Chapter 485 Honesty

After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads one after another, thinking that Uchiha Obito did not tell them the truth at all, because all the things that happened in front of them and what they saw, as well as what he said, were simply inversely proportional, and there was no basis at all.

So much so that after Uchiha Obito heard these words, the emotions on his face suddenly became a little difficult to see, and he shook his head a little helplessly, and then slowly said all the thoughts in his heart.

“Actually, when I said these things just now, I already guessed that you would not believe me at all, because for you, you only believe what you see, but everyone sees things differently, and each of you will not feel the same, or including my own feelings.

Just as the so-called horizontal view of the ridge side into a peak, far and near high and low are different, everyone’s angle is different, then of course the things seen will be different, some things for everyone to feel different, take the example I gave you before exactly the same.

The same is a few hundred dollars, for the poor, if they lose it, then it may be a pity for several days, and even after that, they will cherish their wallets, absolutely will keep an eye on them, and absolutely do not allow themselves to continue to lose money, because for them they are already poor, of course, they are not allowed to lose these money.

But on the other hand, if for the rich these hundreds of dollars is only a few packs of cigarettes for them, so they have no concept of them at all, and there will be no such more cautious mind, which is a very sharp contrast. ”

Akihabara has been silent all the time, but after hearing these words, he slowly said all the thoughts in his heart.

“There’s no need for you to keep using this few hundred dollars as an example to us, because this example has nothing to do with what you’re saying or what you’re doing.

In fact, you don’t have to do these things at all, in my opinion, if you really want to get lost, take today’s events, you should have let us go, or you directly put water to fight with other people, and then let me go, but judging by your previous attitude, you didn’t mean to let me go at all.

It wasn’t until I used my own methods to escape that you slowly spoke all your thoughts, do you think it’s still too early to say these things? Or that you use WeChat, after you say these words, we will believe you without hesitation, and then help you whitewash? ”

He found that what this guy said was really more and more nonsense, but he had to believe it, because there is indeed a truth that everyone’s thoughts are different, and the things that everyone encounters and sees are different angles, so the conclusions and feelings are also different.

“That’s right, if you still refuse to tell the truth, then we don’t need to listen to you talk so much nonsense now, and we will directly start with you, so you better get acquainted now and tell the truth quickly.”

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