Chen Tianming was also shocked. When the dark elf army left the military camp, their movements were discovered by the Void Wanderer arranged nearby by the Overlord.

Immediately, a large number of insect swarms were mobilized to form an encirclement and began to implement a dumpling-making strategy against this army.

In order to catch them all in one fell swoop, even the Devourers who had rushed to the fifth outpost were urgently recruited, fearing that they would not have enough high-end combat power and make a mistake.

After all, Xiao Daidai’s Death Feast is a killer move!

But he didn't expect that during the period of gathering the insect swarm, Chen Tianming would overhear the secrets about the insect race.

He himself never thought that the insect genealogy he controlled would have such amazing potential. It had only revealed the tip of the iceberg so far, which was already amazing.

If we wait until the blockade continues to be lifted in the future, I am afraid that more terrifying Zerg will appear in the world.

"You must not leak the news, otherwise I will fall into endless trouble. Even the God of Clouds may not be able to protect me by then."

"But this man named Rogers seems to know a lot."

Thinking of this, Chen Tianming became murderous and must not stay.

Rutgers originally chose this cliff to observe the situation at the fifth post, but he did not expect that it would become their burial place in the end.

After the swarms received the Overlord's order...

The swarm of 20,000 bugs immediately began to take action. The first to bear the brunt were the plasma bomb bugs. They stood upright one by one, like tires that ignored the terrain, rolling rapidly in the dense forest full of obstacles.

Completely ignoring all the obstacles in the dense forest, he rushed towards the elf hunters at extremely fast speeds.

The Elf Hunters were not slow to respond either, they responded quickly and initiated a response.


They took out their exclusive weapons from behind, spinning sharp blades.

This is a medium and long-range attack weapon, similar to a blood droplet. The sharp blade on the side can easily break through the enemy's defense.

However, they only launched two rounds of attacks, and bomb bugs fell from the sky like raindrops.


A dense muffled thunder sounded, followed by the sound of raging electricity.


The narrow space and dense formation directly maximize the bomb bug's self-destruction benefits.

The smell of roasting corpses began to permeate the dense forest.

"No!" Luo Gesi's eyes were splitting. These were the 3,000 elite hunters he had managed to obtain from Younger. Were they the team he was planning to build a successful career in the future? However, more than half of them were killed in just a moment.

It made his heart bleed.

Then the void wanderers in the sky shot out a void ball with their left hand, and at the same time raised the bone blades in their hands.

At that moment, strong uneasiness surged into his heart.

"Spread out! Spread out now!"

Several elders were not slow to respond and quickly left the place.

However, even if his voice resounded across the entire cliff, there were only a few elf hunters who could disperse in time, because many elves were entangled by the approaching genetic protozoa and warriors.

Several elders are determined to escape, but where can they escape on this cliff? Their current strength is only at the ancient level, and they do not yet have the ability to control the air.

In addition, a dozen void wanderers formed a V shape, standing around the cliff.

The next second, all the wanderers disappeared from the void, and appeared in groups of two beside Logos and several elders.

The next moment, when the void ball hit them, two armors instantly covered the bodies of all the wanderers.

Then another scarlet bloody blade slashed out from the void!

At the same time, there were bone spurs as dense as a rainstorm, and a blue energy light wave, covering the entire cliff.

Devourer and Wanderer fired six skills at this moment.

In an instant, the dark elves on the cliff fell to their knees.

It's not that they are weak, but that their opponents are simply too strong.

Rogers was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He finally understood why his uncle showed such a fearful expression when he told him this story.

Because it's really too scary, just one face-to-face time.

Three thousand elf hunters, the elite of the advance army, were easily crushed to death by the opponent like an ant.

However, he and the other elf elders were obviously three to four realms stronger than their opponents, but they were as childlike and had no power to resist.

The opponent's skill was so powerful that it blocked the extraordinary power in his body in an instant, making it impossible for him to escape through the air.

All the past events came to mind, and I thought that I had gone through all kinds of hardships to become an immortal-level strongman, but now I was going to die here.

After a hundred years of hard work, it was destroyed in one day, and the fear of death was like a mountain weighing on his heart.


A smell came from Rogers' crotch and he peed.

Logos looked at his fellow tribesmen who were dying, and at the Devourer walking towards him step by step. His fear and desire to survive made him give up all dignity.


He knelt before the Devourer.

"Please, let me go!"

"I have a lot of information. I can tell you whatever you want to know."

"Just let me live."

"Little Daidai, wait a minute." Chen Tianming's voice came into its mind at the right time, "Break its limbs and bring them back."

"As you command!"

The Devourer stopped and stared directly at the person in front of him.

Logos looked at the Devourer in front of him and his heart went crazy. However, after seeing the other person stop, a joy of surviving the disaster surged into his heart.

Before he had time to be happy.


The next second, Xiao Daidai hit him on the head with one pincer, knocking him unconscious.


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