Naruto Caged Bird

Chapter 150: :: Scene 1, Intelligence?

"Boom!" Just as Li Sage Kushimaru's needle pointed at the day's difference, a strange voice came from the front of the classroom in the examination room. The eyes that instantly turned the ninjas to the back row, and the re-attracted eyes to the front...

In front, at this moment, eight Konoha ninjas in proctor uniforms had appeared at the podium. The noisy and noisy examination room also instantly became quiet because of the appearance of the invigilator. And those ninjas who wanted to make troubles also returned to their seats and sat down one after another.

"I am Shiho Kushima, the chief examiner for the first round of the Chunin Exam..." One of them spoke first, his wise square glasses reflected the scene of the examination room, and a white "question mark?" sign was painted on the back of his clothes.

("Kushima Shiho" Konoha Girls Party, with the voice of "Shiho" from the Spiral Eye Information Department!)

"Right now, all candidates are seated in the wrong order according to the seats we have re-specified...I advise you not to try to get away with it. This time the exam is divided into papers. If you sit in the wrong seat, I can relax a lot!" The chief examiner always exudes a sense of foresight in front of everyone.

The examination room also paused for a moment because of his words, and the restless and thoughtful hearts had to hold back and stagnate... There was no sound.

Nisai looked at Shiho Kushima and listened to the opening remarks of the other party. He suddenly had an idea-"Could it be an intelligence test?"

He touched his nose, and if that was the case, it seemed too easy for him. Then he looked at Uchiha Mikoto and Senju Nawaki next to him. The content of the ninja exam was equally simple for the Uchiha clan with Sharingan, but it was only a problem for Senju Naoki. Although Shengshu is not as poor as Naruto at the end of the crane, his grades have always been hovering in the middle and lower reaches...

"Let's go with the flow!" He looked helplessly at Naoshu, but greeted him with a stare back... as if to say, are you doubting that I won't pass the exam?

Then, as the invigilators rearranged their seats, the candidates who had been sitting in a group or in disorder accepted their fate one by one and took their own seats. Although the day shift for the heavy seat is still next to the window in the side row, it has been arranged in the middle row of the examination room. All participating three-person teams were also readjusted and dispersed.

It is just like the familiar college entrance examination pattern in the daily memory, the dislocation order of 147, 258, 369...

"Huh, now that you are seated, let's announce the discipline of the examination room!" Shiho Kushima sighed softly!

With the assistance of the other seven Konoha invigilators, it only took three minutes to rearrange the seats, but the examiner at this time looked very tired. He then promulgated the discipline of the examination room and wrote it on the blackboard in front—

"First of all, I hope that this is a silent exam. Therefore, anyone who makes strange noises and is found to be cheating will have the corresponding team points deducted until the three people who took the exam are recorded as elimination..." !

The rules of the exam promulgated by the chief examiner are basically the same as those in the memory of the day difference. As Nisashi thought, according to what the other party said, this is by no means a simple liberal arts test, and it is still for ninjas to collect information through their own abilities. But at this time, there was no rule announced in the last fifteen minutes of the tenth question!

Perhaps, there is some kind of unknown routine in it!

"Finally, I have some additions and suggestions!" Shiho Kushima breathlessly said again—

"Don't let other people around you steal the information on your exam paper! Because,, if you lose the information during the mission, you will pay a heavy price... Heh, good luck!"

The moment he heard those words, his heart skipped a beat. He seemed to remember something, lost information?

He looked at the chief examiner of the Chunin Exam in this period, who seemed to have a different style from that of the future Morino Ibiki, but what is the difference, you need to read the exam papers to know!

The invigilators who assisted from the side began to distribute the test papers in groups one by one, and each group of three members who participated in the Chunin test was distributed in order of A, B, and C three different test papers. At this time, Hinata Nichizai, who was still sitting by the window, got his own C roll!

He looked at the examination papers of the three divisions A, B, and C sitting in divisions in the examination room—it seemed that in addition to cheating, he had to find ways to pass the information to his teammates in another division.

If this is the case, the difficulty of the Chunin exam at this time seems to be much more difficult than that of later generations in the peaceful era! Moreover, in the exam rules promulgated by the chief examiner, there is no future generations who require the three of them to pass the Chunin exam together before proceeding to the next group!

what is the reason?

The test aimed at stealing information gave many ninjas with perception abilities such as white eyes an absolute advantage in this test. But in the three-person team, they have to face maybe Hizayuki and Mikoto, but how can a team member like Senju Nawaki who is not good at intelligence pass the test?

He flipped through the paper, trying to find a strange answer from it!

In the examination paper, the first nine questions are still familiar theoretical questions. It's similar to standing on a seven-meter-high tree and throwing a shuriken... Ask for a science question about the location of the drop!

"Where do you seem to have seen these topics?"

Rizai recalled wonderingly, whether it was in the plot, or in the massive question bank before the college entrance examination!

Then he quickly scanned the first nine theoretical questions, only to realize that the questions in the first written test of the Chunin Exam did not seem to be difficult. Most of them are problems that have been taught in the ninja school, or encountered in the ninja mission career. It wasn't until he saw the tenth question at the bottom of the back that he realized that it was a mess of characters!

