Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 209: 209 Phantom and Zero Sense Tennis!

Chapter 209 209. Phantom and Zero Sense Tennis!

"This round was won by Aigaku Tezuka, the score"


On the field, the confrontation between Tezuka and Yukimura was more than that simple.

Yukimura, who was continuously influenced by Inseparable, condensed his only "attributes" and hit "God's Strike".

Such an attack, even Tezuka, who has the sweet spot technology, is not easy to fight back.

"It's a pity that the zero serve is still so strong"

"By the way, that thing should be able to be picked up, right?"


Compared with the sighs of other people, everyone in Sitianbao Temple who had already rushed to watch the battle expressed their opinions one after another.

But among them, Maori has a unique focus.

"How do you fish it? Do you use a shovel for the ball stuck to the ground?"

With puzzled questions, Ken also asked Maori.


Without explaining the operation in detail, Maori frowned as if he was thinking about something seriously.


"here we go again!"

"Take him!!"

Seeing Yukimura hit another blow, everyone in Li Haida was in high spirits.

"Hoo hoo!!"

But what was unexpected was that the red wind pressure emerged from the hand, which surprised them.

"That is?"


"Out of bounds!"


Before they could think of anything, they heard the referee's voice.

Yukimura's shot flew out of bounds, which surprised people.

"how so?"

"Yukimura's ball went out of bounds?"

They didn't understand this wave of operations for a while. In their opinion, Yukimura shouldn't be able to play such a ball.


Yukimura wiped the sweat from his brow, but looked at Tezuka in shock.

If his guess is correct, Tezuka seemed to have used the reverse effect of the "field" just now.

Just like the effect of the field itself, if it is pulling, then in turn it is pushing away


Sure enough, Tezuka's counterattack was still ejected out of bounds by Tezuka.

(Is that why you don't hit the zero serve?)

I was still wondering why Tezuka didn't use the zero serve to score points.

But now it looks like he did it on purpose.


Tezuka hit the baseline ball, Yukimura hit back steadily, but still went out of bounds under the influence of the red wind pressure.

"Is that the stunt that Tezuka honed?"

"The Opposite Side of the Field"

Gan Sadaharu seemed to have observed something interesting, and then said.

"Just like the zero serve, it's also a tricky move."


Fuji nodded. As one of the people who often sparred, he knew that Tezuka had completed "Phantom".

"By increasing the high spin force when hitting the ball, the ball will automatically go out of bounds when the opponent hits back."

"It's a similar move to my Guardian of Hektoncris."

Slowly explaining to his teammates, Fuji was full of calm. Tezuka seemed to be scoring, but in fact it was just delaying.

"so smart?!"

"Then no matter what kind of return the opponent hits, won't it be impossible to score?"

When Kikumaru heard this, he immediately felt that Tezuka was really whimsical to develop such a move.

"That can definitely be won!"

Takashi Kawamura clenched his fist with one hand, also excited.

"But the price shouldn't be light, right?"

Qian Zhenzhi was not so optimistic, the reflected light from the lens filled him with wisdom.

"According to the data of the field itself, if you want to not pull the ball in, but push it out."

"At least give the ball 5-60% more rotation force."

"If you think about it, it's not an easy burden on the arm."

He was not so optimistic, but narrated with a rational attitude.

"It's like this, so once the phantom is used, the number of zero-style shots will be correspondingly reduced."

"The current Tezuka can't afford that kind of price."

"As expected of Agan, you can see it right away."

Nodding his head, Bu Er admired Qian Zhenzhi.

"It's nothing, I've been paying attention to you all the time."

Picking up the thick notebook, Gan Zhenzhi responded calmly.

"If that's the case, why don't you just hit a zero serve in your own serve?"

"The Phantom is letting the opponent out of bounds anyway"

Dashi didn't understand one point, so he asked curiously.

"He wants to drain Yukimura's energy"

"Of course you can play a zero-style serve in your own serve, but you can't consume your opponent."

"But if you use Phantom, at least give Yukimura a chance to run."

"In that kind of situation where you only have the strength left in your body, it will cause a lot of burden."

"As the saying goes, less makes more."


Accompanied by Qian Zhenzhi's explanation, the winner of the next ball was also determined.

"This game is won by Aigaku Tezuka!"



The score was evened, and it was Yukimura's serve again.

(As expected of you, it is always impossible for people to break through easily.)

Holding the ball, Yukimura took a deep breath, ignoring the dripping sweat.

(The strong rotation force, if you want to break it, the current state is impossible.)

Yukimura roughly understood the principle of Phantom, but he couldn't crack it in his current "incomplete" state that had been flawlessly cut.

It's a pity that Tezuka himself has been in perfect condition, which made his five senses of destruction unable to take effect at all.


Still maintaining a state of concentration, he hit the serve, and Tezuka quickly came to his position and tried to hit back.

"He called back!"

Driven by the arm, it has gradually found a position where it can be hit, and it is no longer impossible to catch it as before.

"Oops, this means that Tezuka has begun to control the sweet spot."

"Go on like this"

"Light hitting is coming!"


"If I really want to defeat you, I can't do it without becoming stronger."

Compared to other people's worries, Yukimura could see clearly.

This method alone cannot defeat Tezuka.


He hit the ball back again, but Tezuka was already in place ahead of time, and he swung that shining shot.


The golden light flickered on the sphere, and that iconic shot struck.

Perfect light shot! !

"No! He typed it out!"

"That ball can't be caught at all!"

In the past, once Tezuka hit a light shot, basically no player could follow it.


"Is he going to catch the ball?"

Seeing that Yukimura did not run away, but faced him directly, the expressions of all the people watching changed drastically.

Such a move is tantamount to suicide!

"He's serious."

Akashi looked at Yukimura, he didn't see any confusion in his eyes.


On the other side, Atobe suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice.


Instead of maintaining his usual demeanor, Yukimura rarely shouted angrily.

Facing the incoming light hitting the ball, he swung his racket hard and hit it down.


The expected cross-shot scene did not appear, but Yukimura showed a strange state.

"That is.?!"

Bai Jin looked at Yukimura in amazement, he killed his five senses, and started zero-sense tennis!

And get rid of the influence of seamlessness with the help of zero-sensing tennis

After regaining his full strength, Yukimura performed "God's Strike" again!

The golden ball of light was shot back for the first time!

"Called back?!"


too late!

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