Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1168 Arson Case

Sure enough... Jiang Cheng had a feeling that things were moving in the direction he expected, and the ghosts hiding around him seemed to have no plans to attack them for the time being. Google search reading

On the contrary, these ghosts are trying their best to disguise themselves, fearing that their flaws will be revealed.

In addition to Teacher Zigui and Bai Xi, it is now certain that Zhou Tong is also a ghost.

After all, Zhou Tong is not considered a newcomer at all. She should understand that the more panicked she is, the faster she will die during the mission, but she is still spreading fear.

Starting from this idea, Jiang Cheng also pointed the finger of suspicion at Xia Qiang and his team. As teammates, they should be the ones who know Zhou Tong best and should be the first to notice something strange about Zhou Tong.

At the same time, another doubt also surfaced. Counting Lin Muyun and Lin Muwan, there were seven people in Xia Qiang's group, and all of them were alive to this day.

Needless to say, this bus is weird. How did just a few of them manage to survive until now without reducing the number of people?

You know, if they hadn't met you last time, and the special nature of the copy of Midnight Killer, these people would have probably died in the entire team, leaving no one left lying dead in that building.

"Come and see!"

After hearing the sound, everyone gathered around. Feng Jie was holding a newspaper in his hand, and his face was obviously a little nervous, "I just tried the chair that belongs to me. The chair is crooked when I sit on it. It looks fine, but Once you sit on it, lean to one side.”

Perhaps because he was stimulated, Feng Jie's narration sounded a little confusing, "Have you ever encountered a situation where one of the legs of the chair was a little short? Then for balance, I found a piece of paper, folded it into a small piece, and put it under it. "

After saying that, everyone looked at the newspaper in Feng Jie's hand. There were obvious signs of folding on the newspaper, and it was slightly yellowed. It looked very old.

Xia Qiang stepped forward, took the newspaper from Feng Jie, placed it on the ground, spread it out bit by bit, and unfolded it. In the eye-catching position of the newspaper, a vertical headline attracted everyone's attention.

"Fire case at Roman Hotel." Xia Meng read out.

Under the title, there is also a blurry picture, which can be vaguely seen. It is an old photo. The photo shows several corpses covered with white cloth. The corpses are placed on the street. The background is a burnt black house. building.

A few words can still be seen on the facade of the building, and the first two words are Roman!

"It seems that this burned building is the Roman Hotel. We are also in this burning hotel at the moment." Su Xiaoxiao looked around and lowered her voice, "This can also correspond to the burnt corpse. ”

"You said... Teacher Zigui is like that and can still run. She must be a ghost. Could she be the person who was burned to death in the fire?"

"Because he was burned to death, his resentment cannot be eliminated. He turned into a evil ghost and stayed here all the time, killing everyone who entered this big hotel!" Zhou Tong looked frightened and continued to act.

Xia Qiang nodded, "It seems so, come and see."

Following the position of Xia Qiang's finger, there were rows of small characters, but due to preservation, it was no longer clear at the moment.

Everyone was very patient and interpreted bit by bit. Slowly, the reasons for this came to light. Many years ago, this place called Roman Hotel was the most luxurious hotel in the city, and most of the people who came there were... The business of the dignitaries was very prosperous, but late one night, a fire broke out without warning.

Fortunately, the hotel responded promptly. Although the process was embarrassing, most people escaped.

After the fire was extinguished, people went in to clean up the scene and found a total of 6 bodies inside.

These corpses were burned beyond recognition by the fire, and it was impossible to identify who they were. The person responsible had to speculate on the identity of these people based on the location where the corpses were found and what was left near the corpses after the fire.

It was a normal process at this time, but slowly, someone discovered that something was wrong.

Because according to statistics, three of the service staff did not escape, and two of the guests that night were missing. Therefore, there were only five corpses at most. What happened to the sixth corpse?

Because many diplomats live in the Roman Hotel, the management is extremely strict, and there is no possibility of anyone sneaking in.

