Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 679 676 Cheating?

Chapter 679 676. Cheating?

"Oh, we're on a plane!"

"And it seems like it's like a special plane."

"Remove the "seem", this is a specially prepared special plane"

Compared to Kintaro's excitement, the others were much calmer.

In order to avoid delays and accidents, Mifune specially asked someone to arrange a special plane this time.

After all, including the participating players and coaches, there are nearly 40 people sailing this time, so there can't be any surprises.

If there is any delay in departure, people get lost, etc., it will be a big fun.

In order to avoid this happening, a special plane was prepared for the operation.

Even Taneshima, who had always refused to fly, was kidnapped this time.


"Does he have a disease that will kill him if he flies on a plane?"

Those who didn't know better thought he was a dragon slayer from some world.

Seeing Taneshima with a stiff body and a very bad expression, everyone's views on him changed.

"This trip will be great."

"I heard it will take at least nine hours."

"It's going to be a little long."

Communicating with each other, several ministers also gathered together to chat.

"By the way, Atobe, are you really okay?"

"Looking at you, it doesn't seem like you've fully recovered."

Turning to look at Atobe, Shiraishi asked him curiously.

"Humph, it's just a joke."

"The cells that lost activity have already slowly recovered and can catch up."

I am very aware of my physical condition, but I am not worried about it.

It can only be said that in order to retaliate against Bai Jin's slashing attack, he had overtaxed his body.

If it weren't for his strong ability to support him, he might really be dead soon.

"I wonder what this exhibition match will be like."

Yukimura was reading the magazine in his hand, but he became very interested in what would happen that night.

"Will there be a draw?"

"Who knows, it might change, or it might stay the same."

Tezuka is also looking forward to this, but he can't draw a conclusion now.

Germany, Spain, Switzerland.

That is the enemy they should face, but in today's situation, there is a chance that new confrontations will arise in the draw.

After all, the world is not static, and under certain circumstances, your own insignificant actions may cause surprising changes on the other side.

Not to mention the changes that may occur in various countries now

Although the exhibition match is just an unrelated preliminary match, it is also an inspiring debut match. They have absolutely no reason to hide their strength or let go.

The best-case scenario is to fight in a high-profile manner and win all three games to establish his new king.

It's just that this time, I don't know if it can be as smooth as the "future".

"With knowledge of our strength, countries will definitely use this opportunity to conduct exploration and testing."

Akashi can easily think of his opponent's response. If there are players in a strong country who know the future, there will inevitably be changes in the formation.

"In other words, the primary target may be us or him."

Yukimura also understood what Akaashi said, and then glanced around, scanning the ministers one by one, and then landed on Bai Jin who was looking out the window boredly.

Whether it's a test or you want to go head-to-head, exhibition games are a great opportunity.

This won’t count towards the main draw anyway, so you can play whatever you want.

Originally it was easy to hide or avoid fighting, but with the rule of "naming", it was very difficult to avoid.

"Don't worry about this. Byodoin seniors and the others will naturally not suffer in this regard."

"After all, naming has two sides."

"Both can use each other."

Different from the relaxed atmosphere among junior high school students, the exchanges among high school students seemed much more serious.

"Byodoin, if we face Germany again, do you think Polk and Q.P are still willing to fight us?"

Gui thought for a while and suddenly said that he was skeptical about this matter.

"Don't think too much. If we really meet someone, they will name us no matter what they say."

"After all, the shame of losing once, with the self-esteem of those two people, it cannot be justified not to find a place."

In this regard, Byodoin is not worried at all. Although the tolerance among strong people is not small, it cannot be said to be without selfish motives.

When Polk and Q.P know that they have been defeated once, they will definitely not avoid it. It is even possible that they want revenge more than themselves.

"This time, your chances of winning are very slim."

Tokugawa was not optimistic and blindly believed that these two people had a high probability of winning.

Even with the advance changes, it may not be enough to confront Polk and Q·P head-on.


"Conditions remain unchanged."

They are still the weak side, but their mentality is completely different at this moment.

Whether the classic opening and victory can be replicated is, to be honest, full of unknowns.

After all, they don't know whether Polk and Q·P have become stronger.

"The difficulty has become higher."

Yuezhi stared at the front from the gap in the back and heard his conversation, saying in a deep voice.

"It's not our turn to worry. We just need to do our best, right?"

Maori did not add to this distress, because all they could do was pray for those two people and firmly believed that they could win again.

"Tsk, are you finally here?"

In the hotel where he checked in, he watched acquaintances getting off the bus one after another. Akutsu put his hand in his pocket and was already a little impatient with the wait.

Wearing a white suit, he looked so handsome, and his aloof temperament was full of fascinating aura.

When he entered the profession, his mentality was different from before, and now he is closer to maturity.

He has had personal contact with Sengoku before, and Akutsu, who has also received memories, can't wait for the World Championship to begin next.

He longs to fight with those powerful enemies

(Amadeus of the Swiss team. You can’t run away.)

Thinking of someone's previous provocation, Akujin raised his eyebrows and sneered.

He was going to hunt that guy down in this exhibition match.

"Yukimura, remember to go to the venue with me to draw lots later."

It was getting dark, but everyone knew that this was not the time to rest.

Byodoin shouted to Yukimura just at the door of the hotel.

"This is really true."

"You have a competitive spirit."

For a moment, everyone was stunned, but when they reacted, they all showed smiles with unclear meanings.

Draw lots?

Do they have a more suitable "dealer" here than Yukimura?

Knowing that Byodoin and the others were determined to snipe Germany, others did nothing to stop them.

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