Naruto: The Future That I'll Write

Chapter 35 - Kenta becomes...

At 9:30 am the population of Konoha would already be awake doing everyone their things, but at that time many citizens like ninjas were in front of the tower of the Hokage looking at the highest part where they were Tsunade and Sarutobi along with some other ninjas as bodyguards.

Sarutobi began to give his sermon on the will of the fire and on the previous events and how his age no longer allowed him to react as before and now the time has come again to pass the hat to the next Hokage, Tsunade.

After receiving the hat Tsunade looked at all the people gathered from the whole bunch there were only two people standing out for her and they were Kenta and Naruto, but they were not together, while Naruto had a look to see his goal with great illusions, in One place further away from all the people was Kenta looking at her without showing emotion while clapping dryly along with the rhythm of others.

Tsunade stopped seeing Kenta quickly when she saw a shadow over his figure and began to give her speech about what she will do as Hokage.

After they finished giving their speech Tsunade requested that they summon 8 genins to promote them as she continued her journey to her office, she was followed by Shizune and the sight of Sarutobi who felt free at that time.

Sarutobi felt very free to no longer be the Hokage but when he finally was, he does not know what to do and thought about finishing the book that his student gave him and spending more time with his grandson Konohamaru and showed a grandfather's smile when thinking in his grandson.

[Kenta Pov]

Participate in the event where Tsunade, because I was bored, everything went boringly but I was still happy because now I know that Jiji will not have an unnecessary burden on him.

Maybe I should buy him something for his joy, I'll go see him after talking to Tsunade.

I walked inside the Hokage Tower to the office, nobody stopped me because now all the Genin who was going to receive his vest were summoned in a meeting.

While climbing the tower I could see a certain one-eyed man angry.

I felt a great need to kill him at that moment but I managed to control my thirst blood before I was released and continued my way while I had homicidal thoughts towards Danzo.

When I arrived at the office I was the first to arrive but I could hear someone running towards the office and Naruto's approaching chakra.

When Naruto arrived he had a smile on his face full of emotion, as he took breaths for running.

"Congratulations for coming one step closer to your dream Naruto" I said with a tone of joy for him.

Naruto showed a surprised face at Kenta's comment since he does not usually congratulate him since Kenta is not very expressive or emotional.

I hit Naruto's shoulder to remove that stupid face and turned to look at the door while I wait for the arrival of the other Genin.

After a few minutes Sasuke, Neji, Shino, Shikamaru Haku, and Karin came in order.

I raised an eyebrow of why Sasuke would receive the Chuunin vest but I remembered that he did not receive it because he left the village but I was more confused about the arrival of Haku and Karin but I kept my mouth closed and just greeted them with a hand greeting while Naruto started to ask questions about why they were there and who Karin was.

"Silence Naruto! Now that everyone is here, please come forward when I call you to receive your promotion, Shikamaru Nara, Congratulations you are now a Chuunin"

"There is no enjoyment when someone shows you the future" Shikamaru mumbled as he remembered his future shown by Kenta.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at hearing again about Kenta's ability to see the future when she does not believe in it.

After a while, everyone went to receive a vestless Kenta and Haku as Karin received a band from a ninja of Konoha.

"Kenta Uzumaki, I have a dilemma with you, for me you should not become a Jonin and you would ascend like everyone else but on the recommendation of more than 3 people who are of Jonin rank or higher you are awarded the Jonin title and also the second youngest Ninja to become a Jonin and the stronger of the two. "Tsunade picked up two rolls that were on her desk and threw them towards Kenta in which were certificates that he was a Jonin and a Chuunin with each one an identification number but only now Jonin's is valid.

When Tsunade said that everyone present minus 2 reacted to what Tsunade said.

"EH !?" Naruto yelled in surprise as he looked at Kenta.

Sasuke looked at Kenta surprised too but he does not accept the fact that he is better than him.

"Tsunade-obasan, how can Kenta be better than me ?!" Naruto asked confused.

