Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 154: blown up...

While Andy was enjoying rum and grilled fish on the beach in Port Tou Louis, Viking Harbor was a different story.

The afternoon was supposed to be used by pirates to drink and have fun, but now Viking Harbor has lost its lively atmosphere. The pubs and brothels in various streets and alleys have their wooden doors closed, and even half a person can't be seen. .

The warm sunshine still shines on the land of Viking Harbor, but it still cannot hide the chilling meaning that rises from the ground.

Things have to start from last night...

The actual manager of Viking Harbor, the famous big pirate Ken, died last night in the castle of the Pirate Alliance.

The great wizard Phillips, known as the first alchemist of Viking Harbor, performed a miracle in front of all the people of the Pirate Alliance.

He used a large pot of unknown liquid and Ken's hair to successfully restore what happened last night.

Magical alchemy!

The murderer was very clear. Ken's wife Eva joined a pirate to kill him and took away the sailboat that Ken had sealed up and the "small pet" that Ken kept in the fish tank.

And that pirate is also a familiar person, a person who is regarded as trash by everyone.

Pixar's younger brother, Peter, the pirate who had been a beggar in Viking Harbor for several years.

Under the instructions of the leaders of other pirate alliances, Viking Harbor was completely closed, and no one was allowed to leave without the permission of the pirate alliance.

No one can disobey the will of the Pirate Alliance, not even Zach, because he also expects himself to be the pirate queen of the Storm Sea, and the people of the Pirate Alliance will engrave his name on the monument of the Central Sea Headquarters of the Pirate Alliance.

Daphne of the Crystal Sea did not leave either. She even helped the Pirate Alliance to control the situation. Any ship that showed signs of movement would receive special care from Rose.

"Where is that **** Peter? How much gold will I lose if this goes on!"

A curse was heard from the largest bar in Viking Harbor.

It was the owner of the bar who was speaking. He sat in front of the bar, looking at the rum that was left untouched today, and cursed angrily.

"Hey boss, when do you think that kid will be caught?"

A sturdy young man with short brown hair came over from the side, with a relaxed smile on his face, sat in front of the bar, and skillfully got himself a glass of rum.

"Weiss, this is the seventeenth glass of rum you've had this month. Excluding your benefits, I'll deduct your wages...a silver coin and two copper coins."

The boss leaned back, glanced at the door, and said loudly.

Weiss looked back vigilantly, but found nothing.


The boss shook his head and took out another bottle of rum from under the bar.

"Although I don't know where the kid is hiding, there must be a way for Phillips to find his location. After all, alchemy always has uses that we can't think of."

The boss took a sip of rum and let out a hearty exclamation.

"But Phillips doesn't want to do that, and that's something we should consider."

Weiss nodded thoughtfully, seeming to understand something.

"Don't think too much. Since you are here, you can stay at ease. You can leave whenever you want. After all, you are so good at being a bartender."

The boss said, as if thinking of something, "I heard that the Sword and Rose died a lot of people last time out to sea, you can try it, do you really want to hang around with me like this for the rest of your life?"

Weiss was stunned for a moment, looking at the boss's face, lost in thought.

Weiss, the name is only one word different from Admiral Jervis, but the identity is very different.

He is an ordinary navy in Victory Harbor. Because of his excellent marksmanship, he was successfully selected to join the Victory and became a gunner.

But for a few years on the Victory, Weiss was not happy.

He saw with his own eyes that the Admiral executed their captives one by one in extreme methods, hanging, sun exposure, feeding sharks, and even letting seagulls and crows eat the pirates a little bit alive.

Wes always insisted on justice in his heart, so he went to the first mate, the hapless man who had died at the hands of Andy.

The results are predictable.

Whis was kicked out of the Victory, and a disappointed Whis questioned his beliefs for the first time.

Is the navy justice?

He left the navy, because he left without authorization, and Weiss was listed as a defector. There was no way, he had to take a loot merchant's ship to a free port, and then came to Viking Harbor.

In this bar, Weiss took care of two pirates who were making trouble with alcohol. The boss thought his skills were good, so he hired him and made him the bartender here.

"With your skills and use of guns, it's easy to join Sword and Rose."

"But... Daphne..."

Weiss blushed. He once glanced at Daphne from a distance, she was a woman who was extremely beautiful and sexy.

Of course, the owner of the tavern knows what kind of person Weiss is. This guy usually doesn't dare to talk to the women in the brothel next to the tavern. It's a little difficult for him to face Daphne every day.

"Then you can also try the Goddess of Despair... Pixar is completely finished, so is the blue nose. I don't believe that Augustine will stay in the sea of ​​​​storms forever. After all, the sea of ​​​​storms is Zac's world!"

The boss said with oath, but before Weiss could express his opinion, a huge roar suddenly spread throughout Viking Harbor.

The wooden cabinet behind the boss shook, precious drinks fell on the ground one after another, and broken glass and drinks splashed everywhere.

"Damn it! Who the **** dares to bombard Viking Harbor?"

The boss looked at the broken wine bottle on the ground distressedly, stomped his feet, and ran out of the tavern.

This is the central area of ​​​​Viking Harbor, not far from the gathering of the Pirate Alliance, and there are many buildings blocking the port.

The boss could only see a huge mushroom cloud rising from the He patted Wes next to him and said loudly, "Quick, go up and take a look."

Weiss neatly climbed to the roof of the tavern, squinted and swayed, his marksmanship was accurate, and his eyes were naturally good.

"Wes? What did you see!"

When the boss saw that Weiss was motionless, he was a little anxious. What he was most afraid of was that the navy of the empire suddenly went crazy and did something unreasonable.

Many people in the surrounding stores came out and talked a lot. When they heard the boss's shout, they all raised their heads and looked at Weiss.

Weiss looked down at everyone, and he swallowed.

"Old... Boss, a ship was blown up..."

"Which one?"

The boss was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked.

"It seems... the goddess of despair!"

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