NBA Dynasty Sniper

Chapter 192: The First Pot of Gold

“NBA Dynasty Sniper ()”

Grant has negotiated with the Raptors, and he wants the Raptors to choose Danny Fortson with the ninth overall pick.

After the Ewing trade, the Knicks had no one inside. This is the backup he prepared for Oakley. He can play both power forwards and centers, but he is small. He is 21 years old, only 203 centimeters, and weighs 118 kilograms. Strong, characterized by strong rebounding ability, mid-range shooting, and excellent mobility.

Zhao Dong had a little impression of this No. 9 pick in his previous life. This guy had a nickname, the Rebound Monster. If he wasn't prone to fouls, resulting in too short playing time, his rebounding ability would not be weaker than the later Warcraft Howard.

He noticed that McGrady, who should have been selected at No. 9, was selected by the Bucks at No. 10.

However, what the Bucks need is a center. They immediately traded the newly selected Tracy McGrady with the Heat. PJ Brown went to the Bucks, and Tracy McGrady returned to the Heat.

Zhao Dong is not surprised that McGrady will be traded, because McGrady is a high school draft pick, has not been baptized by the NCAA, and is born with scoliosis. His future is not very expected.

However, although the Heat got McGrady, without the defensively strong PJ Brown, he doesn't think his strength has been enhanced.

He even thought it was Pat Riley who got dizzy and chose to trade Brown.

Of course, this may also mean that the Heat have a goal and will trade another insider.

After looking at it for a while, Zhao Dong ran away before the draft was over. The pick in the Knicks' hands was the last one, which was useless in the young year of the draft, although there were still some players who could play in the future, such as Wu Sheng Jackson , Dayao's teammate Kevin Cato in the future, but he has no interest in intervening.

At noon on June 30, that is, at 1:00 am on July 1, Beijing time, Zhao Dong watched the Hong Kong handover ceremony through CCTV 4.

"such a pity!"

Thinking of the riots twenty years later made him very upset.

In the afternoon, he came to Lindsay's house.

As night fell, the other side of the Pacific Ocean came to the morning of July 1st. The news he had been looking forward to for a long time should be announced at this time tomorrow. The Thai country will abandon the peg between the Thai baht and the US dollar, and within a day, the foreign exchange market plummeted 20 %.

And today is the last and best chance to bet.

He came to Lindsay's house, and of course he didn't say anything specifically, he just said that the financial situation in Taiguo is very serious, and it is likely that there will be major changes in the near future, and he is going to make a big bet.

Now he has 35 million US dollars in the Swiss bank, and 8 million US dollars in the United States. He plans to keep half of the funds as a reserve fund, and the other half to start.

In addition, his income from advertising endorsements also started with tens of millions of dollars, all of which were prepared as a reserve fund to prevent liquidation.

For the leverage ratio, he was going to ask for a hundred times, and he dared not ask for a higher one, because any fluctuations would blow up his position.

Those higher leverages are not played by retail investors like him at all, they are played by large institutions, and they are played with investors' money.

"Today? Well, I'll accompany you."

Lindsay was somewhat hesitant, but all her principal had already been withdrawn, and now the account was full of profits from the foreign exchange market, about 8 million. Since Zhao Dong wanted to gamble, she just wanted to accompany her.

Soon, the two contacted Dorisa.

Dorisa also felt that Taiguo's financial situation should have reached the final and most serious stage, and it was time for change.

However, she does not recommend that Zhao Dong enter the market with half of his funds. Such a 100-fold leverage can only bear one point of risk.

In the end, Zhao Dong agreed to her suggestion and divided the funds into four, first using a quarter of the funds to enter the market, making additional investment with the other quarter, and using the other half as a reserve fund, so that the ability to bear risks is stronger.

On July 1st, the NBA summer trading window opens, and the busiest time for the management of each team has arrived.

At the league headquarters, Stern has also reached the busiest time, and he has to approve a large number of trade applications.

"The Knicks are going to trade Ewing?"

Pick up the first trade application prepared by the assistant,

Just let him startled. But he quickly passed the trade application.

The Knicks already have a new king, so it is understandable to trade the old king, and it is an injured old king.

