"Huh? The response is quite fast!"

Seeing that his throw did not hit, Chu Ze showed a smile, a cruel smile

"So how about trying this?"

With a flick of his arm, he picked up a pile of stones. Chu Ze took a deep breath.

"Please me with your performance."

Bang bang bang!

The arms waved continuously, turning into a series of afterimages.

The stones turned into meteors, plowing ravines after another on the ground.


Faced with the attack like a meteor shower, the tall and thin man only had time to let out an angry curse.

Then he was hit by these stones, leaving nothing behind.


On the aircraft.

The one-eyed woman who witnessed Chu Ze's performance throughout the whole process had a trace of cold sweat streaming down her forehead.

"The whole army obeys the order and prepares to launch space exile bombs!"

After listening to her order, the battleship fell into a dead silence.

"Captain, the space exile bomb is still in the testing stage, and its power is very unstable. If it is launched rashly, it may cause a space disaster."

The person who spoke was the woman's adjutant. As his authority second only to the woman, he needed to let his captain understand the seriousness of his decision.

"Compared to the space disaster, the guy below is more dangerous. I have a hunch that if he is not solved this time, the world will undergo very dangerous changes."

The woman in the solitary courtyard squinted her eyes. There was a dark light flashing in the depths of her one-eyed eye. If you look closely, you will find that this light is actually a magic circle in the shape of a clock.

The eye of the one-eyed woman.

The one-eyed woman's innate power.

There is no harm. power, but it possesses an ability that is more powerful than any destructive force.

This eye can spy on destiny.

And in Chu Ze, what the woman sees is only destruction.

The destruction of the world and the destruction of rules.

This man, In other words, this boy's power potential was completely beyond her imagination.

If she left it alone and allowed him to continue to grow, the world-destroying level at the top of the world's power would be nothing more than an ant-like existence compared to him.

In order to prevent this from happening, she will nip this threat in the cradle.

Even if it causes a disaster, she will not hesitate.



What else does the adjutant want to say?

"I say...launch!"

But he was interrupted by the one-eyed woman's tough attitude.


"Space exile bomb! The reflection program starts!"

"The three-layer restraint lock is opened!"

"Target locked!"

"Lockdown complete!"

"The activation process starts!"

"Activation completed!"

"Quantum engine warm-up!"

"Preheating completed!"

"Unlock the highest authority!"

"In the name of the captain, I activate the space exile bomb lock!"

The one-eyed woman took out a key from her neck, inserted it into a keyhole of the console and twisted it. Click, click, click!

Accompanied by a mechanical meshing sound, the battleship in the air opened a huge launch port.


At the same time as the launch port appeared, Chu Ze below raised his head.

He felt an obvious malice.

Malice coming from the world.

That was the world's resistance to him.

"If you want to drive me away, you can try."

Opening his palms, the light and shadow of a giant bow appeared in his hands.

Chu Ze put his hand on the bow string.

He opened his arms and opened the bow.


A huge arrow with flashing light appeared on the bow string.

Shooting sun bow, setting sun arrow.

Followed by As time in this world increases,

Chu Ze's analysis of this world becomes deeper and deeper.

Now he can summon the shadow of his own super-god equipment to attack.


At the same time as the giant arrow appears.

On the aircraft The space exile bomb was also launched.

A twisted black light group penetrated the space at a speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye and appeared directly at the location of Chu Ze.

At the same time,

Chu Ze also loosened his bow string.

Beng Beng!

The huge light arrow disappeared instantly.

Also disappearing at the same time was Chu Ze’s figure. And the twisted light group


There was a cry of sadness.

Chu Meng, who had been hiding in the dark, saw this scene and finally couldn't help but ran out of his hiding place.

"Dead, dead?"

Raetia, who also hid aside, looked at the empty scene.

First he looked unbelieving, and then he laughed excitedly as if he had reacted.

"That monster...is dead! Very good!"

"It worked."

On the other side, the one-eyed woman on the aircraft also slumped down in her seat.

She didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

This young man with terrifying potential was really struck into his soul and was directly The space exile bombs have been collected

"very good!"

Take a long breath.

The one-eyed woman saw Chu Meng running out of the hiding place through the surveillance equipment.

A cruel smile appeared on her face.

"The mouse that happened to be hiding in the dark also ran out, so let's take her away together. Didn't the guys from the Academy of Sciences develop technology that can extract memories from the brains of people who have been dead for less than three hours? Just use her head to see the secrets of the Great Illuminati."

"Knowing too many secrets will do you no good, woman."

At this time, a strange voice came over.

The one-eyed woman's body was shocked.

She just wanted to turn her head.

However, she found that her body seemed to have been cast by a restraining spell, unable to move.

At the same time, she felt a hand. Put it on your shoulders

"It was so dangerous just now. If I had reacted a little slower, I might no longer be in this world."

Chu Ze bent down and got close to this woman's face, smiling very coldly.

"Now, it's my turn."

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