Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 126: Prelude to the war

After a night of time, the storm seemed to show signs of stopping. In the distant sky, the dark clouds seemed to have thinned a lot.

"It's incredible. I have never seen such a storm in the Sea of ​​Storms for so many years."

Holt sighed. In his impression, the center of the storm would move, not like this storm, which remained unchanged for two days and two nights.

"There are too many secrets in the ocean that we don't know, don't sigh any more, let the guys get ready!"

Bibab said in a deep voice, he weighed his sharp hand axe, a faint red light flashed in his eyes.

On the island not far away, the imperial navy also gathered. According to past experience, it will be the time when the power of the heart of the ocean will dissipate soon.

When the first ray of sunlight hits the sea surface, through the sea water, to the heart of the ocean.

The flame that had been silent for a long time in Andy's eyes ignited again. He looked at the heart of the ocean around him, and the dark bottom became magnificent. The whole heart of the ocean was like a perfect gem that could never be found again. to the slightest flaw.

A dazzling blue light burst out from the heart of the ocean, penetrating the sea water, even piercing the pirates, and penetrating the sky, covering up the sunlight.

The stormy sea around the pirates has turned into a blue world.

When the blue light shone out, the storm in the entire stormy sea area came to an abrupt end, and suddenly disappeared from everyone's field of vision as if it had never appeared. A wild force silently gathered towards the depths of the ocean.

Several low beast roars sounded from the depths of the ocean, and there was a crashing sound on the sea, and several quasi-legendary sea beasts showed their heads.

"The heart of the ocean has matured? Damn it! Quickly, take people to the bottom of the sea!"

Jervis roared and threw the fish tank into the sea. The dragon fish in the fish tank shook its tail and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Where's Kraut! Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Jervis turned his head and asked the adjutant. The adjutant straightened his body and shook his head.

"Anchor! Raise the sail! In any case, stop this **** Daphne for me! I'd like to see whether her **** pirates are more powerful when they take over the ship, or whether our empire's elite navy is more powerful!"

Jervis roared loudly, and steered the Victory toward Sword and Rose.

"Damn it! Let those pirate ships following us stop those navy ships! It's time for them to help!"

Daphne's face was not very good, and the situation was a bit unexpected. Maybe her roses were too conspicuous. The few quasi-legendary sea beasts that appeared on the seabed actually regarded roses as the biggest threat.

They worked together to entangle Rose. If it was only them, Rose would be able to solve it quickly, but the dragon fish from the Victory also joined in, which immediately made the situation complicated.

Several sea beasts rolled and roared in the vast ocean beside the island, setting off huge waves, which were not much worse than the previous storm.

Rose can't be counted on, and now she can only rely on artillery and scimitars!

Daphne sneered and looked at the Victory that was approaching towards Sword and Rose. She pulled out the machete around her waist, and a faint **** smell spread, accompanied by a hot smell like lava.

This is a powerful magical weapon.

"Rand, let them see how powerful we are!"

Rand laughed excitedly. He personally steered the rudder and rushed up to meet the Victory.

"The artillery is ready, fire!"

The artillery of the two barques opened the prelude to the melee. The smell of gunpowder smoke spread far and wide, and the sounds of artillery and guns were endless.

Screaming, cursing, gold and iron mingling.

Roaring, roaring, flesh and blood separated.

All kinds of voices sing in a **** symphony on the ocean.

The Goddess of Despair came to the side of the Victory. Captain Zach already hated Jervis. If it wasn't for Jervis, then the first mate Roger he trusted would not leave.

The new Dreadnought was stopped by the blue nose, and they were probing each other with artillery not far away. When the two rounds of artillery were over, or someone broke into the other party's ship, then the **** battle would come.

"Target me where there are many people and fire!"

Zach held back his anger and shouted loudly, the artilleryman of the Goddess of Despair is a first-class existence among the pirates of the Storm Sea. As soon as Zach's voice fell, several artillery pieces roared and blew up several navy members on the Victory. minced meat.

The Sword and the Rose and the Goddess of Despair stopped on both sides of the Victory, which made Jervis feel very bad. He wanted to change this unfavorable situation, but a cannonball from the Sword and the Rose completely disappointed him.

A precise double-chain gun fired by Sword and Rose broke Victory's sub-mast, and the huge mast wobbled and snapped, and part of it fell on Sword and Rose.

The two ships are fixed, and it's time for a battle!

After the Goddess of Despair poured out a round of artillery, the pirates grabbed the cables and rushed to the Victory one by one like swinging.

Some of them successfully boarded the Victory, and some were shot down by the Navy with muskets in mid-air.

Everyone was They didn't remember that they came for the heart of the ocean, and the purpose became to kill a few more navies or pirates.

There were also quite a few navy who fell on the goddess of despair. After Andler broke a navy's neck, he shouted to Buck beside him, "Where's Andy!"

"I don't know! Didn't see him! Damn it!"

Buck kicked a navy who was trying to climb up into the sea with one foot, and charged towards Andy's small house screaming.

"Andy! Damn it! Andy!"

Buck kicked open the door, only to see Margaret trembling at the corner of the bed, his expression froze, and he looked to the side.

One side of the wooden wall connecting the small house and the captain's room was pierced by artillery, while the other side was also blasted with a large hole.

Buck took it for granted that Andy was blasted into the sea by the artillery, his chest heaving violently, and his eyes instantly scarlet.

On the deck, a navy had just cut his opponent's throat, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was thrown to the ground by a force of force. Before he could see what knocked him down, he was sprayed with blood from his throat. Blurred eyes.

Buck seems to have become a beast, his fangs are not much worse than that of a cheetah in the terrestrial grassland...

Margaret was really frightened. For the first time, when the artillery whizzed past her, she felt that death was so close to her.

The frightened Margaret didn't even know that Buck rushed in, until the appearance of another navy figure made her come back to her senses.

The navy who rushed in didn't know Margaret. He just saw Margaret's pirate dress. For the navy who killed the red eye, this dress was enough.

The navy roared, this was not the time when Lianxiangxiyu was in love, the machete in his hand made a sharp rubbing sound in the air, and the sharp blade slashed at Margaret.

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