"What about that little girl?"

"It seems to have gone to the first-class cabin at the forefront."

"Idiot, then why don't you go up and arrest people?"

"Boss, I don't dare, what if what that fat fat man said is true? I have read in the newspapers that the guy named Apophis is a monster at all!"

"Waste! If there are really powerful people, how can they hide in the room and dare not come out? Go, show me some pirate momentum, kick the door in the most brutal way, and use the most brutal way to kill that person. The little girl is dragged out and killed!"


"That's right, you have to have such an aura. Remember, you are the most ruthless pirate!"

Hearing the movement from the outside world, Robin didn't have time to think about it, and bit his little tiger's teeth and got under the bed.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The pirate who walked in front of the door and was about to kick the door as the captain said, suddenly had a heart palpitation for no reason that made him instinctively hang his right foot in the air, "Wait, am I doing this? A little rude, maybe I should have done something more gentle?"

"Cough!" He adjusted his collar, retracted his right foot, cleared his throat, and knocked on the door quite a gentleman, "Excuse me, is anyone here?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

"Oh! Excuse me!"

Seeing the pirate turn around and leave without any hesitation, the pirate captain asked with a confused expression, "Why did you come back?"

"The owner of the room doesn't seem to be at home. I'll come back next time."

After listening to his answer, the pirate captain felt his lungs were about to explode with anger, and kicked the unsightly idiot to the ground, "Rookie roll aside for me, and let you see how I kill people!"

"It's really unlucky. It seems that you have to be careful when you recruit people next time. You can't pull all kinds of waste onto the boat." Captain Pirate walked to the door and was about to kick the door, when he suddenly heard from the room. The strange sound was heavy, solemn, and magnificent, but it also had an indescribable sadness.

For some reason, listening to this strange tone, the memories of the past suddenly appeared in Captain Pirate's mind.

There were old people, children, and women, and the beautiful wailing could still reverberate in his ears at this moment.

Those who died at his hands, their undead seemed to fly out of hell, speaking of the pain of their souls that could not be redeemed.

Familiar or unfamiliar faces, with blood and tears in their eyes, fell on him, constantly gnawing at his soul and flesh, pulling him into the bottomless abyss.

"No, no..."

"Captain, captain..."

Hearing the panicked calls of his subordinates, the pirate captain suddenly woke up, and he was relieved to see that there were no undead flying around him.

"Captain, your gun..."

"What is your gun, my gun... I rely on it!" The pirate captain was shocked to find that at some point, he turned the dark muzzle at himself!

"It's really evil!" The pirate captain, who was in a cold sweat, quickly put away his pistol, and hesitantly looked at the door that was so close at hand.

"Captain, let's go, I already said that Apophis is a monster at all!"

"What a joke, do you think I dare not open the door?" Hearing the dissuasion of his subordinates, Captain Pirate was stunned.


"Damn, what the hell did I do?" Hearing the music that had become peaceful and peaceful again, Captain Pirate woke up suddenly, but the matter had come to this point, he could only bite the bullet and continue to walk inside. .

Robin, who was hiding under the bed, saw the door of the room being pushed open rudely, his heart tightened and he was also wondering, "Why did it take so long for someone to come in?"

The pirate captain who entered the room,

Seeing a man wearing a grimace mask, who seemed to be leaning on a chair and sleeping quietly, his heart suddenly filled with excitement.

"This guy is the magic sword Apophis? It doesn't look like a powerful person, and I haven't seen anything like a sword. It seems that I am frightening myself?" See Apo leaning on the chair Feith didn't respond, and Captain Pirate was more relaxed, "Whether he is the magic sword Apophis or not, as long as I shoot him now, no matter how powerful he is, he can only go back to hell for me!"

"Hey! I now hope that you are the magic sword Apophis. If I can kill such a big man, I must be the top pirate in the entire West Sea right away!"

Just as he was about to pull the trigger with ecstasy in his heart, the eyes under the mask suddenly opened.

What kind of eyes are those, the scarlet pupils reflect the boundless blood color, cold and deadly, even if the man opposite is a god of death from the underworld, he will believe it without hesitation.

"Shh! Can you please be quiet, the fourth movement will start soon!"

The pirate captain nodded numbly, obviously his finger was already on the trigger, but he didn't dare to make any action.

The room was eerily quiet!

Robin, who stuck his head out of the bed like a little rabbit, was also frightened by this strange scene. The pirate holding the pistol was motionless, his face was pale, and his eyes were empty, like a dead man crawling out of a grave.

Robin tightly covered his mouth, and quietly hid under the bed again. He began to fear uncontrollably, "Will he die? Will he become a ghost that can never be freed, as the newspaper said?"

As time passed, the tune became ethereal and beautiful, like the afterglow of heaven. Under the appeasement of this music, Robin also temporarily forgot his pain and hatred, and seemed to return to his mother's warm embrace.

The pirate captain, who was full of blood, even burst into a holy brilliance at this moment.

The last movement, solemn, heavy, mournful!

The night falls on the earth, and the haze covers the soul. In a world of nothingness, only death and silence are the eternal destination!


Captain Pirate finally pulled the trigger, but the gun was aimed at himself, with a serene smile on his face, as if he was atonement for his sinful past.

Robin, who was awakened by the sound of gunfire, found out that she had unknowingly grabbed her neck. If she hadn't been awakened by the sound of gunfire at the last minute, she might have become a corpse now.

"This is "Requiem" for you, I hope you like it!"

The sudden sound made Robin's soul almost freeze, and his limbs curled up under the bed stiffly.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

It wasn't until the footsteps were completely gone that Robin's tense heart relaxed a little, "Requiem? Is this the ritual or sacrifice before his killing?"

Loneliness is the greatest enemy of mankind!

In this cramped space, Robin's thoughts could not be restrained from spreading.

"Why do I want to commit suicide with that pirate? Was it affected by his ability? But it has never been reported that he is an ability person!"

"Or...is this his aura?"

"Wait, why isn't there any sound outside, shouldn't they... they're all dead?"

Robin, who was terrified in his heart, did not dare to go out at all, and could only crawl under the bed motionless.

Over time, exhaustion, hunger, and thirst kept coming, and Robin finally fell asleep.


"It's so weird, did they encounter a ghost ship?"

"It should be that they met pirates first, and then those pirates were punished by ghosts on the sea!"

"We... let's leave quickly. I always feel like those dead people are smiling at me, and they look panicked."

"Yes! This ship must have been cursed!"

Hearing the voice of the crowd calling, Robin rubbed his eyes and crawled out of the bed with his hungry and cold body.

"Resurrection, resurrection, the dead are resurrected!"

"It must be a ghost, run!"

After noticing Robin's movement, a group of fishermen fled in tears.

"I'm the only one left again? However, I didn't even make a sound. That man named Apophis is really terrifying... No, it's hard to tell if he's human!" Robin said bitterly. whispered.

"Is it because I broke free from suicide that he was too lazy to do it a second time?"

"Anyway, I still want to thank him for saving me." Robin knew very well that it was impossible for her to hide from such a strong person hiding under the bed.

"Kuzan, Longinus, Apophis..." Robin stood among the dead, looking at the sea in the distance, "Can you truly control your own destiny only if you grow up to be strong like them?"

"Mom, Sauro, you all said that you can't give up hope for the future, is that what you mean..."


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