Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 650 647 Extreme Skills! (4k)

Chapter 650 647. Extreme skills! (4k)

Is Riakaashi strong now?


Very strong

Shirazu can say this, excluding Nanjiro, the current Akashi can be regarded as the strongest player he has ever encountered.

Even the former Q·P is not as good as the current Akashi

Rakiashi of One Sword Shura has even been able to surpass his current state.

The increase brought by Infinite Light requires accumulation over the course of the game, and it only took about 10 minutes to start the third game of Full Game.

Even with the astonishing five-dimensional improvement, Rakiashi can still catch up.

From here you can see how terrifying Akashi's strength is at this time.

This is why even though he was in a perfect state just now, Bai Jin still had his racket knocked away twice.

Because Akaashi's strength is so amazing. Even if he uses his armor to protect his racket from being broken or worn, it will still fly out if he can't catch it.

It's not necessarily true that the world of the King of Nets is magical, because the extremely high fifth dimension allows players to defeat all kinds of magic.

Faced with Akashi like this, apart from waiting for an improved five-dimensional comeback, Shirazu could only use the corresponding moves to "explode" him.

Considering that Akaashi might know some of his hidden moves, Shirazu planned to pick some side tricks.

You must know that in recent years, in order to prevent himself from being unable to cope with situations, he has spent most of his time exploring new powers.

Just like Atobe once said.

"Shirazu Jisung is a player who uses moves to arm himself to the teeth."

This sentence is not false in the slightest, but it is the statement that best reflects Bai Jin's situation.

In addition to relying on your own strength, blacksmithing also requires handy equipment.

In this loose world, those moves that are constantly being developed are the best targets.

A white light began to glow from his chest. Bai Jin looked at Akaashi who was about to hit the serve but was not in any hurry.


The ball came flying at a speed that Kise and the others could hardly catch with their naked eyes. Shirazu found the right position, and the racket in his hand was shrouded in white light, and then seemed to turn into a big sword.


Under the gaze of others, the moment he swung his bat, everyone seemed to see the cut space.


"Call back?"

Although it was impossible to see visually, the sound of the retaliation could be clearly heard.



Riaki came back to his senses at this moment and saw the tennis ball rolling down in his court.

Bai Jin's too straightforward reply prevented him from reacting in time.

It's not that there's anything special about the ball, but Shiratsu's simple swing is so shocking.

Apart from the cut space, there was almost no abnormality seen.

It is neither an increase in physical ability nor any added effectiveness to tennis.

And just like that, he hit the ball back with a simple swing of the racket.

"do you remember?"

"I developed the Explosive Blast to deal with light strikes."

Knowing how Akashi was feeling now, Bai Jin suddenly asked him.

"But as you get stronger, I suddenly realize that Blast Ryubo alone is not enough."

"It can hit a lot of special shots, but you can hit it back too, because you've seen enough."

Before Akaashi could say anything, Shirazu continued talking.

At the same time, I feel a little regretful about the tricks I used to be good at.

Explosive flow is a very good counterattack technique, but unfortunately, these people have experienced it so much that they know how to counterattack with their eyes closed.

Even though Baijin himself is constantly getting stronger and the power of Blast Ryubo will also increase, the conditions are still too delicate.

So much so that Bai Jin chose to develop new moves to deal with it.

Especially when facing world-class players, many of the balls they hit are full of gravity.

Armed colors also came into being from this incident

And it's like The World is specifically designed to deal with fastballs.

Shiratsu has also developed interesting new moves to limit power players.

However, he had never met anyone who needed to use this trick before, so he hid it without intending to use it.

Based on the "heavy particle mode" situation just now, Akaashi probably wouldn't know about this new trick.

So I used it

As you can imagine, Akashi really didn't know, so he was stunned for a moment and failed to catch the ball.

"Potential power..."

As if he saw through Shirazu's power that extended to the racket, Akashi remained silent, and then spoke.

That kind of white light turns the racket into a big sword, which looks very powerful, but it is definitely not just for looks.

"Huh? You know."

Shirazu glanced at Akashi in surprise.

