……”

“Damn it! Is the one upstairs real or fake? Are you really Qin Shihuang?”

“Really, I can testify that I am Tang Taizong, and my WeChat ID is……”

“That’s right! I am Ming Taizu!”

“Stop pretending! Showdown, I am Li Qingzhao himself. The words on this stone were carved out by me with a chisel in the 22nd year of Hongwu.”

“Mudd! seriously? I just said that the sudden fire downstairs was not an ordinary fire.

“I clearly saw with my own eyes that the boy downstairs waved his hand and a big fireball hit the gas pipe in the kitchen, which caused the fire.

“The firefighters must have said that I was dazzled and it was just an ordinary accident.

“Now even Qin Shihuang has stood up and personally proved that this cliff is that the world is about to enter an extraordinary era.

“Damn it! So the guy downstairs has actually become a transcendent before me?

“no! I have to go ask him and find out how he became a supernatural being.”

“Speaking of extraordinary, two days ago a couple upstairs in my house had an argument, and the man threw the two children out of the window in anger.

“Two children fell from the 17th floor and died on the spot

“In the past two days, I kept hearing children playing and laughing upstairs. I thought it was because the mother missed her child and was watching videos of her child’s life.

“Now think about it, the mother of those two children is still in the hospital and has not come back.

“Damn it! Am I encountering a ghost?”

“At this time, a strong man suddenly retracted jiojio into the quilt”

“Upstairs, upstairs, real or fake?”

“Qin Shihuang, Tang Taizong and Li Qingzhao must be fake, but I am not sure about Fireball and Haunt.

“You may not believe it, but I just saw a person discharge electricity.”

“Damn it! seriously? Humans have secretly evolved again without me knowing?”

“What is secret evolution? There is clearly a phenomenon of atavism, have you forgotten the live broadcast of Dreaming Back to the Qin Dynasty some time ago?”

“Damn it! If you didn’t tell me, I would have almost forgotten.

“My one man can defeat the Qin army in a thousand battles, my short-lived and charming ancestor who can ride a dragon!”

“wipe! When you said that, I suddenly remembered

“Therefore, the person who said he was Qin Shihuang couldn’t really be Qin Shihuang, right?”

“I’m not sure whether Qin Shihuang has lived to this day, but the one just now is definitely a fake”

“Why are you so sure upstairs?”

“I have never heard that Qin Shihuang would let someone v him for 50”

“Therefore, the Qin Shihuang just now may be fake, but may Qin Shihuang really live to this day?”

“And Li Qingzhao! Perhaps this stone carving was left by her after she lived to the twenty-second year of Hongwu.”

“Damn it! Wouldn’t that mean……The world has unknowingly become something I can’t understand?”

“Wrong, we can only say that the world has never been what we thought it was”

“So the question is, have we, who have degraded at least once since the Qin Dynasty, really ushered in a new opportunity for evolution?”

“I don’t know if I’m going to evolve or not, but the world is indeed becoming more and more difficult to see through.”

“Damn it! Come and take a look at this link.”

Many people clicked on this link, and Li Yi also clicked in.

Then he saw…

A fishing boat in the East China Sea suddenly encountered an unknown and mysterious island. The crew landed on the island and strayed into the peach blossom forest. Their whereabouts are still unknown.

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