[Sengoku: Enough!! ——】

Sengoku Thunder Fury!!

In front of so many people, the two navies are angry with each other, what a system!!

You guys don’t want a face??

Doesn’t the old man, the admiral, still have a face?

Doesn’t the entire naval headquarters have a face?

[Sengoku: Sakasky! Smaug! Don’t talk to each other!! Whoever lets the pirates see our navy jokes again, the old man will never spare him!! 】

[Porusalino: Wu ~~~,Sakarsky, you will give the marshal a face ~】

[Tina: Smaug, you guys should stop a little!] Don’t forget, you’re a commodore! 】

After pulling each other up, neither Sakasky nor Smaug spoke again.

In the picture, a turn ~ ~ ~ ~ It was already the day after the big battle.

The port of Albarna, the capital of Alabastan, where naval warships dock.

The Navy on a capture mission returned here.

“Long time no see, Darth Vader!”

Lieutenant Colonel Tina saw Dusty and said hello.

“Hello, Miss Tina~”

The stained Darth Vader walked past Tina, but did not want to say too much greeting, but came in a very decadent tone, “Sorry, I’m a little tired~”


Tina looked confused

Darth Vader then reported to Smaug, who was sitting on the ship’s ladder: “Colonel Smoker, I’m back. “、

“Well, it’s been hard. I’ve heard about the Straw Hat Pirates. ”

The smoker nodded, and there was no change in the expression on his face.

It seems that he did not intend to blame Darth Vader.

“I’m sorry, I did the pirates a favor, I let them go…”

In the face of the boss who has always taken good care of himself, Darth Vader’s face is very ashamed.

Although she didn’t think she was wrong, she knew that Colonel Smaug had always wanted to capture the Straw Hats.

But now, obviously she could easily complete this thing, but in the end, she couldn’t get her hands on it…

“Why apologize?” Isn’t that what you think justice is? ”

Smaug remained calm, staring at his subordinates.

“No… No, it’s not…”

Darth Vader lowered her head, her cheeks full of loneliness and humility, and she said bitterly, “Although I already knew the location of Klockdahl, all I could do was tell Luffy the Straw Hat about this information…”

“I… I didn’t even have the courage to go to war with Klockdahl…”

“Although I knew the time of the shelling, all I could do was cover them from behind.”

“The rest, I… Powerless!!! ”

Tears of grievance slipped down his eyes, and at this moment Darth Vader fully realized how small he was!!

Listening to Darth Vader’s confessional words, Smaug’s face was calm.

“People who not long ago felt that they were similar to their own strength have now become infamous and their strength has become even stronger!” Yes, they know very well that in this sea, if you don’t get stronger, you will only have to wait for death!! ”

Smaug seemed to be muttering to himself, as if he were speaking to Darth Vader.

“Go forward or die!! Don’t forget, who made the decision to come to this sea in the first place!! ”

Smaug’s voice began to grow louder.

“I’m sorry, I want to rest…”

Darth Vader seemed reluctant to listen any longer, and he stepped up the steps and walked past Smaug.

At this moment, she just wanted to enter the cabin quickly, find a room where no one was there, and completely isolate herself from the outside world.

“Stupid…!” Since you are so unwilling, get stronger and let everyone watch!! ——”

At this moment, Smaug’s angry and inspiring words exploded behind Dusty!!

Darth Vader’s body shook violently!! ——

Smaug’s words hit her heart!

Tears that were originally in the eyes~

Instantly surging out!!

Emotionally broken, at this moment Darth Vader could not take care of so much, she roared with exhaustion: “I will!” ”

[Joba: Woohoo…, so touched~~]

[Loronoa Sauron: This smoker…, but what a nice guy!! 】

Gion: I have to say that Smaug is a good boss!! 】

[Kuzan: That female soldier will become stronger in the future.] 】

Charlotte Smudge: Treat your subordinates like this, this navy, I approve! 】

【Charlotte Krikri: Hey, hey! Smuggi, are you mistaken about something~】

CharlotteSmudge: Well, that’s what I identify with his values! 】

[Shi Ji: There is a saying that this value is much more correct than the red dog and the old yin! ~】

[Warring States: You golden retriever, don’t try to stir up dissension!!! 】

【Charlotte Lingling: Dog bites dog, a mouth of hair ah ~】

[Edward Newgate: Gollum La La la!!! 】

In the picture ~~~

“Colonel Smoker, telephone of the Naval Headquarters!”

Suddenly, the Navy brought a phone bug.

“This is the naval headquarters, is Colonel Smoker here?” In the phone worm, the voice of a civilian staff was heard.

“I am.” The smoker muffled his voice.

The civilian staff over there continued: “In this battle against the crocodile, your excellency and Captain Darth Vader have done a great job, and the government has decided to award two medals of honor!” ”

[Joz: Sleeper~! Aha!!! 】

[Quinn: Nyima ~~, thanks to the miracle video space in ah, otherwise we don’t know that the world government and the navy are actually thick-skinned to this extent!!! 】

Usopp: Mom, it’s shameless!! Put the credit on them??? 】

[Don Quixote do Flamenco: Furufuran ~ ~ ~ ~ , this is the consistent style of the world’s orthodox government!!! 】

[Locks D. Gibek: Bull Batch!! On shamelessness, I dare not contend with the world’s official government ~ ~ ~ ~ ]

[Shi Ji: Hahahaha!! The shamelessness that can make the old captain bow to the wind is really shameless! 】

[Locks D. Gibek: You roll aside and go!! 】

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fando ~~

Warring States looked at the scene in front of him, and the whole face became as ugly as the pig liver overnight.

This Nyima ~~~

It’s a big social death scene!!!

With his ingenuity in the Warring States, he couldn’t think of how to wash it for a while…


There is no way to wash it!!

In the picture ~~~

“Crusade… Sand Crocodile ??? ”

Smaug looked straight a little confused.

He was furious: “Wait!! It wasn’t us who caught the sand crocodile gang, have you read the report well!!! ”

However, the end of the phone worm seemed to ignore Smaug’s anger and continued, “Also, the ranks of the two will be added one more level!” Therefore…”

Smaug immediately interrupted, “Hey! You’ve got to hear me, it wasn’t our navy that destroyed the Sand Crocodile’s Baroque studio, but the Straw Hats!! It’s the pirates!!! ”

At the side, Tina said in a loud voice, “Don’t waste your effort, smoker.” The world government is obviously planning to secretly end this matter. ”

“Do you think the world’s government will admit to the world that it was a bunch of pirates who lifted the crisis of The Fall of Alabastan?”

Tina stood up and walked over to Smaug, “Smoker, you can accept it with peace of mind, and you should receive the reward for the pirates.” If you oppose the top level of the government, it will not be good for you~

“It’s not good for me to go against the top???”

Hearing this, Smaug’s face darkened, and he looked at Tina angrily, “Figure out, is this a good thing or not a good thing!” It is because I did not do this that my subordinates would cry so painfully!! ——”

“Smoker!! ——”

Tina also yelled out loud.

However, Smaug no longer ignored her, but angrily said to the head of the phone bug, “Hey! Can you tell the old guys at the top for me? ”


Doubts came from the phone bugs.

“Let them eat shit!! ——”

At this moment, Smaug’s facial expression came up with a close-up on the entire big screen!!





Handsome stunned ~

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