"As he is better than me when we almost always stayed in a tie not long ago!" Sasuke joined in search of an answer as well.

Shino, Shikamaru, Neji, Haku and Karin were also interested in knowing why or how they earned the right to be a Jonin but they did not say anything and just watched.

"His promotion was requested by Sarutobi, Jiraiya, Kakashi and Guy, they did not give me many details but what little they told me was enough and that was that Kenta managed to plan a way to counteract all the ninjas that invaded Konoha and achieved it only without Nobody else's support, apart from the fact that he managed to defeat a Sanin also only without anyone else's help and if that is not enough, Kenta has managed to master a Jutsu called Hirashin that was created by Tobirama Senju and improved by Minato Kamikaze both Hokages, now said All that is removed, I have to deal with some issues. "Tsunade started working on a few sheets when she finished talking and Shizune began to request our departure again.

Once I left Tsunade's office and saw that she would not have time to talk to her, I began to think about the gift I would give to Jiji and in the process maybe congratulate Haku and Karin inviting them to eat at a restaurant or take them I went to a candy store but when I was about to take a step to start my plans, I was stopped by two hands one on each of my shoulders.

When I turned to see who they were even though I already had an idea of who.

There were Naruto and Sasuke with eyes that showed a great d.e.s.i.r.e to fight.

"I want a fight!" Naruto and Sasuke spoke at the same time.

""I asked for it first!""

"" NO, I FIRST !! ""


"" One fight and whoever wins will fight against Kenta !! ""

"They look like a couple, they even think the same." Shikamaru spoke as they watched them interact as a newly married couple having their first conflict.

"" HUM! "" Both turned their backs on hearing Shikamaru's comment while the others laughed a little at the least idea.

"Better the two at the same time, touch some part of my body to leave" Kenta said without worrying but everyone in the place looked strange at his comment.

"Let me explain myself, I will use a teleportation technique called Hirashin and to be able to take you with me I need you to touch me or I will touch you" Kenta explained calmly.

When Kenta asked to be touched Karin started to bleed from her nose while looking with impure eyes at Kenta, while on the other hand was Haku who was a red color her face, because the first thing she thought was to hug him but quickly discarded the idea but it did not go out of her mind to hug him.

After Kenta explained everyone they settled down so they could touch some part of Kenta's body, there was only one tap who was touching one of Kenta's b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s.

Karin took the moment to hold an intimate part of Kenta, Haku touched him by the arm but seeing Karin came out angry about his inappropriate behavior but even more inside her there was jealousy.

Shikamaru, Shino, Sasuke and Naruto just like Haku touched him by the arms, only Neji does not follow them because he had to go with his clan to show his achievement as is normal within his clan.

Once, all were ready Kenta use Hirashin to go to the training camp where he always trains and he did it fast to get rid of Karin who made him feel very uncomfortable.

When they reached the field there were many Kenta clones making fire jutsus and some learning to control the wind chakra in a vacuum.

Once there they all released him, Karin released Kenta buttock resigned but she kept looking at his hand and closed it and then open it to remember the feeling, she noticed Haku's gaze on her then Karin showed a mischievous smile and put her hand to his nose and sniff her hand.

"Ahh the smell of Kenta," Karin whispered loud enough for Haku to hear.

Haku who at that moment could not take her eyes off Karin and her actions of pushing and letting go bothered her but when she smelled her hand and then commented that it smells like Kenta Haku's left eye contracted with jealousy and anger.

Kenta his skin prickled by Karin's comment but decided to forget what he heard and turned to see Sasuke and Naruto.

"Then come both of you for me," Kenta said as he put himself in a defensive position.



While Kenta, Sasuke, and Naruto would have their duel, Haku decided to satisfy his inner d.e.s.i.r.e to grope Kenta's b.u.t.t for the jealousy he felt towards Karin and for that she secretly fondled the b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s of a Kenta clone and then escaped.

Haku had a satisfied smile and his face was red as she returned to watch the duel.

Byakko was surprised by how daring the two girls but she still decided to keep quiet and watch the show.

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