Soon, after analysis, the identities of the three missing hotel staff and two guests were determined, leaving only the unidentified body.

After all, this Roman hotel has a great background, and these dignitaries did not want to cause trouble, not to mention that in that era, a corpse whose origin was unknown was not a big deal to them.

All they care about is when the hotel will be renovated and reopened.

So the unidentified corpse, under the instructions from above, was dragged directly to the mass grave outside the city and buried hastily.

The hotel reconstruction work went very smoothly, and not long after, the Roman Hotel reopened amidst joy and laughter. Business was booming on the first day it opened, and dignitaries from all over the place came to support it, and the boss was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

But no one expected that the peaceful days did not last for a few days. On a night of heavy rain, the renovated Roman Hotel caught fire again. This time the fire was more violent than the last time. All the dignitaries were in a panic and were naked. He rushed out of the hotel and saved his life.

There are different opinions about this fire, and the city is full of uproar.

The treatment process was similar to last time. After the fire was completely extinguished, the rescuers were surprised to find that the scene inside was almost exactly the same as last time. Even the location and extent of the fire were very close.

But this time, one more victim was found inside, with seven bodies.

As before, every corpse was burned beyond recognition and completely unrecognizable.

However, the personnel involved in handling the case had difficulty in confirming the identities of these corpses through investigation. According to records, the identities of 6 of these corpses could be determined, but the last corpse could not be confirmed.

What really frightened the investigators was that some of them actually identified the corpse as exactly the same as the unnamed corpse they found last time!

No matter from the position or posture where the body was found, it is the same!

Naturally, such ridiculous remarks will not be supported. After all, the corpse has been burned to such a ghostly appearance, how can it be identified? As for the position and posture, who cares?

But the person who identified them presented his own evidence. He said that he could never remember it wrong. After all, the rest of the corpses were all distorted, indicating that they were burned alive and had gone through a painful struggle before death.

But only this corpse was different. This corpse was lying there quietly.

Lying in front of a large mirror at the corner of the stairs.

Put your hands flat on your chest, very peaceful.

He had doubts at first, but because the matter had nothing to do with him and his superiors were urging the case to be closed as soon as possible, he didn't mention it. But now, the situation was obviously wrong.

He suspected that there was something strange about this corpse. It was... the one they threw into the mass grave not long ago!

He also said that if you don't believe it, you can take them to the mass grave to see it. They didn't bury the body deep enough. As long as they dug it out, they would know it at first sight!

The police officer in charge of this case was shocked when he heard about it. He knew the power and complexity of the forces behind this hotel and did not want to cause trouble.

More importantly, he also felt that what his subordinate said was nonsense, so he forcefully ordered him to shut up and threatened him that if he dared to spread his speculation today, he would be asked to pack up and get out.

I originally thought that the matter was over, but unexpectedly, the subordinate did not come to work the next day. In private, some colleagues gave him a thumbs up and said that he had a lot of backbone.

But no one believed this man's words.

So after a long period of silence, the Roman Hotel opened again after some renovations.

But because of several previous incidents, the hotel also asked a Feng Shui master to do a calculation for peace of mind.

After the guidance of experts, the Roman Hotel finally opened after undergoing major modifications and some Feng Shui arrangements.

This time, there were obviously not as many people coming as before. After all, the dignitaries were also frightened by the name of Roman Hotel.

There are even rumors from the outside world that the hotel has bad feng shui and has violated taboos, blocking the way for the Lord of Hell to collect souls. The Lord of Hell is not happy, so he wants to bring a few people in to make up for it!

Some people say that something will happen within 7 days!

But this time, in order to put everyone at ease, Roman Hotel specially invited a Feng Shui master to take charge. The hotel also put a lot of effort into management and arranged for people to patrol at all times, just to eliminate all kinds of fire hazards.

The first few days were uneventful, and just after everyone lowered their guard, as expected, the accident happened again!

