Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 633: 639? Prince Biden's death

   Chapter 633 639 The Death of Prince Biden

   When this happened, even the frontline commander of the Condor Empire was startled, suspecting that it might be an enemy trap or a trick to lure the enemy into it.

   If it was himself, he would definitely order to stop the attack at this time, and then talk about it after the investigation is clear.

However, the order to attack this time came from Prince Simdor at the headquarters, but he did not dare to stop without authorization, because according to the order, once the defense line was broken through, he had to advance more than 300 kilometers back and occupy the important town Tacoma in front. .

   At the same time, on the border between the Church of Holy Light and the Royal Court of the Frost Giant, a rebel army quietly occupied the nearby city of Hull.

  This is a large city with a population of more than 700,000 people, and is an important mineral and metallurgical base. The surrounding small and medium-sized cities plus villages, with a total population of more than 5 million, were swept by the rebel army in a short period of time.

   In fact, most of these insurgents are local garrison troops, just changed their clothes, well-armed and well-trained.

  The leader of this uprising was named Ferdinand, a middle-aged man who was missing his left arm and was equipped with the latest alchemy prosthesis produced by Gemu.

   And, he has another identity, one of Modi's earliest followers, this time he was sent here by Modi to spread the revolution and launch an uprising, showing his superhuman ability and courage...

   With the bad news one by one, the city of Holy Light is summarized.

Archbishop Link remained motionless, as if he had expected this to happen, and said indifferently, "Saint Silvinaya! She is a woman who hopes to compete with me, it seems that it is time to use some Bottom card..."

   At the same time, in Gaia's cave, the Titan statue is about to take shape.

   Except for the head and left arm that are still rock, other parts have been replaced by the body of the God of Machinery, and a weak but unusually powerful psionic fluctuation is bred in it.

  This time, the Virgin of Sivinaya was not there, and only Modi in the cave faced Gaia's huge head hanging on the rock wall.

"What's the matter? Modi." Gaia asked, looking down at this person who had merged with the fire of revolution. Although his strength is still very weak, as long as he is given time, maybe he will grow up in a short time, after all There are too many oppressed and unfair people in this world. As long as these people are not reconciled and want to resist, there will be a revolution, and Modi can draw strength from the revolution.

   "Yes, Your Majesty the Mother Earth." Modi said respectfully: "Not long ago, I got a piece of news-Prince Biden, the former King of Sisorn, is dead!"

   "What!" Gaia was taken aback. Although Prince Biden was not one of them, he had some role in the whole plan, and now he died suddenly!

   "How did you die?" Gaia asked in a deep voice, her brows furrowed.

It's not that Prince Biden is so important, but that Prince Biden's death was too sudden, and being able to kill Prince Biden must be a force that cannot be ignored. Whether it is an organization or an individual, it must be given enough. Pay attention to.

  Unfortunately, Modi did not give a clear answer: "Sorry, I don't know yet, I rushed over as soon as I got the news. But no matter who did it, this thing is very unusual, I'm afraid..."

   "Do you have a target of doubt?" Gaia asked in a dull voice. As she got closer to her final plan, she felt more and more variables, which made her a little anxious, even uneasy.

   "Although it is a bit offensive, I suspect that it is the Holy Maiden of Sivinaya, but I have no evidence." Modi said solemnly.

   Gaia's only remaining eye narrowed slightly, staring at Modi below.

   Modi looked up with a clear conscience, looked up at each other without any timidity, and looked at each other for half a minute before Modi lowered his head slightly and said lightly, "I have brought the news, so I will leave first."

Seeing Modi's disappearance, Gaia's eyes became deeper and deeper. In comparison, she was still willing to believe in Sivinaya, but this time it was a matter of life and death, and it was impossible for her to put everything on Sivinaya. Loyalty: "It seems that an extra layer of insurance must be added."

   At the same time, in the City of Light, Archbishop Link also received news of the death of Prince Biden.

   Archbishop Link, who has always been calm and composed, couldn't help but change his color this time: "What did you say!"

  In an instant, an astonishing aura erupted from Archbishop Link's body, oppressing the person who reported the news to the point where he could hardly breathe.

  Fortunately, this gaffe situation was quickly controlled by him, his momentum retreated, and he took a deep breath: "Do you know who did it?"

   "The most likely one is Saintess of Sivinaya, but no strong evidence has been found yet." The priest who came in to report the letter replied tremblingly.

   "Okay, let's go down." Archbishop Link took a deep breath, his brows were only wrinkled, he was not expecting this situation.

