Nabe Shadow

Chapter 364 Petrochemical Gloves

Amador is not a ninja. When Layman Guoxin walked into the room slowly, the white-haired middle-aged man was drinking coffee.

Otsuki Ichishiki has mastered science and technology far beyond human beings, but he is not a scientist and lacks a scientific way of thinking. Amado, a human genius scientist with no force value, is his important assistant.

Layman Guoxin handed Amador a scroll: "According to your request, I have collected the battle data of that female ninja."

Like using a USB flash drive, Amador inserted the scroll into the computer beside him.

Soon, a hexagonal pattern appeared on the interface to measure various aspects of Ino's data.

Amado took a sip of coffee and watched carefully: "Oh, this female ninja from the mountain family is very powerful. She is young. According to my calculation, her six attributes have almost reached full value."

Layman Guoxin thought for a while and said, "When she was fighting with me, I think she still had reservations, probably because she didn't want to hurt too many civilians."

He paused: "I feel very kind when I see her ninja forehead. She can also use spiral pills, and she is very familiar with many of my ninjutsu, so...she knows my body, right? You still don't Would you like to say who my real body is?"

With his back turned to him, Amador carefully studied the data collected in the battle, and from time to time recorded and commented on the many ninjutsu Ino used in the battle. At this time, he said casually: "Knowing too much is not good for you, easy Caused confusion in thinking, this task was completed well, go down and rest."

"Okay." Before leaving the door, the layman Guoxin said: "The prince of the Moon Kingdom called Light really meets the requirements of the first stage of 'Wedge'. We have found twenty candidates who meet the requirements, and only He can get through the first stage safely."

Amado remained expressionless: "Understood."

Sakura rescued Xiaoguang and rushed to the palace first. Ino put away the wooden man technique and used the "Fire Sealing Seal" to seal the "Samadhi True Fire" that could not be extinguished and would not be sucked away by the yellow spring water. Chased after.

Shaba Daba hired a total of three wandering ninjas, two men and one woman.

The foreheads of these wandering ninjas are empty, without any signs.

The first time Shikamaru and Choji rushed to the palace, they noticed that something was wrong with these three people.

Ninjas also have contempt chains.

Big Ninja Village despises Little Ninja Village, and Little Ninja Village despises wandering ninjas.

The three wandering ninjas employed by Shaba Daba are proud and arrogant, and they don't have the anxiety and uneasiness when they saw the ninjas of the Great Ninja Village.

They were either terribly ignorant or quite sure.

Shikamaru thinks it's the latter.

Ding Ci's self-confidence has skyrocketed recently. Although his fat is far from returning to his peak, he can only be described as a plump fat man now, but he still met the leader of the trio, a horse face with long chestnut hair ninja.

Shikamaru faced another man and a woman.

The male ninja was tall and burly, and the female ninja started with a smoke bomb, and then threw flower petals flying all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, Shikamaru and Choji put on masks subconsciously.

The female ninja Xiang Lianhua was a little dumbfounded, why are you so proficient?

Ding Ci had too little fat on his body, so he didn't dare to use the Butterfly Transformation mode. He only kept the "one call" level. He used his family's meat bomb chariot at the horse-faced ninja, rampaging, forcing the opponent into an extremely embarrassing situation.

"You're looking for death!" The horse-faced ninja felt that he was being looked down upon by Konoha's little kid, and roared angrily, a purple light glowed on the palm of his right hand.

A pale yellow vertical pupil appeared on the back of his hand. This eye looked left and right, and in the next second, it locked onto Ding Ji who was moving at high speed. Grab Ding Ci with the right hand.

Ding Ci's combat experience is too little. Seeing that there are two ordinary soldiers standing behind the horse-faced ninja, he can't help but adjust the impact angle of the meat bomb chariot. Suddenly, the horse-faced ninja stretches out his arm and grabs him calf.

The yellow vertical pupil on the back of the horse-faced ninja's hand emitted a strange fluorescence. From the ankle to the calf, and then to the thigh, Choji's left leg was instantly sucked away life energy and turned into a stone.

"Choji?!" Shikamaru was shocked. He struggled to get a bloody wound cut on his shoulder by a female ninja. Was punched twice.

Sakura arrived at the critical moment.

She threw a kunai and kicked the horse face ninja at his knee as he ducked to avoid it.

The horse-faced ninja jumped up, and stretched out his palm again, aiming at Sakura's throat.

He seemed to have foreseen that the Konoha female ninja would turn into a stone in his palm, his expression was quite ferocious, but the attack that he thought was foolproof fell into nothing.

The palm of his hand did not touch any entity, and passed straight through the phantom. The yellow vertical pupil on the back of his hand looked to the left. He turned around quickly, only to find that he was firmly tied to a tree.

"Magic. Tree binding kill!" Ino teased Sakura, who knows everything but is not good at anything, used illusion to temporarily control the horse-faced ninja, and then pulled Choji, who was covered in cold sweat, to check.

"Am I dying?"

"Can I never be a ninja again?"

"woo woo woo woo--"

Ding Ci forced himself to endure, but tears still flowed down his round face.

Sakura has one face to handsome guys, but another face to people like Naruto and Choji.

She stared: "Don't make noise! ​​Shut up!"

Ding Ci was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth.

Sakura carefully checked his petrified leg. The good news is that this leg can be healed with Yang Dun Chakra, which is medical ninjutsu to replenish life energy. The bad news is that her Yang Dun level is not enough to not So advanced medical ninjutsu.

"You rest first, and wait for Ino to come back for treatment." Sakura got up to help Shikamaru Warhorse Face Ninja.

Shikamaru hit three with one hit, it was a bit overwhelming.

This horse-faced ninja probably has special ninja strength, plus the petrified gloves are extremely weird, even with Sakura, they fight extremely hard.

Parker, Blu and Xiaoguang rescued Prince Full Moon. When Sakura was very concerned about the petrified gloves and dodged left and right, and was completely at a disadvantage, Prince Full Moon carried Choji with a petrified leg on his shoulder and shouted to join in. fighting.

Feng Shui took turns, when Shikamaru strangled two opponents successively with the shadow head tie technique, the three of them besieged the horse-faced ninja together.

Sakura is a typical king of adversity who floats in good times. If she is really pushed to a desperate situation, she still has some skills.

She awakens her violent personality and becomes the main force in the battle.

When Ino rushed to the palace, he saw Choji grabbing the horse-faced ninja's arms with both hands, Sakura shouted and punched down! It directly smashed the waist of the horse face ninja!

With the defeat of the three wandering ninjas, the coup planned by the minister Shaba Daba officially ended, and Prince Full Moon finally regained the throne.

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