After receiving Ling Quan's reply, everyone became very happy.

Kakashi himself had been gambling, afraid that Ling Quan would not agree, and Ling Quan's answer made him suddenly happy.

But in an instant, I felt that the haze was closed, and the blood flowing in my body could not be changed, and my memory was about to open up a new chapter in the future.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, you must move forward step by step and walk out of your own solid path.

On the second day, Ling Quan was already standing at the top of the mountain, and he had been waiting for the group of little guys.

It wasn't until the sun dried out that the group of guys crawled out of their bed.

Looking at their attitude, it didn't seem to be particularly anxious, Ling Quan's heart was still a little funny, he stayed where he was, and he didn't set foot on sincerity until the group of guys came to him with their burdens on their backs.

Xiaohong kept staring ahead, and her face had become colorful by this time.

The blue and purple made Xiaohong unusually ugly, but he still insisted on moving forward, and he had to help the village get out of the predicament no matter what.

The back caused by the small child seemed to be full of strength, and the boy did not flinch at this time, but kept facing difficulties.

It's hard to imagine that a child who has been protected and grown up can be so stubborn now.

It wouldn't be impossible if he stayed by his side and as soon as Ling Quan's gaze froze, Kakashi had already glared back.

Ling Quan had already poached a lot of people from the village, and this little red was not Ling Quan's dish, so he couldn't make any more ideas.

Kakashi immediately walked up to Kohong's side and raised his arm to hook his shoulder, the kid had always had a lot of expression and was very happy.

"What lofty ideals do you have?"

Xiaohong thought about it carefully, became extremely firm, her face had become fiery red, and she looked ahead like a rising sun, and she had been brewing in her heart.

When I was young, I didn't know what my ideal was, but now everything has become very common, and my ideal is to become a powerful person to protect the whole village.

Grandpa is no longer there, and he can no longer protect the entire village, but he can complete his mission.

Raising his hand, his hard muscles became very full, as if he had said everything.

"I want to become very strong, and I want to become a ninja in the village like my grandfather, so that I can protect the whole village."

Yamato paused and adjusted his sister slightly, I didn't expect this stinky boy to have such lofty ambitions, his ideal is indeed very unimaginable.

Xiaohong has always been grinning, never paying attention to training, he has always had a very perfect heart, and he is always floating in the past between these days.

Perhaps it was this difficulty that inspired the conjecture of struggle in Xiaohong's heart to make herself the toughest person.

If it weren't for the difficulties that the village is facing, I'm afraid this kid would still be doing nothing, wandering around the village all the time, and he doesn't want to be the one who guards the village at all.

"Originally, you have really grown up, and now you know how to protect the people you want to protect, and your grandfather will definitely feel special comfort in the heart of Tianyouling."

Ling Quan sneered, very dismissive.

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