The second transaction, the transaction application of the Bulls and the Suns, the subject of the transaction is Pippen and Kidd.

What he wants most now is to strengthen the Bulls and regain the championship next year.

Especially after Zhao Dong had a private fight with the postman, this idea became stronger, so the application was quickly approved.

As soon as these two deals were announced, the media and fans were shocked.

Ewing was at home, and he was stunned when he was notified by his agent that he was traded to the Raptors by the Knicks.

"No, how is that possible? How could they trade me? I'm Patrick Ewing, I gave everything to this city, they can't trade me..."

His growls resounded throughout the house, leaving the family intimidated.

"Patrick, calm down." The manager on the opposite side shouted.


Ewing dropped the microphone directly.

"Flying Dragon, did you know that the team traded Patrick."

At this time, Zhao Dong received a call from Oakley. He said, "Mr. Grant told me once on the day of the draft."

"You didn't tell me." Oakley said angrily.

"Charles, you and I are both players. That's the job of the management. Is it necessary to know? He doesn't take the initiative to tell me, and I won't ask him about it. Maybe one day you and I will be traded too. It's normal." Zhao Dong said.

"Alright alright."

Oakley also knew that Zhao Dong did not interfere with the management's attitude, and he also knew that the relationship between Zhao Dong and Ewing was actually not good, so he had no choice but to hang up the phone.

Just after hanging up the phone, Ewing called and Zhao Dong connected.

"Feilong, did you ask the management to trade me?"

Ewing, who usually seldom talks, was roaring so loudly that Zhao Dong immediately took the phone away from his ear.

"Are you crazy, Ewing, I never interfere with the management's operations, what does it have to do with me if they want to trade you?" Zhao Dong said angrily.

"You must know about this matter, don't say you don't know. Damn Chinese, I will not let you go." Ewing said furiously.

Because Zhao Dong rose to the position too quickly and directly robbed him of his core position, he had always been dissatisfied with Zhao Dong, but he was holding it in his heart for the sake of the championship, and now he released it all at once.

"So what if I know? As I said, I don't interfere with the management's operations. Also, if you don't let me go, I'll just fuck you. Do you think you're so special?"

After Zhao Dong finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

The relationship between him and Ewing is not very good, and he rarely talks, not even for the championship. They had already fallen out because of the dispute over the ball and the core. Now that they have turned their faces, he has no psychological burden.

However, he was very afraid of the Bulls trading Kidd.

Offense A, defense A+, organization S+, the number of assists is second in history, second only to Stockton, and steals are also second in history, second only to Stockton, this is his impression of Kidd.

And now Kidd averaged 7.7 assists per game in his rookie season, and 9.7 and 9 assists in the following two seasons respectively. It means a lot to the Bulls.

The Bulls do not have Pippen, but with Kidd, that organizational ability is definitely a skyrocket.

The reason why the Knicks were able to eliminate the Bulls this time was because he strangled Pippen at the third position, causing the Bulls' organizational ability to collapse.

Then next season when he plays the Bulls, he won't have this opportunity. He can't defend Kidd at the No. 1 position, and the significance of his perimeter defense to the Knicks will be weakened.

Coupled with the fact that the Knicks are without Ewing and their strength has declined, it will be very difficult to face the Bulls.

In Chicago, Pippen sat weakly on the sofa, with a microphone in his hand, and Jordan was opposite.

"I'm so sorry, old man, I'm sorry for you," Jordan said.

Pippen didn't want to talk, he was injured, and Jordan really allowed the team to trade himself, which was a very big blow to himself.

At this time, Jerry Krause's heart moved when he learned that Ewing had been traded.

He wants to take a gamble, betting that Ewing can maintain a certain state after a serious injury. As a technical center, this is very possible.

After thinking about it, he immediately called the Raptors.

Luke Langley + Ron Harper + Bulls unprotected first-round pick in 1998, traded Ewing.

After the Raptors received the trade list, they did not directly reject it.

They also only traded Cambiga's No. 9 pick in the first round for Ewing. It is clear that Ewing's state next season will definitely not be as good as in the past season, which is why they did not immediately reject it.