"Potential energy is a very magical energy"

"If you use it, you can do a lot of convenient things easily."

"For example, breaking the limits..."

After telling the essence of that energy, under the gaze of everyone, Bai Jin responded in a natural tone while carrying the racket.

"Extreme Skills"

Akashi looked at Shirazu and then directly revealed his real moves.

"Extreme skills?"

Frowning, he was still unable to confirm what kind of power system this was. Others were curious for a while.

For Akashi, this thing is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Because this is something that has a saying in future memory.

(But that is obviously not an offensive ultimate skill...)

In addition to being puzzled, he also had a hint of expectation. He wanted to see what Bai Jin was going to do.

"It seems that you know part of it, but not all of it."

Seeing Akashi's look, Bai Jin didn't relax.

The ball was hit again, and Bai Jin still waved the sword of light in his hand to fight it this time.


(Sure enough, if you don’t look carefully, you can’t find it at all.)

After repeated exchanges with him, Akashi's serve was easily hit back this time.

"How could it be so easy?"

With such doubts, Akashi wanted to grab Atobe's Eye of Ice.



The one-goal battle continued again, and no one could do anything to anyone.

But only Akashi noticed the subtle change.

“If used properly, it’s very good.”

Hitting the ball back again and again, Shirazu did not rush to attack first, but patiently endured Akashi.

(The power of a hit ball will drop sharply in an instant. Is it a problem with the racket?

(No, it's not that kind of thing)

Bai Jin just looked at Akashi's tangled look and kept fighting back.


It hit the Red Star again, and the ball was hit back, but Akashi rarely wanted to take the initiative to attack.

"Unfortunately, it's the same no matter how many times I come."

Seeing the ball being hit with an unmatched force, Bai Jin easily knocked it back again.

Extreme skills are also called "LB".

That's not a single move, but a collection.

There are only three concepts contained in extreme skills

Attack skills, defensive skills, recovery skills

And now Bai Jin is using the defense in his ultimate technique.

A unique skill that can reduce the effectiveness of future balls by 80%

The power of darkness!

Compared with various offensive extreme skills, defensive extreme skills always have only one effect.

That is to reduce the power of the opponent's ball by 80%.

Without any other bells and whistles, this alone is enough to make it difficult for the opponent to pose any offensive threat.

This is Baijin's best method to deal with high-stakes panel monsters.

Because no matter how powerful the opponent's ball is, if only 20% is left, it is impossible to break through yourself no matter what.

It's just that in the past, it was rare to encounter opponents who could temporarily surpass him on the board, so he developed it and rarely used it.

This is why Akaashi is both familiar and strange.

Because in his memory, Bai Jin has only used offensive extreme skills.

The defensive and recovery types were never used at all.

So much so that this is also one of the blind spots.

"No matter how Akashi-chan fights, Shirazu-chan can easily fight back."

It was obviously a powerful shot, but Shirazu was able to hit it back effortlessly.

It's simply hard to understand.

"If this drags on, Akashi will be doomed."

Although Kagami didn't know what happened, it was obvious that he was beginning to be unfavorable to Akashi.

"Yes, Bai Jin is still getting stronger because of his seamlessness."

"Once the match continues, Akashi will have no chance of winning."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this situation cannot be delayed. No one can delay Bai Jin.

But Akashi is a little helpless at this moment

(Can’t you break through even this way?)

(Even if my fifth dimension temporarily surpassed his.)

It has to be said that as time goes by, the maintenance of Yida Shura will also disappear.

In this situation, he could not quickly find a way to overcome Bai Jin's defense.

The control of the Eye of the Emperor?



There is no way for him to effectively break the deadlock.

(Looks like we don’t have enough yet.)

(If you want to beat him, you have to cross another level.)

At this point, Omo Akashi has understood that he and Uto Akashi are still lacking something crucial.

Imperial light with special properties? Temporarily obtain a super high five-dimensional Yida Shura?

Regardless of the mechanism or the panel, Bai Jin actually suppressed it. This was something neither of them expected.

If it was Shirazu who had acquired memories of the future, they would have understood it, but this Shirazu hadn't acquired any memories at all, and yet he could do it to this extent, which was a bit too much.

