"Then, the next step is to clear the other guy out of this world."

After conquering Godzilla, Chu Ze already has three monsters.

Such combat power is basically invincible in this monster world.

Unless the remaining guy can free Ghidorah from the ice , and at the same time control all other monsters, only then can it be possible to fight with himself.

Therefore, Chu Ze's next target is Ghidorah.

This three-headed monster from outside the universe has the ability to absorb electric energy and release gravity Light, the ability to control celestial phenomena.

Its combat power is no less than that of Godzilla.

If Godzilla hadn't always evolved on the spot.

In the battle between the two, the final winner is still unknown.

Such a powerful This guy, Chu Ze can’t let him go.

He believes that the guy from the nightmare space won’t let him go either. The main question now is, who of the two of them can be the first to surrender this cosmic monster.

If Chu Ze surrenders, Lin Yan would have left the game early. If Lin Yan could surrender, he would still have a chance to continue struggling for a while.

"Let's go."

Using the gigabit fighting instrument, he collected Godzilla who was lying on the ground and began to sleep again.

Chu Ze activated the space gem and disappeared into the deep sea.

On the other side.


Lin Yan was all the way sparks and lightning falling from the sky.

It exploded. Snow and ice all over the ground

"It will take a certain amount of time for the other party to conquer Godzilla. During this time, I must get Ghidorah."

Having a breath of white air, Fang Yan's scattered senses have noticed the huge creature hidden under the Antarctic ice shelf.

The aura of this creature is as manic as thunder, full of irritability and cruelty.

"What a hassle."

Feeling this aura, Fang Yan frowned.

Compared to Godzilla, Ghidorah's temper is much more violent, and his controllability is also very poor.

This is why he initially targeted Godzilla. The reason.

It's a pity.

The guy from the main god space is really unscientific.

In order to prevent being solved directly by the opponent,

Lin Yan could only flee in advance and came to the Antarctic.

As for whether the guy from the reincarnation space can win, Lin Yan Yan didn't think about it.

After fighting with him, Lin Yan already had a general understanding of the strength of this guy from the reincarnation space.

Even if he was stronger than him, he was still only stronger.

He was definitely not the opponent of the guy from the main god space who suddenly intervened.

"So, let's get started."

Following the perception, we came to the ice shelf where Ghidorah was sealed.

Fang Yan looked at the faint black shadow of the three-headed dragon in the thick ice.

He opened his palm, and traces of purple flames were pointing at his finger. The tip ignited.

Dark Orognagi!


Under the infusion of mental power, a wisp of purple flames suddenly expanded to the size of a building.

The terrifying high temperature dispersed the surrounding ice and snow, causing the nearby ice shelves to quickly begin to melt.


I waved my arms, and the expanding flames suddenly fell down, turning into a wave of purple flames that bombarded the ice sealing Ghidorah. A huge white mist rose.

Half of this huge ice shelf was dissolved on the spot..Crack!

As the ice shelf melted, streaks of golden lightning continued to burst out. Huge cracks appeared from the ice shelf and spread in all directions.


The wild dragon roar came, and the earth continued to tremble.

Feeling the violent aura that was awakening, Lin Yan took out a tube of potion that exuded crystal light from the inventory, inserted it into his neck, and inserted it into his neck. inject it into one's own body


As the potion enters the body, the effect of the medicine takes effect quickly.

This medicine, called the Grandmaster Level Spiritual Power Potion, directly doubles his mental attributes out of thin air.

Of course, this is only temporary, and it also has serious side effects.

At this time, all the capillaries in the whites of Fang Yan's eyes had ruptured, and the blood that flowed out directly dyed the whites of his eyes red.

Dense veins also bulged on his forehead.

The violent operation of his brain made his head stained with blood. All the snowflakes melted and evaporated into curls of white mist.

Boom! Boom!

The lightning burst and the earth was torn apart.

Three slender, twisting dragon heads poked out from the ice cap of the Antarctic continent.

These three dragons The head is somewhat similar to the Chinese dragon.

But it is more ferocious.

They are entangled with each other, roaring wildly, and constantly venting the anger that has been sealed for so many years.

"Okay, Reptile, it’s time to repay me for saving your life!"

Down below.

Lin Yan dodged several huge ice blocks that were bounced off by Ghidorah, and his pupils shrank suddenly. The concentrated mental power turned into three shackles, connected to Ghidorah's head.


As soon as the mental power chain was connected to Ghidorah's head,

Fang Yan felt a manic mental power like thunder flowing back to him along the mental power chain.

This mental power collided with him, terrifying The mental shock caused him to vomit a mouthful of blood, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, mouth, nose and ears at the same time.

However, Fang Yan did not fall, but maintained the connection of the mental shackles and continued to try to control Quito Pull the spirit.

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