Everyone on the Lakers surrounded Artest to celebrate.。

This offensive rebound caused O’Neal’s interference with the ball. It was too important.。

“ah! ! ! “Artest also kept showing off his biceps towards the camera.。

Lakers fans as far away as Los Angeles also fell into a climax。

Lakers fans never imagined that they would be in a situation where they were struggling to win but could not win.。

Zhou Chen and Wade also looked at each other.。

There are 5 seconds left。

As long as this goal is not scored, they may lose the game。

Although Zhou Chen didn’t want to play the key ball, he had to play. This is the first time the Heat have been forced to this point by the Lakers in the finals.。

This defensive rebound and offensive ball interference are really a pity.。

Luck doesn’t seem to be on his side either.。

His defense tried its best, but it just couldn’t stop the Lakers’ attack.。

Fans at the American Airlines Center stood up to watch the game。

These last-minute offenses and defenses are enough to make your blood boil.。

The commentator is also constantly encouraging。

“Haha, the decisive blow is really about to happen. I like to watch this kind of game the most.。”

“Zhou Chen and Kobe are my two favorite key players.。”

“It depends on how the Heat arrange the final attack. It should most likely be given to Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen’s offensive method is more comprehensive compared to Wade.。”

“Zhou Chen has always been a player who is good at creating miracles. Even if he completes the winning goal, everyone does not need to care too much.。”


Spoelstra’s arrangement is very simple: “Zhou, don’t pass the ball, try to rush in for a layup. You only need two points to win. Everyone else rushes to grab the rebound. If there is a chance to get the rebound, take the shot as soon as possible.”。”

“OK, I get it. “Zhou Chen was not polite to Si Bo at the last moment.。

Didn’t give up the last chance to Wade。

Although he doesn’t want to face such a moment, Zhou Chen will not escape either。

it’s his responsibility。

“Beep! ! !”

When Zhou Chen came to the court, his heart was beating nervously.。

Zhou Chen is very confident, but this is the finals! !

Zhou Chen’s mind was also a little blank, and he had forgotten all the instructions and tactical arrangements.。

Playing almost by instinct。

Zhou Chen received the serve and immediately lowered his head and rushed inward.。

Kobe wanted to destroy Zhou Chen’s first kick, but Zhou Chen passed him.。

Gasol on the free throw line blocked Zhou Chen’s impact path。

Zhou Chen can only move towards the bottom corner。

Bynum’s defense comes again。

Zhou Chen barely missed Bynum’s defensive rhythm。

The shot was shot with a backward drift. This backward movement reached its extreme.。

As soon as Zhou Chen made a move, the backboard light came on.。

The electronic buzzer also sounded.。

The fans also covered their mouths, preparing to see the result of this goal.。


After staying for a while, time。

“Uh-huh! !”

One arrow through the heart。

98 to 99。

Buzzer-beater! ! !

“champion! !”

“We are the overall champions! !”

Papers all over the sky scattered from the sky almost instantly。

The Heat finally completed their sweep of the Lakers。

Zhou Chen stood there, stunned.。

That’s it!


Zhou Chen is still a little unbelievable。

“we are the champion! ! !”

Wade, Haslem and other Heat veterans rushed up frantically.。

“Goodbye, Kobe! ! “Zhou Chen waved towards Kobe Bryant。

This is a tough series。

Kobe showed no expression and turned around the moment the game ended.。

Although the referee is still confirming whether the ball is valid。

But Kobe knew very well that this ball was the winner! !

Soon, the referee signaled that the kill was valid! ! !

Celebrations continue at American Airlines Center。

Riley and a group of executives were also high-fiving in the box.。

Winning the championship also means that this season has a beyond-meaning success.。

This is their unexpected gain. All these miracles seem to have started after signing Zhou Chen! !

The camera recorded Zhou Chen’s final kill before and after。

No matter when, this buzzer-beater will be one of the most exciting buzzers in NBA history.、

This was the game-winner in G4 of the Finals. This game-winner helped the Heat win the championship in one fell swoop.。

If there is a buzzer-beater that can surpass it, it can only be the G7 buzzer-beater in the finals.。

But before that kind of game can be surpassed, even Jordan’s game against the Jazz in G6 must be ranked behind Zhou Chen.。

Zhou Chen’s buzzer-beater is a goal-winner if he doesn’t score.。

As soon as this winning goal was scored, almost all the commentators around the world stood up and shouted.。

Countless fans witnessed Zhou Chen reaching the top。

“Killer! !”

“Absolute victory in the finals! ! !”

Seeing this scene, domestic fans also raised their arms and shouted.。

“Zhou Chen is definitely the MVP! !”

“Absolutely big heart at critical moments。”

“Zhou Chen is definitely the strongest rookie in NBA history。”

“This championship made Zhou Chen’s rookie season perfect.。”

Almost within a few minutes of the end of the game, Zhou Chen reached the top of the hot searches on major portal websites.。

Zhou Chen on the field also got rid of the encirclement of his teammates and stood on the commentary table.。




The fans in the audience shouted wildly。

At this moment, the cheers at the American Airlines Arena reached their peak! !

Zhou Chen opened his hands and enjoyed the cheers! ! !

At the same time, all the Heat’s logistics staff rushed forward with open hands.。

The team’s success is also their success。

The fans at the American Airlines Arena reached a climax。


“It’s over, it’s all over, congratulations to the Miami Heat, they successfully won the cup after four years! !”

“They have always defeated the enemy all the way. This is a miracle in the history of the NBA!”

“Defeating the Celtics in the first round, the Cavaliers in the second round, the Magic in the third round, and the Lakers in the Finals, the Heat proved in an unquestionable way that they are the strongest team this season.。”

“Let us congratulate Zhou Chen, this is also the first championship in his career!”

“Zhou Chen has created too many miracles this season, and he proved himself in one season! !”

“He is a true superstar! !”

Director Zhang was shouting crazily。

Zhou Chen on the court also put down his pride and started dancing and moving with his teammates.。


Championship! !

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