Oyako Akashi's Imperial Light

Rakiashi's One-Sword Shura

The final powerful move that the two of them made in the future was actually blocked by Bai Jinquan before the World Championship.

I have to say this is too shocking.



Time has passed, and the body feels weak, and it can no longer maintain its strong strength.

Five minutes is still too short.


After a few coughs, my weak body could no longer support the subsequent response, resulting in a loss of points.


"You have become stronger, Akashi."

Just as he was thinking about something, he suddenly heard Bai Jin's voice. When he looked up, he found that the latter was looking at him with an expression of admiration.

"Although I don't know how you did it, but being able to exert such strength can be said to be unique."

This is not Bai Jin's malicious boasting, but an admitted fact.

There is no doubt that Akashi is the strongest player he has ever encountered. No one can touch him except that guy Nanjiro.

It can be said that based on Akashi's current performance, he has exceeded the strength limit of the four major ministers and reached a higher rank.

With such strength, Akashi can be said to be an "instant kill" against many opponents.

It's a pity that he already has a countermeasure, so he won't be stolen.

Bai Jin had imagined various possibilities for his opponent a long time ago.

Those who play fast ball, those who play power ball, those who play special ones including ultra-high panels.

Just like when he first developed Explosive Blast to deal with light strikes, Shirazu has been building up his moves as much as possible in terms of what he expected.

Why can he always hold the strongest position? In addition to being strong enough, it is also because he has a way to defeat any opponent.

On the other hand, opponents often have no way to deal with him.

As time goes by, the gap naturally becomes apparent.

Unless he meets a super tennis player like Nanjiro, Shiratsu has never been suppressed by anyone.

"Let me bury you beautifully in this last journey."

The serve that Akashi hit with great difficulty was much weaker than before, but even so, Shirazu still gave his gift.

That is an offensive move among extreme techniques.


Blue dragon flames formed in the hand, as if the entire right arm had formed the posture of a dragon.

"Sky Dragon Flame!"

Waving his arms, the blue dragon swallowed the incoming ball and blasted it past.


In Akashi's familiar eyes, the dragon from the east fell from the sky and hit the bottom line hard.

A huge roar erupted, causing unimaginable destructive power.

Smoke and dust began to fill the air, blocking everyone's view.


The strong wind pressure swept across and began to disperse the smoke and dust. Within a few seconds, people could clearly see the situation in the field.

Like traces of being chewed, a huge hole was formed on the court. The bottomless tunnel made people wonder whether jumping down would reach the core of the earth.

"What a fierce lob."

Vulcan looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What a monster, Bai Zai."

"Why is the lob so powerful?"

Murasakihara watched for a long time, but still couldn't figure out how a lob could be so spectacular as a smash.

"Really, how many cards does that guy have in his hand?"

Covering his head, Aomine thought with a headache. In his opinion, Akashi was already unreasonably strong, but even so, he was still resisted by Bai Jin.

Even if the Emperor's Light was restrained, even the ultra-high panel opened by Shura Sword didn't penetrate Bai Jin's defense.

It just feels like it’s hard to get started.


They don't seem to see that Bai Jin has such a shortcoming.

It would be a good thing if he didn't catch his flaws in turn.

"Hmph, the only person who can beat him is the kind of player who remains unchanged in the face of ever-changing situations."

"Midorima-kun, your demands are already very high for Shirazu-kun."

It's almost hard to imagine that kind of player, and everyone else recognizes it.

"If you really want to say it, Huang Zai is actually the most suitable."


"However, there is a high probability that he will not last until the end."

"Maybe I could try harder?"

"After working hard, lie on the ground and wait for your teammates to leave with your crying face?"

"Wow, Xiao Qingfeng, what you said is really outrageous."

It was obviously just a two-game deciding game, but everyone experienced an unimaginable scene.

But one thing is that their desire to compete with Bai Jin has never been weak.

After all, if you can't beat it now, it doesn't mean you can't beat it in the future.

As for what happens if you lose? It's better to wait until you lose before thinking about it.


I woke up violently and felt like hibernating.

The body is very tired

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