Nightmare Attack

Vol 2 Chapter 200: Torrent

Infected by the emotions of the blond man, the expressions of the three Jiang Cheng people became more cautious, and even the random Chenran did not consciously converge a lot.

"What happened in a few days?" Jiang Cheng asked calmly.

The blond man tightened his lips, and then took a sip of wine. The woman who was serving didn't know whether she was distracted, or was frightened by the blond man's face, but didn't come forward to fill the wine.

"A few days later, the person responsible for guarding at the edge of the forest suddenly broke into my house and told me in a pleasant surprise that those who had disappeared before...returned."

"Back?" The fat man widened his eyes.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the fat man, who immediately became dumbfounded.

"Yes, they are back," the blond man paused and continued: "In any case, this is a great thing for the town. The old people have children again, the women have husbands, children... .... I have a father again."

"That night, we were in the town to pick up the dust for the returning warriors. The town hasn't been so lively for a long time. Everyone took out the best wine we collected, and the men agreed to stay drunk."

"While drinking, they told about what happened after entering the forest..."

From here on, the memories of the blond man began to become unclear. Perhaps it was his own problem, or it was the men who came out of the forest whose memories were biased.

In short, according to the recollection of the blond man who was the mayor, not long after entering the forest, the hunters encountered a rare torrential rain, which caused mountain torrents.

At that time, they were in a low-lying place with little space to escape. The flash flood came so fiercely that people who could not dodge were swept away in an instant. After the flash flood passed, when they counted the number, they found that one person was missing.

That man is a very young hunter, but he has rich experience and is considered one of the leaders of the team.

The townspeople have deep feelings. They are all brothers who have been playing since childhood. Naturally, they can't abandon him, so even if he knows that he is already violent, he still follows the mountain torrent to find someone.

No, it's more to find the corpse.

There is almost no possibility of survival for those washed away by mountain torrents, especially in the deep mountains.

All they have to do is take the body back for burial.

If you can.

At this moment, they have given up looking for the missing person, because inferred from the weather, they may have also encountered a disaster similar to a mountain torrent, and the chance of survival is very slim.

Unexpectedly, following the direction of the mountain torrent, they actually came to a place they had never seen before.

It was already deep in the forest. Here, they found a giant stone plate.

The stone pan is pure white with a strange light floating on it.

Obviously, the stone disk should have been covered by mud before, but now it was washed out because of a flash flood.

They were surprised to find that there were fruit trees growing near the stone plate, and the fruit on it was very sweet. A small stream was winding along the stone plate. The water was clear. You could even see the fishes coming and going below...

The men talked about how mysterious the stone pan was, and everyone in the town was stunned.

So much so that they forgot that their original intention was to find someone.

No wonder they would be interested in it. The sea is no longer like a mother to them. It is becoming more and more difficult to get food from the sea. The mysterious stone pan that was discovered by accident just made up for the lack of materials.

Especially it is a good water source, it seems that migration is also a good choice...

There was almost no need to discuss, and everyone decided unanimously that tomorrow, the hunters would lead the way, and everyone would go to the forest to take a look.

That night, the blond man who was the mayor drank too much wine because he was happy, and he was carried back just halfway through the banquet.

Lying in the bed, he was awakened by being slapped in a daze. It was a very hard pat. People seemed to be in a hurry and kept calling his name in a low voice.

But just after the blond man opened his eyes and looked at someone coming, his mind that was not sober because of drunkenness instantly aroused, not only the aura, but also the strands of hair.

The man squatting in front of him was unkempt and muddy, with only two bloodshot eyes staring at him. But even so, the blond man recognized him at a glance!

It was the young man who was washed away by the mountain torrent!

But... isn't he dead?

Could it be...? !

Just when the blond man was shaking and speechless, the young man who was washed away by the mountain torrent spoke up.

"The mayor," he cried: "We have encountered a flash flood, except for me, everyone in the team is dead!"



Hearing this, the fat man must be in the same mood as the former mayor, with a heart raised in his throat, if the men who came back outside said it was true, then the young man in front of him was a ghost!

But what if what the young man said is true?

Then the men at the banquet outside...what the **** could it be?

But then, the fat man's mind turned around, and he immediately determined that the young man who sneaked into the blond man's room should be telling the truth, and he was a human being.

Otherwise... the fat man looked at the blond man with an iron face, he might not have a chance to tell himself this story today.

A faint chill came from my Those things outside are really evil, but what is even more terrifying is... the white stone plate mentioned by the blond man.

In Su Xiaoxiao's narrative, a strange white stone plate also appeared.

At the same time, piles of bones were piled on the stone plate.

And... those bones can still come alive and kill those who are close.

I'm afraid the things that Miss Su's brothers met are the men who "returned" from the forest in the story of the blonde man.

What are they?


After the fat man thought about it, he always felt that they didn't look like it. They didn't match the image of the ghost in the fat man's mind. They were more like weird existence driven by some instinct.

It seemed that something deeper was controlling them, but Fatty didn't have a clue for a while.

As for what happened after that night, the blond man didn't mention it, but from his eyes he could feel that a huge change had taken place in the town after that night.

Because his next sentence was, "I take the remaining men in the town..."

The rest...

"Finally, we finally found the stone plate." The light of the torch dazzled the blond man's knife-cut face. He opened his mouth again, his voice hoarse as if he had swallowed sand. "There is a piece of sand near the stone plate. The barren dead land, where no grass grows, the dark red soil seems to have been soaked in blood, on the stone plate..."

He paused, then raised his head suddenly, his eyes were red as if he was about to bleed, "The corpses of the townspeople are piled up one after another! There are men, women, old and children, all of them are here!"

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