He died instantly.


Li Lin is dead!

He died in front of me!

Today, I have a date with him.

In the afternoon, we met at a café near the school.

The two of us were sitting at a small table outside the café and chatting nicely.

I did not expect that he would suddenly tell me that the truth about this has been discovered and that all members of the institute are already cursed …

A car suddenly lost control and headed straight for the sidewalk. Li Lin did not escape in time, right in front of me.

That’s why it lost control at the time. After the accident, the driver was arrested for manslaughter. What’s the use of that?

Because of this, Li Lin could not be resurrected…


I seem to understand… Li Lin did it on purpose at the time.

Just this noon, I remembered what happened in the café at that time.

Li Lin ordered a cake, and when it reached the plate where the cake was placed, the plate was split in half.

If you think about it, it’s not the same as when I picked up the cup and drank, but the handle of the cup suddenly broke …

This anomaly appeared at the same time as both of us.

If this were pure coincidence, I would never believe it.

Similar visions may have occurred in other deceased people.

The appearance of this vision means that we are all cursed…


All are registered on the Death Blacklist!

We all watch death, and we can die anytime, anywhere.

A few of them were accidental but killed by invisible death.

No, I don’t want to die like that.

You can escape, you can!

I think there will always be a solution. I have to find a way to remove my name from the blacklist.


Today, vision is getting worse and worse.

All the cups I’ve touched are broken, aren’t they… Does that mean my time is up?

No, you can’t do that. I have to find a way as soon as possible, and if I continue like this, I will definitely die.

I think about to go back to the bridge.

Qiao Hui and I were already the last two people in the seminar. The ultimate goal of the God of Death must be the two of us.

I’m going to talk to her. The way to kill death is already obvious, and I think the reason for it will be cursed.

Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way out of the curse. I’ll talk to Huiqiao.

She’s smarter than me. If you want to go with two people, you should be able to find a solution to the problem.


This concludes the journal. There is no follow-up.

It seems that the result of the whole thing is very obvious …

In the end, the owner of the diary still does not know how to get rid of the curse and die unexpectedly like everyone else.

People were gone, so naturally it was impossible to keep the diary, and the records in the diary were destroyed.

“Did you notice? The diary said the workshop consisted of 11 people. The newspaper clippings you happened to see reported on 11 people who died unexpectedly…”

“That is, everyone in the workshop, including the diary owner and Huiqiao, was spared!”

Initially, Nangong Yan focused on the content of the diary, but Lu Xuan was surprised to suddenly speak.

Nangong Yan’s petite figure shrank like a frightened animal, and then turned his head and looked at the source of the voice.

At a glance, she realized that the distance between herself and Lu Xuan had unconsciously become very close.

Apparently, the two people huddled together and saw the small print in the diary.

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