National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 786: Antares' Faith Almost Collapsed

Lin Moyu's soul level is too low, so low that he is completely unqualified to spy on the runes of the big world.

Originally, he really had no chance to see the Great World Rune.

But when the special skill star core turned into a star, the small black spot that should have lasted only half a second lasted for a full ten seconds.

Let Lin Moyu have the opportunity to really take a peek at the appearance of the runes in the big world.

For Lin Moyu, this is a great opportunity.

If he can gain something, he will benefit for life.

Lin Moyu did see something, but his soul was broken because of it.

Fortunately, the talent of comprehensive rebirth is enough to defy the sky, and the soul is reborn in the purple light.

It's just that the speed of new students this time is very slow, dozens of times slower than usual.

After being reborn, the soul failed to return to its peak state, feeling extremely weak.

Lin Moyu felt scared for a while.

In the process of rebirth, it seems that there is an invisible force stopping me.

For a while, Lin Moyu almost felt that he could not be resurrected.

The comprehensive freshman talent, since the beginning of use, has never encountered such a thing.

The big world rune is too terrifying, far beyond his level.

In addition to being afraid, there are bursts of rejoicing.

Glad I escaped.

Surviving a catastrophe brings blessings, and Lin Moyu has really seen something.

Great world rune, it hurts!

Lin Moyu saw that the big world rune was full of cracks.

"Who can injure the Great World Rune...

"That's a lot of power to do it."

Just looking at it, my soul 950 collapsed.

Such a powerful Great World rune, representing the existence of the most powerful force in the Great World, was actually broken.

There are too many secrets in this world.

The secret of his own little world has not been completely solved, and he saw a bigger secret.

Lin Moyu didn't know what Antares saw, it shouldn't have seen the crack on the Great World Rune.

In Antares' mind, the Great World Rune is the supreme existence and invincible.

If the rune of the great world is broken by someone, it will definitely be surprised, and even its faith will collapse.

Brilliant and colorful rays of light fell down, illuminating the entire soul world into a colorful and gorgeous world.

Lin Moyu opened his eyes, and saw a multicolored magic star.

It is its radiance that turns the whole soul world into colorful.

It rises slowly, crossing all the spell stars, and reaching the highest point.

With arrogance, he looked down at all other magic stars.

It stands tall and bows its head only for Lin Moyu.

The light gradually faded, because the soul world began to restore its original appearance.

[Infinite Fusion (Fusion 100%): All spells and rules can be fused to create new spells and rules. 】

Not only can you fuse techniques, but you can also fuse laws.

And it can also create new techniques and new rules.

In this world, does such a thing against the sky really exist?

Create the law. . .

Is that something humans can do?

Before Lin Moyu recovered from the shock, he clearly felt a strange aura emanating from the [Infinite Fusion] magic star.

Lin Moyu's first reaction was that it was the breath of law.

But after careful identification, it feels different.

Plausible, not clear.

Fusion law.

Lin Moyu immediately wanted to try to integrate the laws.

His eyes fell on the two multi-star spell systems.

Skeletal spells represent the dead side of the law of immortality.

Summoning spells represent the living side of the law of immortality.

The combination of the two is the real law of immortality.

In the process of comprehension, I also tried to integrate the two together, but I have not been able to succeed, and there is always something missing.

If the two are fused together through [Infinite Fusion] technique, maybe. . .

His eyes kept flickering, and finally he could only let out a long sigh.

Now I can't drive the law of undead freely, and I can't test it.

"What a strange magic star."

Antares finally woke up.

It looked very excited, in a good mood, and obviously gained a lot.

Lin Moyu asked, "What did the big world rune teach you?"

"What?" Antares couldn't understand for a while.

Lin Moyu said, "Isn't the big world rune in the little black dot?"

Antares' expression changed, "How did you know? I didn't remember telling you.

Lin Moyu said casually, "Just allow you to see it? I saw it too."

Antares thought that the little black spot lasted for a full ten seconds just now, "You can indeed see it at your (acba) soul level, but it's useless to see it [I can't feel anything]

Lin Moyu also looked serious, "Indeed, the big world rune is too mysterious and powerful, it generates countless runes, and each rune is a law...

"I looked at it and felt so insignificant, my soul collapsed just by looking at it, and my talent almost didn't bring me back to life...

"Wait!" Antares interrupted Lin Moyu, "You mean, you saw the body of the Great World Rune?"

Lin Moyu said strangely, "Yes."

Antares groaned, "Impossible, how could you see the body of the Great World Rune, how could you see it!"

"I don't know!" Lin Moyu looked innocent.

At this point in the conversation, Lin Moyu is 100% sure that Antares must have never seen the body of the Great World Rune.

In the first few sentences of the dialogue, Lin Moyu was just testing.

If Antares had seen the body of the Great World Rune, he would not be so surprised.

If you really saw it, Antares should be able to know, because the world runes are full of cracks.

Obviously, it's not clear.

Antares kept murmuring, "Impossible, how can you see the font of the Great World Rune, this is unreasonable and does not conform to the rules."

The shock any time in the past is not as good as this time.

This time Antares couldn't figure it out by himself.

Seeing the meaning of the big world rune text is too great to imagine.

Seeing Antares' shocked look, Lin Moyu said again, "Maybe I misread it."

Antares glared at Lin Moyu, "You must have read it wrong. At your soul level, you can only see the phantom of the Great World Rune at most, and then see some rule runes derived from it."

"Yes, that must be the case."

Antares is constantly grooming himself.

Lin Moyu sighed secretly, so he didn't tell it that the Great World article was full of scars.

Otherwise it will really collapse the faith.

Sometimes it's strange, the stronger the existence, the stronger their beliefs.

The Great World Rune is the pursuit of all strong people, and almost all invincible strong people are pursuing to master the Great World Rune.

In their belief, the Great World Rune is the strongest existence and the truth.

But strangely enough, they can set themselves up against the Great World Rune for trying to take control of the Great World Rune.

This is not blasphemy, but an affirmation of oneself.

But no matter what they do, it will not affect the status of the Great World Rune in their minds.

The same is true for Antares, when it was lucky to win the Great World Rune once, Lin Moyu remembered how crazy and excited it was.

But that lucky victory did not affect the status of the Great World Rune in Antares' mind.

That is its ultimate pursuit.

This is a very contradictory mentality, Lin Moyu does not have this kind of thinking, he does not have the corresponding awe for the big world runes.

Lin Moyu felt that maybe it was because he was not strong enough.

What will happen in the future is not clear.

Lin Moyu said, "Stop thinking about it, and help me see what this is.".

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