Ember never thought that she, as if she was born with some kind of sin, could have the right to live under the sun again.

Although the people who gave him this right were the Draconians whom he had always hated, Thorin had told him through his own actions that just as not all of the Lunarians were good people, there were also people with good hearts, or people who really wanted to change the world...

At the end of 1498 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Thorin, who had liberated Ember, took Ember as a sinner to the Land of the Gods, and under the incredulous gaze of almost all the Dracoians, he brought Ember to the Five Old Stars.

The process of asking the Five Elders to pardon the Lunalia was extremely difficult.

Not only the other old stars, but even Wochuli and Satan couldn't understand or even extremely angry Thorin's 'willfulness', in the eyes of the five old stars, such as the Lunalia race, who always worshiped Joy Boe and were born against the bones, should not exist in this world, let alone get their forgiveness, and live under the sun from now on?

Doesn't that mean they've done the wrong thing about the Lunalia?

Moreover, the decision to wipe out the Lunalia clan was not only made by the five old stars, the real reason why the five old stars and the world government spared no effort to destroy the Lunalia clan was actually the one who was high on the throne!

However, Thorin eventually convinces the Five Old Stars, or Imu behind the Five Old Stars.

He doesn't mention the existence of Im in the whole text, but all his words are based on Imu's position to weigh the pros and cons of pardoning the Lunaria people.

"The world government has ruled this world for 800 years, but people's desire to explore the 100-year-old history, the curiosity to find the great kingdom of 800 years ago, and the belief of the various races of the world in Joey Boy and Nika are repeated and difficult to break. "

"Sooner or later, the world will come to a reckoning, and even people of my age know this! Eight hundred years have passed, and who cares about everything that once was, except for a very small number of recalcitrant races?"

"It seems to me that it is not that they naturally oppose the world government and become a threat to the world government, but that the world government is forcing them to hate the government! In the same way, it is not that they are longing for the arrival of Joey Boy and Nika, but the misery and suffering of reality that force them to yearn for salvation by the freedom fighters!"

Thorin couldn't stand the old five and Imna's old-fashioned approach to government.

As politicians, the five elders and Imu were too concerned about the illusory prophecy and insisted on pursuing their own power policies! In this way, although the inviolable majesty of the world government was maintained, more seeds of hatred for the world government were planted.

Fighting the world is not the same as ruling the world! The races of many huge kingdoms, including the Lunalia and the Bakanias, have long since lost the power to threaten the world's government, and even if they have any activities such as sacrificing Nika and dancing the Dance of Liberation, it is enough to punish the act of such activities itself, and there is no need to exterminate a race at all.

How can there be a reason in this world that the emperor who has won the world has to exterminate the old people of the previous dynasty? Isn't this forcing people to revive the previous dynasty?

It's just that as soon as these words came out, they really scared the five old stars, including Satan.

If it weren't for Thorin being a Celestial Dragon, or even if Thorin wasn't a descendant of Satan, if he were someone else, he would have been scolded by the Five Old Stars and even punished directly.

But just as the five old stars were about to scold Thorin, the word from Yimu made the five old stars show incredible eyes.

Thorin didn't know what orders Im had given to the Five Elder Stars, the king of the world had all kinds of mysterious abilities, he could pass his thoughts to the minds of those he wanted to convey regardless of distance, as long as Im didn't want others to know, no one could listen to Imu's words.

But the five old stars were indeed silent for a moment, and gave a completely different reply from their previous categorical objections...

Only Satan said something meaningfully, not knowing whether it was himself or Im who had spoken to Thorin through his mouth.

"Do you think you can make the world a better place? Or do you feel confident that you can control everything? How much do you know about the secrets of this world? It's good for young people to be confident, but at the end of the day, you're thinking too much about everything. "

Thorin responded, "It's you who are too forward-looking, no matter how complicated the world situation is, people's hearts are the only way to win!"

With Thorin turning around without hesitation.

Following behind Thorin, Ember who didn't know how much pressure he had endured, had already firmly remembered the scene that happened today in his mind.

Even more than 20 years later, I still haven't forgotten every picture that happened today!

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