The reason why the Raptors traded Ewing and gave up rookie Camby was not because they wanted to win the championship, but because after one season, they discovered a weakness of Camby, that is, poor physique, unable to withstand tossing, and easy to get injured. Injured 19 games.

This greatly reduced Camby's potential and greatly reduced the value of cultivation, so when they had the opportunity to get Ewing, they chose to trade.

Now that the Bulls propose a deal, they certainly won't refuse. They also have such an idea, because Ewing is one of the four super centers after all, and he is not too old, so the deal value is still there. trade.

But the Bulls don't have enough trading chips. They don't want a veteran like Luke Langley, who is still a role player.

They proposed a new trading plan: Ron Harper + Toni Kukoc + the Bulls' first-round picks for the next two years + two role players.

In the end, they reached a deal, but Klaus only gave the Bulls an unprotected first-round pick in 1998.

After the effect was achieved, Jerry Krause was very happy.

The addition of Ewing can solve the shortcomings of the Bulls' lack of offense inside, and at the same time provide first-class defense and rebounding. The Bulls' inside is more than a level stronger.

On the afternoon of the 1st, as the deal was announced, the league, the media, and fans were shocked.

"The number one active player + super center + first-class point guard + strongest rebounder, most powerful inside combination + most powerful guard combination, a strongest Bulls team was born! But this is the most unfair transaction , Somebody's Cuddling." The New York Times.

"The league should block this deal, it's unfair to other teams." New York Athletic.

The New York media began to strongly criticize the deal, but the deal had already happened and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

"How could they do that?"

When Neil Grant was interviewed by the media, he scolded the Raptors for cheating him, and actually traded Ewing to the rival Bulls.

Zhao Dong didn't think much of it, it happened that next season Jordan and Ewing would clean up together.

Can an aging Ewing really block his impact?

The happiest was Ewing. He immediately accepted the media's telephone interview. On the phone, he said excitedly: "This is the best deal. Michael is one of my best friends. I will help him win back the championship." ..."

"Traitor! Traitor..."

After Ewing's interview was exposed by the media, he was immediately scolded to death by Knicks fans. A large number of radical fans ran outside his house, blocked him and yelled at him, and the phone was also exploded.

Barkley has been very quiet. He didn't say anything after the Bulls traded Kidd, but after the trade happened, he couldn't bear it anymore and accepted a TV interview with ESPN.

In a live televised interview, he said emotionally: "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that Dragon's words came true, and he really made some guys start to stick together. Yeah, I'm talking about Michael Jordan. , he and Ewing are in a group, and he has become the kind of person he hates the most."

"Barkley, you're an idiot. I'm a year older than you. Why didn't you talk about hugging when you went to Houston by yourself?"

Ewing immediately responded through the media.

Jordan also responded through the media. He said: "Patrick is old, and he was seriously injured in the playoffs. He has entered the twilight years of his career. He came to Chicago. Both transactions were passive, not requested by him."

Jordan's statement was recognized by the media and fans, but some media also interviewed Zhao Dong, wanting to know his opinion.

Zhao Dong said in an interview with TNT: "No matter what choices those stars make, whether they stick together or stay alone, I have no opinion. I don't care about this. Beasts walk alone, cattle and sheep are herds, follow them go."

"Do you think Jordan is a cow?"

"I care what he is?"

"It is said that you drove Ewing away, do you admit it?" the reporter asked.

"This is false news. My core position in the Knicks has been stabilized. There is no need to do that. Of course, Ewing thinks it has something to do with me. This is wrong. It has nothing to do with me. I never interfere with the operation of the management. I'm not Jordan."

When Zhao Dong answered, he hacked Jordan by the way.

"This bastard! He actually said I was a cow and a sheep? Damn it, wouldn't he make me feel uncomfortable if he didn't kill me?"

Jordan got Ewing and was smoking a cigar comfortably. When he saw the TV interview, his face turned black with anger. In his anger, he threw the cigar in his hand.

But regardless of whether Ewing is old or not, after this transaction, almost all media believe that the Bulls have actually booked the finals for next season.

