Nabe Shadow

Chapter 572 Wedge

When it comes to the field of time, it's not as complicated as usual. Even Minato Namikaze thought he was smart enough, but he also felt confused at this time. It really involved a blind spot of his knowledge.

"With Ino here, Sasuke-kun should be fine. They left later, and they should return a few days later than us." He could only speculate according to common sense, and comfort Naruto.

Naruto punched the wall in frustration. He was fighting desperately, but at this damn time he let himself abandon his partner and run back like a deserter. This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Waited another two days.

Ino and the others are back too.

Except for Sasuke's pale face, the other three were fine.

Ino's celestial body recovered very quickly, and there was no new wound on the forehead of the ninja at all.

Dingci ate fish for two days and gained a little bit of fat. His body is still very thin, but his mobility is fine.

Xiao Ying breathed a sigh of relief, just come back, tear up the suicide note, return this death rosary to you, and the rest has nothing to do with me!

"What? Moonlight Hayate didn't come back?! Then where did he go?" Ino was also surprised when he got the news from Minato. How could it be possible? A well-behaved living person just disappeared?

"Could he still stay in Loulan City?" Minato asked.

When Ino was in Loulan, she had been sitting in meditation to recuperate, studying the golden eyes of reincarnation, but she didn't understand the situation, so she looked at Shikamaru and Sasuke.

These two spirited boys wandered around the city several times.

Both were shaking their heads.

Shikamaru said: "Master Hokage, all three of them were injured. After the survivors of Loulan withdrew, I conducted a special investigation. There was no one in the city, let alone Senior Haifeng."

Minato scratched his head: "Where will the blast go? Well, how am I going to tell Xiyan about this?"

Even Ino couldn't come up with an answer.

But she had a guess in her mind.

Twenty years ago, Loulan went to three groups of people, namely Minato Naruto, Ino's rescue team, and Mokura Otsutsu.

If Yueguang Haifeng didn't return to the original time point, then he probably went to Pu Shi's time point, to a more distant future.

Of course, this is just her guess, whether it is true or not needs to be studied carefully.

Minato can wait for Ino in Loulan for two days, but it is impossible to wait here for Moonlight Gale, he must return to the village immediately.

If he hadn't come back in time, Koharu and Mitomen Yan would have discussed with the daimyo about the selection of the Sixth Hokage.

In addition to the sudden coma of Kakashi, Akido Dingza and Yume Shiwei before, the people in the village were panicked, and he had to go back immediately to stabilize people's hearts.

He left Naruto and Jingyin in Loulan, and returned to the village with Flying Thunder God. Before leaving, he asked Ino: "I'll leave the matter of Moonlight Gale to you."

Ino nodded: "I will try my best."

Moonlight Gale has been in Loulan City. He watched Namakaze Minato, Naruto and Jingyin disappear, but he couldn't make a sound, like a transparent person, trapped in the gap between two tight air walls.

Then Ino came back with Urashiki's tattered clothes, Shikamaru went fishing, Choji hurriedly helped grill the fish, Sasuke practiced alone, all these scenes fell into his eyes.

He was so anxious, what kind of thing is this! He tried to shout and beat the surrounding air walls hard, trying to attract Ino's attention, but unfortunately, Ino didn't see him at all.

After Ino left with the three of them, he was completely desperate, he couldn't go back, right? I hope Xiyan won't be too sad when she gets this news.

I don't know how long it has been.

One day, he suddenly found himself hallucinating.

He seems to have come to the lake again, and sitting by the lake is a thin figure with white robe and blue hair, holding a fishing rod.

"Impossible, you are already dead! Miss Shanzhong killed you with her own hands!" He said sharply.

Otsutsuki Uurashiki smiled ironically: "Death? Sorry, the Otsutsuki clan doesn't have this concept. But... I really don't have much power left."

Moonlight Gale yelled, drew out his samurai sword, and stabbed Otsutsuki Mokura's body three times.

Pu Shi laughed: "What are you doing? Where do you think I am? Use your brains and think about it carefully. If you can't see my dead body and confirm that I am really dead, how can that greedy woman leave? I am in your memory."

"Memory?" Moonlight Gale was confused, how should I deal with this?

Pu Shi looked at Moonlight Gale, fortunately he left behind this trick when they first met, otherwise he would be completely finished.

"You are a very good ninja, Moonlight Hayate, I admire you very much." Urashiki's voice was gloomy, which made people sound very uncomfortable.

Pu Shi suddenly teleported in front of him, put his right index finger and middle finger together, and tapped his forehead.

Moonlight Gale felt that the chakra that was taken away by the other party with a fishing rod that day had returned, but these chakras seemed to be mixed with something else.

"Moonlight Gale, we will meet again."

Pu Shi turned into light smoke before his eyes and disappeared completely.

Without the last restraint, Moonlight Gale also returned to his own time point a minute later, and was discovered by Konoha Ninja in a valley thirty miles west of Loulan.

"Otsuki Mokura is not dead! He seems to have done something in my body. I don't know what it is, but it must be a bad thing! Cough cough cough! When necessary. Cough cough, please kill me, don't Hesitate! Don't let me do something that betrays the village!"

Moonlight Gale felt uncomfortable all over his body, and something seemed to be taking root in his head, but he couldn't stop it. He told Jing Yin who was in charge of the search and rescue all the information he knew, and then passed out.

Shizune checked carefully, and then notified Ino.

"So you found it? I thought he went to the future."

"Look here."

Mute signaled Ino to look at Moonlight Hayate's left hand.

There is a very conspicuous black diamond-shaped imprint on the palm of Moonlight Gale's hand: "Hayate's physical recovery is much better than expected, the only thing left is this, I checked, and there is a very strange chakra in it."

Is this the wedge of the Otsutsuki clan? It was also the first time Ino had seen this thing.

The Otsutsuki family digitized themselves, like a backup file, copied all their information, compressed it with a "wedge", and put it into an intelligent life, which they called a "device".

When the data in the "wedge" is decompressed to a certain extent, the otsutsuki that entered the data can be reborn from the body of the "device".

Using this method, the Otsutsuki clan almost reached the level of immortality.

During the Chinese New Year period, there are really too many things, and I can’t calm down to code words at all, and the authors are too busy, so I didn’t see a few people who asked for leave to rest, these two days are two shifts, sorry

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