The tenth question even the title is in a state of garbled characters?

There are fragments of digital time and intermittent text content on it, but no matter how spliced ​​and analyzed, the meaning to be expressed cannot be seen. There is too much content missing in the question, and the brain power of following Sakumo Hatake to learn information knowledge for a long time on a daily basis, I was stunned for a long time and couldn't understand the intermittent, messy words like "Sudoku" to express the meaning of.

"Password? Information? Code text?"

It seems that the tenth question is still the key to the first exam. Maybe if you successfully decipher the correct information, you can pass the exam with zero points like the future Naruto!

Rizai curled his lips and smiled, and he looked up at the ninjas around him who also started to write because they couldn't understand. Because of the order of the first nine questions from easy to difficult, almost all ninjas started to do the easy questions in order after marking the papers. Even the thousand-handed rope tree, who may be holding back, is doing most of it...

"Blind eyes, open!"

Hinata Nisai, who was too lazy to revisit the sea of ​​questions, immediately rolled his eyes, and he was content to find the best paper and copy it. But it wasn't until he rolled his eyes over the questions and answers that he was surprised to find that the questions in the A, B, and C exam papers were the same!

"Cao, if this is the case, then what's the point of dividing the papers?" Ri Chai kept complaining in his heart.

He then used his blank eyes to search for one test paper after another to check, including those of Naoki's Mikoto and even other Ninja Village groups. However, I found that almost all the questions were unintentionally not related...

"No, there seems to be another question that is different!"

He quickly looked at one of the test papers that had already completed the second page of questions. The tenth question that was missing in his C paper was like Sudoku, but one-third of it was completed in the opponent's B paper!

"Hmph!" Riji secretly admired the guy who made the question. That is to say, in today's examination room, all the three members of the group who participated in the Chunin Exam and took the ABC three examination papers each mastered one-third of the content of the tenth question, that is, the correct "information"!

He suddenly looked at the tenth question on the second page of other types of examination papers, when all the words in random order were put together in his mind. The meaning to be expressed in the tenth question is finally ready to come out—

"Ninjas, it is their duty to steal enemy intelligence and protect their own intelligence..." The text in front and behind is basically some theoretical knowledge nonsense. The real core content of the exam questions only occupies a small part of it...

"The three people in the same group must write the same content on the tenth question... Hand in the paper before 10:30... The number of places is limited!"

When all the words are softened together, the tenth question code text is also easy to interpret. But it also has the difficulty of restricting the completion of the task, very realistic...

"Intelligence collection" in the future team missions can not only be done alone, but also can be done by the teammates of the team. If there is only one person in the team who is proficient in gathering intelligence and collects the correct information. Then the ninja must proceed to the next item - "delivery of information".

Although it is true that Rizai basically got the correct information first, he needs to pass this information to his two teammates correctly in order to pass the exam. This is just like the actual combat performance in missions. Even if the ninja who is in charge of scouting for information gets the correct information, he still needs his teammates to receive the correct information.

Either pass it on by yourself, or your teammates take the initiative to receive it...!

It's no wonder that the examiner didn't stipulate that three people must be together to pass the exam. Because the key topics and tasks have already restricted the possibility of completing it alone!

Moreover, what the **** is "limited places"?

Thinking about it, and thinking about the reason, Riza immediately stared at Mikoto, hoping that this female schoolmaster sitting in the B area between herself and Naoki would take a look at her sooner rather than later...

He waited and waited! Wait until this primary school bully teammate has finished writing the first nine questions, which are extremely easy for her, and has also finished copying the daily errands. Meiqin finally got stuck in the tenth question, and took a look at Hinata Hinata from another district without understanding...

Serious It's really hard to say!

Feeling as if he was about to wait until the end of time, the day went by day and night, with his left hand supporting his head feebly. Then, looking hopeless, she curled her lips at Mikoto. And Uchiha Mikoto, who had nothing to do at this time, finally realized it. I understand that the tenth question seems to be the key to the exam!

Immediately after getting in touch with his teammates, Rizai pointed to his eyes, and then to his pen. The girl finally pursed her lips in agreement, and nodded apologetically...

"Sharingan, open" She stared at the pen in the day's hand, brushing...

At this moment, the movements and strokes of the two people's hands were synchronized - Nizai in area C of the examination room put the pen in the area of ​​the tenth question, and Uchiha Mikoto in area B in the middle also followed his movements!

The day difference immediately wrote the first big "for..." on the test paper!

Meiqin also wrote a delicate "for..." under the title?

Then he wrote the next two words in succession: "Why...". The girl's Sharingan also stared at his moving note, and also wrote three words: "Why..."!

Rustle, rustle~~ The nibs of the two brushed across the test paper with the same marks. until-

"Pa-ta" and "pat-ta", when both of them put down the pen holders in their hands at the same time, they kept copying the copied Uchiha Mikoto through the movement of sharing eyes and staring at the day's difference, and finally looked down at the text written under the tenth question—

"Why are you only looking at me now?" Resentment, deep depression...

The girl raised her head slightly, trying to sneak a look at him from the corner of her eye. I glanced at the crowd, only to find that the other party was staring at me with a very unhappy and unhappy expression—they have been staring at you for a long time!

His face turned red in a flash...

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