Newlyweds 1001 Nights: Mr. Bo’s Love Life

Chapter 648: Bo Hancheng, do you want me to die?

"Luozheng, you are dead!"

The young girl stimulated the man on the verge of madness with a sentence that made the man unable to listen and reached out and pinched her by the neck.

A little bit closer, her neck was slender and easily broken under his big palm.

In the end, Bo Hancheng, who is getting sick, still knew that the girl in front of him was the point he cared about ... Although the reason disappeared, the subconscious mind of the body kept reminding him.

Therefore, he restrained his strength, do not increase, so as not to really kill the girl!

"Luo Zheng, if you don't want to die, take back what you just said!"

The scarlet eyes of Bo Hancheng stared at the young girl with a cold and boneless voice.

Looking back at the man, Luo Zheng only felt tired physically and mentally.

Obviously, he was so close to herself. At this moment, she felt that they were far apart ... Maybe, she never understood him, his thinness, his paranoia, his darkness. .

Not long ago, he bloomed fireworks for her, gathered ninety-nine wishing lights, and agreed to watch the sea for fifty years.

She thought that he really pleased himself to be able to do this.

But in the blink of an eye, he imprisoned her and tore her life. If he didn't agree, would he want his own life?

Luo Zheng gasped, feeling that his neck was surrounded by a man's big palm. Although not fatal, he was not comfortable, and he was sad to be restricted.

"Bo Hancheng, do you want me to die?"

Asking gently, Luo Zheng's pale face fainted with a smile.

Hearing the words, Bo Hancheng's pupils suffocated and his hands shook slightly, as if trying to recover from the madness.

At the end of the day, he just kept his voice calm and repeatedly asked: "Stay, not allowed to go!"

Luo Zheng condensed the confetti scattered on the ground, it was a notice, it was her planned future, and he easily destroyed it, just to trap her beside her.

Then, to be his lover, even if it sounds good, she is the wife of his heart.

But it can't be overwhelmed by the fact that he must marry someone.

In this world, people's hearts are volatile and their feelings are most humble.

According to his identity, the girl arranged by the family must be very outstanding, so good to be with him.

It's not that she doesn't have confidence, but she doesn't want to gamble.

Taking three or five years to gamble on a future and pin your hopes on another person will be an extreme torture.

That kind of bitterness, she tasted once on Xi Mubai, but the result was still full of losses.

How to believe that he only chooses himself, and will not be tempted by other girls ... On her, she knows herself and has no merits.

Love is a joy at first sight, love is always tireless.

He liked it meagerly, not enough to support her, and gambled on his bruised heart!

Moreover, she does not become a third party, even if only nominally.

"Bo Hancheng, I think, I don't understand you. I only saw your surface, never been in your heart, and now ... it's not necessary anymore. I want to live my own life without your life ..."

"Don't think about it!"

Before Luo Zheng finished his speech, Bo Hancheng pressed down so tightly that Luo Zheng was tightly pressed against the edge of the desk, and there was no gap between them.

"Luozheng, you are not allowed to go anywhere, you can only stay by my side! You have feelings for me, don't you? You said it yourself, like me ..."

Bo Hancheng's intellect is almost absent, and he says what he thinks.

Even, the cold sweat on his forehead seemed to endure the indescribable pain, pinching the palm of Luo Zheng's neck, wanting to let go for a while, want to shrink for a while, wandering back and forth.

Luo Zheng's eyelashes drooped, trembling slightly, like a butterfly spreading its wings: "I just said that I don't like it anymore."

"No longer like it?"

Bo Hancheng asked in a low voice, his face seemed to be overcast, but it seemed to be expressionless, staring at Luo Zheng for a long time.

For a long time, a string stretched in his mind, forcing his palm a little bit to take it off the girl's neck.

Then, the man opened his mouth again, his eyes were empty, his thin lips slightly opened: "I don't believe, Luo Zheng. I don't believe, can you no longer like me ..."

He knew that his feelings were very cheap, but he didn't know that he could withdraw so easily.

If you like it, just like it.

If you don't like it, you don't like it.

If it can be done so easily, what about him? Can it be recovered as well!

The pressure on his neck disappeared, Luo Zheng was breathing tightly, breathing gently and evenly, only his heartbeat was chaotic.

"No matter whether you believe it or not, what I said is true ..."

Luo Zheng clenched his hands tightly, trying to speak as calmly as possible, so that what he said might sound true.

In fact, her original intention was indeed like this.

Studying abroad and breaking ties with him, time will be a good cure for wounds.

One year, two years, three years ... one day, she can forget and face him calmly.

Even Xi Mubai, after ten years of chasing, she can safely let go, there is nothing she can't do, she believes this!

"Luozheng, I don't believe it! I don't believe ..."

Bo Hancheng clasped the girl's shoulders with both hands, repeating the meaning, without tearing his heart, just a narrative.

Indistinctly, Luo Zheng was able to feel that the man was trembling slightly for unknown reasons, and his face was a little ugly, as if there was weakness.

Only at this time, Luo Zheng had no thoughts and went to see what was wrong with him.

It ’s just the Shitou fire room. I came up with an idea that was n’t an idea. I glanced aside. There were knives and various knives in the kitchen utensils.

Suddenly, thinking of what Gu Changye said, at the cost of stabbing Bo Hancheng in exchange for his mother's news.

From the beginning, she never thought that she would really do it.

If this is not the case, she and he came to this step, in an extremely deadlocked situation.

He said she did not believe it.

Then, she convinced him to bury their feelings!

She knows that Bo Hancheng likes her, no matter how specific, he really likes her ... But, she also knows that such a meager likeness, like a beautiful colored glass, will shatter when touched.

If, if she did something to him and stabbed him, what would he ...?

Don't think about it, you will hate her, hate her, and never see her again!

Luo Zheng didn't want to do this, he really didn't want to do this, but the man in front of him added a sentence: "Even if you don't like me, I won't let go one day, you will be mine one day!"

Is that true?

If he didn't let go, she wouldn't be able to walk away, and the two had to struggle with pain, then ... she forced him to let go, and never wanted to see herself again!

"It's good to get together, isn't it?"

Luo Zheng whispered softly, I don't know whether it was for men, or for myself.

However, the determination has been made and will not be changed!

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