He originally expected that the Virgin of Sivinaye did not take the remnants of the Kingdom of Parma as a trump card. After eliminating those people, the Virgin of Sylvinaya would definitely make some moves, and she soon received the retreat of the Frost Giant Legion. , news of the collapse of the entire western line of defense.

   Immediately afterwards, the prince of the Frost Giants led the legion to return to the Royal Court of the Frost Giants, launched a coup to overthrow the current Frost Giant King, and announced his withdrawal from the war between the Church of the Holy Light and the Condor Empire.

This is undoubtedly a major blow to the Church of the Holy Light, but I did not expect that there will be waves of unresolved, the Frost Giant has not been resolved, and Prince Biden, who was reversed on the eastern front, died suddenly. If this At that time, the armies of the Sithawn Kingdom and the Condor Empire took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, which may even shake the entire front of the Holy Light Church.

   Even if Archbishop Link himself takes action, Prince Simdor of the Condor Empire will be able to restrain him, making the situation of the entire Holy Light Church continue to deteriorate.

   For the first time, Archbishop Link felt troubled, as if there was an invisible big net woven in all directions, trapping him in the middle, and was shrinking until it was trapped and strangled to death.

Archbishop Link gritted his teeth, and a ferocious expression suddenly appeared on his face: "Saint Silvinaya! Is this your method? You want to use this war to strangle me. Then let me see, you What else is there to do! I'll show you, woman! It's better to stay at home and have a baby!"

   Immediately with a "bang", Archbishop Link smashed a stone pillar in anger with a blow, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in place...

   At the same time, outside Green's cemetery.

  The desert where the Seagod warship was placed was already very lively at the moment.

   More than two-thirds of that huge Poseidon warship has turned from gold to silver-grey, and there is a huge psionic converter beside it.

   This kind of psychic converter was originally used on the 'natural disaster cannon' of the Condor Empire, which could bring together natural disaster-level psychic transformation.

  Although Green later found Belonke's host and brought it to the foggy world, but when the transformation really started, Belonke still felt that the energy supply was not enough. Green immediately imported a natural disaster-grade psionic converter from the Condor Empire, and asked the skeleton lord to use this psychic converter to assist the host to supply energy to Belunk.

   With the assistance of a natural disaster-level Skeleton Lord, Belonk immediately felt that the efficiency was greatly improved, and the transformation speed of the entire Seagod warship was greatly improved.

   However, when the progress almost reached [80%], he ran into trouble.

Belonk found that the damage to the sea **** warship was really serious. He originally thought that with the help of mechanical spiritual energy, it could be repaired during the transformation process, but in fact he still overestimated his ability, so he arrived at [ 80%], the entire conversion progress is stuck here.

  Belonke had no choice but to ask Green for help and reported the situation here.

  Green was not too surprised, after all, the Sea God warship was originally broken, so this situation was expected.

  Green called Black Claw and came to the scene together. As an expert in mechanical alchemy, he needed Black Claw to give a professional judgment as to whether to find a way to repair it, or move it to the cemetery and use it to repair it directly.

  Black Claw spent more than three hours to conduct a careful evaluation, and finally came to the conclusion that it can be repaired, it will take about four months to half a year, and the overall cost will be 100 million to 130 million pounds.

   Hearing these two data, Green did not listen to the specific plan, and directly moved the semi-finished Sea God warship to the cemetery with a big wave.

   Before, in order to get this sea **** warship here, Green wasted a lot of energy, and specially rented a void ship from the Loen Federation, and then reluctantly hoisted it up.

   This time, the thought of moving this big guy makes me a little worried.

   Unexpectedly, after receiving Green's order, Belonke immediately jumped into the body of the mechanical dragon of the host body, and then made a 'Kiki Kaka' sound in his body.

   In the blink of an eye, the tail of the mechanical dragon split and turned into eight mechanical tentacles, bang~bang~bang… slamming into the part of the Seagod’s ship that had been transformed into silver-gray.

   With the insertion of the mechanical tentacles, the entire Seagod's ship suddenly vibrated, making a rumbling sound, causing the dust to fly up and the ground to vibrate.

   Immediately following, cracks appeared on the smooth surface of the Sea God's warship, as if the scales on the surface of the dragon's body were lifted up one after another, making a clicking sound.

The sound of    changed from small to loud. With the sound of odd clack, the shape of this sea **** warship began to change dramatically. The part of the bow was split, and it became two abnormally thick arms and the outline of the upper body.

   However, because there is still one third of the transformation, the transformation is forced to stop halfway through.

   And the half of the transformation was completed, and it immediately lay in the nest. The driving force of Belonk and the metal dragon alone could not drive this behemoth.

   (end of this chapter)

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