Night of apocalypse

Chapter 100 Risk Definition

But even so, those intelligent machines are still in a hostile state with the alien monsters, and they will fight when they meet.

In addition, the KPI department preliminarily defines the overlapping world risk levels as G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS from weak to strong. Among them, G is the lowest risk level, that is to say, the overlapping past has the highest survival rate.

The definition of danger for this city of mechanical ruins begins with D, which means that its lowest degree of danger is also D-level. And once the bad luck overlaps the danger zone, the difficulty will rise to S level.

However, regarding the summary of this overlapping world, quoting Dr. Xi Lu, this overlapping world is relatively advanced in technology among the many worlds known so far, and the items and materials it produces are of great research value.

Shen Qiu took a few deep breaths to suppress his restless heart.

Now he finally understood how lucky he was to survive from that mechanical ruined city.

In addition, Shen Qiu became more and more certain that the things he brought back from the mechanical ruined city must be of high value, especially the blueprint.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu was even more thankful that he didn't deal with it casually.

Shen Qiu immediately clicked the information box about the city of mechanical ruins, and he did not continue to open the information of other overlapping worlds.

There is no rush for these, you can look back and take your time.

He desperately wanted to know what the hell that circular and triangular module was.

So he clicked on the free item information area, and 1000+ item pictures popped up immediately, and these pictures were arranged according to the popularity of clicks.

Therefore, Shen Qiu saw at a glance that the front picture was a circular module pattern.

He clicked in immediately, and dense introductions emerged.

Modules are divided into gene modules and atomic modules.

Gene module: It is a very special gene combination, which is often found in various powerful monsters. Its material is similar to metal, but it is different in nature. It contains a special gene sequence inside. It can be used to strengthen the ability of the awakened person, and at the same time improve the physical fitness of the awakened person in an all-round way.

Note 1: Gene modules are divided into types, and different colors and attributes correspond to gene sequences in different directions. For example, the red color is likely to correspond to the flame direction of the awakened gene sequence, which can be used by fire awakened. Theoretically, the Awakened cannot use modules with different attributes.

Note 2: Although the gene module can be used directly, it is not recommended to use it directly, because it contains impurities and is prone to various negative situations. In severe cases, it will cause the user to run wild and out of control, and finally degenerate into a disqualified person. The best solution is to make it into a corresponding The gene injection is reused.

Note 3: Gene modules are also divided into good and bad. The difference lies in the shape. The first-level gene module is circular, the second-level gene module is a triangle, the third-level is a cube, and so on! It is worth noting that the best module obtained by the KPI department so far is triangle, and the rest of the information is obtained from data interpretation.

Note 4: Gene modules of the same attribute can be synthesized to advance to higher-level modules, which need to be synthesized by special equipment. (For details, please open the paid data to unlock.)

Atomic module: Contains special power modules, which can be used to embed various equipment, strengthen equipment strength, and increase the power of the awakened.

Note 1: The atomic module is good or bad, consistent with the gene module, the first level is a circle, the second level is a triangle, and so on.

Note 2: Atomic modules can also be synthesized by special machines. (For details, please open the paid data to unlock.)

Shen Qiu immediately ran to the computer desk, picked up the gray triangle module, and carefully compared it with the free database modules.

Soon he found a picture of a gray circular module and compared it repeatedly.

He can basically confirm that the color and luster of the two are the same, and the attributes are likely to be the same.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu tried to click on the detailed information of this gray round module to obtain his specific information.

As a result, a prompt box pops up.

"This module is a special category. If you view it, you will be redirected to the payment interface. You need to pay 10 points. Do you want to pay?"

Shen Qiu looked at the payment prompt, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely. He could only suppress his eagerness and close the payment interface.

He clicked on his profile interface to check how many points he had.

Check to see if there are any bonus points for joining.

It's a pity that the line in the points column impressively says 0 points, directly breaking Shen Qiu's unrealistic fantasy.

Shen Qiu's expression changed for a while, he scratched his head, thinking about how to get points.

He recalled the three ways that Yun Xiaoxi had mentioned, it was definitely too late to complete the task, and if he took the task hastily, it would make no difference if he wanted to die.

Of course, Shen Qiu didn't want to ask Yun Xiaoxi to borrow it. Although she said that there was a high probability that she would borrow it, he didn't think it was suitable.

So there is only one last resort, and that is to hand in things.

Shen Qiu immediately opened the backpack, and took out from it the book that was symbolically drawn out at random when he entered the city of fog for the first time.

This book should be of the lowest value, Shen Qiu is going to try it out.

So he searched in the app, and soon found the item and information exchange button.

He clicked in, followed the prompts, selected the overlapping world where the item was produced, and then selected the type to be handed in as a book, and a prompt box popped up immediately.

"Please take a photo of the book cover and upload the first 10 pages. If the review is approved, someone will come to pick it up. If there are duplicates and there is no meaning of recycling, the submission application will fail."

Shen Qiu picked up the phone, took pictures of the book cover and the first 10 pages, and uploaded them.

"Under review, the corresponding results are expected to be given in 60 minutes."

Shen Qiu looked at the prompt and had no choice but to wait, impatient to eat hot tofu.

At this time, he inadvertently saw that there was a commission function next to it.

He clicked in curiously, but was stunned, only to see a lot of portraits popping up on it.

For example, on the far left is a white-haired old man whose teeth are about to fall out, and the profile says.

Qin Jian.

Status: On-the-job · Ph.D. tutor in ancient languages ​​of Shen Xing College

Occupational Ability: Can translate some overlapping world documents, proficient in various languages.

Employment fee: starting from 100 words/10 points.

To his right is a rather elderly middle-aged woman wearing glasses.

Ke Lian

Status: Famous genetic biologist.

Occupational ability: genetic testing, genetic injection preparation.

Employment fee: starting with 1000 points.

Shen Qiu looked at the point fees of these employees, and wondered why his eyelids kept twitching.

Obviously it looks pretty good, and it doesn't look like it's expensive.

Just as Shen Qiu continued to browse, a prompt popped up.

"Congratulations, your exchange request has been submitted. It is estimated that you will get 10 points, whether to exchange it! If you agree, we will arrange for relevant personnel to pick up the goods at your door."

Shen Qiu looked at this reminder, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although I know this book is not very valuable, but it is too little, so I will give 10 points.

A book recommended by the big guys.

Book Title: Killing the Dao Fruit

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