On the night of the seventh day, the Roman Hotel caught fire again. This time the fire spread very quickly, but perhaps the people inside had gained experience. Under such a large fire, the losses were not heavy.

But when cleaning up the scene, everyone was dumbfounded. They once again found a body in front of the mirror at the corner of the stairs.

The corpse was burned beyond recognition by the fire, but strangely, the corpse was the same as last time, lying flat on the ground with its hands on its chest, giving people a strange sense of peace.

The first time I could barely explain it, but twice in a row, there was no way to explain it!

And this time, they cleared out eight charred corpses from the scene.

There is one more body than last time.

The police officer in charge of handling the case was so shocked that he was sweating. Now he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it. He didn't even dare to move the body, but immediately asked someone to go to the previous police officer's house to find him.

From that day on, the officer never came to work again, and he never saw him again.

But when the police officers who came to look for him rushed to the man's house, there was no one in his house. Not only was he not there, but his wife and children were also not there.

What's even more strange is that the door to his house is not locked, it is just ajar, and it opens with a push. On the table, there are uncleaned dishes and chopsticks. The food in the bowls is rotten, and there are even insects on them. Climbing.

And on the chair, there was this man's money bag, which contained less than half a month's salary.

After visiting the nearby neighbors, no one knew where the family had gone, and they had not been seen recently.

The door was not closed, everyone in the family was missing, the dishes and chopsticks were not cleaned in time, and the money bag was randomly thrown in the room... Connecting all these together, an ominous premonition came to mind.

Soon, the police officer came after hearing the news. He had already made up his mind that before finding this family, he would never touch the strange corpse, nor would he kill him. Even if he was asked to take off his official clothes, he would recognize it. .

After all, everyone can see it, this is so evil!

But just as they were running around in a hurry, several villagers came up to them. They didn't say anything after they arrived, they just got out of the way. Behind them, there was an old woman who needed help.

The old woman was estimated to be eighty years old. Her body was extremely stooped, her feet were bound, and her eyes were lifeless and without any brilliance.

The leading man said in a loud voice that this person was his grandmother. Today I heard that the family was missing and a police officer was looking for him, so he rushed over and said that she had something to say.

The police officer treated a dead horse like a living horse and asked, "Old man, what do you have to say?"

After hearing this, the old man pursed his lips and his whole body was shaking with excitement. To be precise, it was more like fear, "I...I saw...I saw that family. They left. They were taken away by a person at night. ”

The old man's words were also related to his health, but the leading police officer stared unceremoniously into the old man's eyes, stretched out his hand, and waved it in front of the old man's eyes. The latter did not react at all and questioned: "Old man , can your eyes see clearly?"

"My eyes are blind, but...but I don't see with my eyes, it's a dream..." The old man became nervous and his face turned pale. "I don't know if it was a dream or not. In short, it is very real, my old lady." I have never had such a real dream in my life. In the dream, it was still this village, but there was a very heavy fog. I saw this family in the fog. They... they were following a strange man, heading towards, towards Go the other way."

"The whole family was there, following the weirdo one by one, with their heads lowered. I was surprised at the time, so I walked up to them and asked them something. I saw that their eyes were all straight and their expressions were weird. They were all laughing, that kind of... That kind of smile that I can’t describe, it’s so scary.”

The old man swallowed quietly and said, "I asked them where they were going, but they didn't say anything. They just turned their heads and glanced at me, and... they didn't say anything. When the person in front took a step, they followed suit. , a puppet."

"Weird guy..." The leading police officer became more and more frightened as he listened.

"Yes, it's a weirdo. I wanted to go up and see that person's face, but I couldn't see it. It was pitch black, like burnt charcoal. Then I reached out and wanted to touch it, but Gouwa’s wife seemed to be possessed by some evil spirit for some reason, so she started scolding me very harshly, saying that I was too old to die and told me to get out of here!”

"I've always been very kind to my wife Gouwa, but I don't know why... why did she scold me?"


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