
Domestic fans are more concerned about this game。

When the fans saw Zhou Chen’s strong performance, they were all imagining Zhou Chen wearing the national team jersey.。

What kind of weapon would this kind of killer weapon be if it were put on the international arena?

As Zhou Chen becomes famous in the NBA, fans are increasingly looking forward to this grand occasion.。

They have never looked forward to a national team game so much!

Zhou Chen’s own market is also constantly appreciating.。

Agent Thomas even smiled happily.。

Zhou Chen’s rising reputation has brought about rising endorsement contract prices.。

The basketball hall where Zhou Chen once trained even advertised that Zhou Chen once trained here.。

Media reporters and Zhou Chen’s former classmates also began to tell short stories about Zhou Chen.。

《Zhou Chen’s first love!》

《Passerby A: I once overshadowed Zhou Chen!》

《Passerby B: Zhou Chen and I have fought since childhood.。》


Many types of news are constantly spreading on the Internet。

Zhou Chen himself would smile after seeing it。


After the Heat won consecutive games at home, the entire team flew to Orlando to prepare for Game 5.。

The Heat, who are leading 3-1, are optimistic about the world, and everyone thinks they will eliminate the Magic and become the new Eastern Conference king.。

In the West, the Lakers have also taken the lead. Most of the Los Angeles media and fans are beginning to look forward to the showdown between Zhou Chen and Kobe.。

Of course, the media in Orlando haven’t given up yet. They think the home team still has hope.。

As long as they hold on to G5 and try their best in G6, they will be able to win this series.。

The Magic’s inside advantage is too great, and the Heat rely heavily on Zhou Chen。

The Heat have also been defeated here before, and it’s not like they don’t have any chance of winning.。

There’s a reason for the Orlando media’s confidence。

In the G5 game, Howard continued to explode in the paint, and Lewis also played tougher. They attacked the Heat’s paint many times.。

Zhou Chen fell into physical fitness again after scoring consecutive high scores. Zhou Chen looked extremely tired in this game.。

Under the crazy attack of Barnes and Carter, Zhou Chen shot 43% from the field and only scored 41 points!

Such statistics are impressive when compared to other players, but they are far from enough when compared to Zhou Chen.。

Zhou Chen’s 43% shooting rate is already the highest in the Heat.。

Wade only shot 36% from the field, and others only shot 32% from the field.。

On the other hand, Howard became more courageous as he fought. Even free throws, which he had never been good at, he shot 70% from the field.。

93 to 121。

The Heat were defeated again in Orlando!

The series score was rewritten to 2-3。

Spoelstra did not find the loss in this game unacceptable.。

Zhou Chen is too tired, Wade’s minor injury is still affecting him。

This game can be regarded as a strategic abandonment, and the next game is the real decisive battle.。

G6 game, return to Miami! ! !

This is the final battle。

After two more days of recovery, Zhou Chen’s physical fitness is returning, and Wade’s injury is basically healed.。


American Airlines Center。

The G6 battle was fierce between the two sides.。

In the first quarter of the game, the two teams were tied at 26-26.。

An accident occurred in the match between the two teams. At 6 minutes and 11 seconds of the first quarter, Howard s

He returned to the locker room a moment after he came off the field!

Just when everyone thought Howard might not come back, he came back in the second quarter。

In the second quarter, the Magic sent out an offensive lineup of Nelson, Redick, Carter, Lewis, and Howard.。

The Heat are led by Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen, Chalmers, Beasley, Joel Anthony, O’Neal。

Spoelstra’s idea is to focus on strengthening the inside line。

Use numbers to fight Howard and leave the offensive end to Zhou Chen。

The first attack of the second quarter was the Magic’s。

Nelson dribbles forward。

Chalmers keeps putting pressure on Nelson。

Zhou Chen went to keep an eye on Carter. Carter’s threat was greater than Nelson’s.。

Carter wanted to catch the ball, but Zhou Chen didn’t give him a chance to catch the ball.。

The two kept pushing and shoving。

Seeing that Carter couldn’t get the ball, Nelson could only stuff the ball inside.。

Howard catches the ball inside。

Hit directly from behind。

The ankle injury still affects Howard, Joel Anthony resists Howard。

Howard can only pass the ball to the outside。

Carter jumped high and barely caught the ball.。

Zhou Chen opened his hand and continued to press Cat。

Carter frowned, he felt very stressed。

The outside world only knows that Zhou Chen’s offense is very powerful, but Carter knows that Zhou Chen’s defense is also very terrifying.。

Zhou Chen’s defense is definitely the best defensive player level. Carter suffered a lot in this series.。

Carter feels good, but Zhou Chen doesn’t let him shoot。

No time to attack。

Carter carried Zhou Chen to break through in three slow steps。

During the confrontation, Zhou Chen’s defensive moves were very clean。

Carter wants to be stronger。


Zhou Chen slapped Carter’s layup away with one palm.。

“Buzz! !”

Electronic beeps sound simultaneously。

Attack time is up。

Heat call Magic a 24-second violation。

Heat offense。

Chalmers took the ball across half court and gave it to Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen holds the ball on the right as a three-threat。

Zhou Chen did not hesitate and immediately faced Carter and began to change direction.。

He wants to complete the attack while the flanking attack is not completely coming up.。

Zhou Chen’s rhythm changes quickly, and Carter’s defense is also very active. He is constantly following Zhou Chen’s rhythm.。

Zhou Chen found a gap on the right and took a sudden step。

Carter followed closely。

Zhou Chen pulled his crotch backwards and stepped back!

Carter wanted to follow again, but his rhythm couldn’t keep up.。

“boom! !”

Cat fell down。

Zhou Chen did not choose to collect the ball and shoot a jumper, but held the ball and went in.。

Lean on Howard, Howard failed to take off, Zhou Chen made a hard layup.。

Howard can’t stand up。

26 to 28。

American Airlines Center cheers once again。

Zhou Chen played very strongly in this attack。

Zhou Chen’s breakthrough is very similar to Iverson, but Zhou Chen’s speed is faster。

Basically no defender can keep up with Zhou Chen’s speed. If he had to forcefully follow him, he would end up being knocked down just like Carter.。

“Zhou Chen’s speed is really as fast as lightning!”

“Carter forced himself, he shouldn’t have gone to talk to Zhou Chen。”

“Zhou Chen’s speed is not the kind of straight forward, but a combination of dribbling skills and rhythm changes, so that no one can guard him.。”

“I hope Zhou Chen can open a training camp in the summer and go to his place to train. “

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