The New York media have been scolding the Knicks management for several days in a row. They traded Ewing out because they were out of their minds, and even got bullied by the Bulls.

This put a lot of pressure on the Knicks management, but Grant ran into trouble when he was looking for a deal. As a champion, Eastern teams are rarely willing to trade with the Knicks. He can only go to the Western team to seek reinforcements trade.

"You want Luke Langley?"

When receiving a call from Pat Riley, Jerry Krause said the deal could be considered.

An hour later, the Heat reached a deal with the Bulls. Luc Langley was traded to the Heat. The Bulls got the Heat's first-round pick protected by the top ten next year, as well as a role player.

A lot of transactions happened on this day, but Zhao Dong's mind was not on it, he didn't care about it.

On this day, he stayed at Lindsay's house. As the night fell, it entered the morning of July 2nd in Taiguo.

The morning market in Thailand was at 10:30 in the morning, with a time difference of 13 hours, while in the United States it was 9:30 in the evening. At 9:20, the Bank of Thailand finally announced Zhao Dong's long-awaited news.


Zhao Dong and Lindsay raised the champagne he had prepared, and then there was Mrs. Dorisa on the phone.

After drinking the champagne, a few minutes later, the Taiguo foreign exchange market opened.

Zhao Dong stared at the computer screen, still very nervous, but he knew that there was no accident at the opening, and he definitely wanted to dive.

Ten seconds... nine seconds... eight seconds... two seconds... one second... opening.


Seeing the diving line that almost coincided with the sideline, Zhao Dong seemed to hear the sound of clean diving, and his mood was immediately refreshed. He wanted to give full marks to this diving performance in Taiguo Huishi and win a gold medal.

"Aiweier, congratulations, you are going to become a rich woman."

"Feilong, congratulations to you too, you are going to become a billionaire."

"When I make a lot of money, Aviel, I'll buy you a bigger penthouse, the one with a swimming pool and a helicopter pad."

"When I make a lot of money, Feilong, I'll buy a team for you to toss. Do you want the Knicks or the Lakers?"

Happily, the two teased each other.

As soon as the market opened, it was like diving into the water. Under the watchful eyes of the whole world, it put on a wonderful show.

Twenty minutes later, it plummeted by 6 points, and then began to stabilize after the entry of state funds.

Dorisa then called and the first wave had been harvested and the profits had been made.

Zhao Dong entered the market for 9 million dollars, and the floating profit reached 54 million U.S. dollars.

Lindsay's 8 million capital is also divided into four parts, 2 million is put into the market, and the floating profit is 12 million US dollars.

Mrs. Dorisa was more stable, she only invested 5 million dollars, and 1 million entered the market, with a profit of 6 million dollars.

Next, the money that Taiguo threw into the foreign exchange market was like being thrown into the water, and the plunge continued.

But Zhao Dong didn't take care of it, and all the operations were carried out by Mrs. Dorisa's trader. Those people are the most professional people in the world, a hundred times stronger than his two knives.

On the other hand, New York's chronicler Hoffman also kept reporting good news to him.

The two of them didn't sleep at all that night, they had been waiting for the news. Fortunately, the news they waited for was all good news and they didn't disappoint them.

On July 2nd, at 4:30 in the morning, the market in Taiguo was about to close, and the foreign exchange accounts of Zhao Dong and Lin Sai had all been cleared.





He and Lindsay, as well as Mrs. Dorisa on the other end of the phone, and Mrs. Dorisa's husband, Mr. John Huston, toasted at the same time.

On this day, he earned the biggest pot of gold in his life. The Swiss side made a profit of 180 million US dollars, and the New York side made a profit of 30 million US dollars, adding up to 210 million US dollars.

With more than 40 million yuan of funds, because of the large amount of reserve funds, under the leverage of 100 times, the profit is only 4.5 times, but earning 200 million US dollars a day is already a very high rate of return.

Coupled with his principal, his current assets have reached 250 million US dollars, and now Jordan is far behind. He is considered the richest player in the NBA.

Lindsay earned nearly forty million dollars in total, and was very happy, clamoring to give Zhao Dong a red envelope.

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