White light appeared on Ling Yichuan and Xia Beizhao at the same time.

In an instant, the two of them took the loot and completely disappeared from this world.

With only 0.5 seconds left, Cthulhu's spiritual shock finally passed the position where they were standing just now, covering everyone on the cruise ship indiscriminately!

For a moment, there was silence on the ship.

The advanced functions of everyone's brains suddenly stopped.

On the deck, the cultists maintained a weird smile, and the eyeholes that had lost their eyeballs still stared ahead.

Inside the wheelhouse, Captain Alfred twitched violently, blood oozing from his nostrils, and his eyes quickly lost focus.

All over the cruise, there are many people who you chase me and you kill me and escape.

They are spirit-polluters driven by anger and red-eyed;

They are survivors with terrified faces that don't understand why the world suddenly went crazy.

When Cthulhu's complex spiritual shock swept over, their consciousness suddenly collapsed, like robots that were powered off at the same time, falling to the ground one after another, stopping all actions.

They still have heartbeats, they still breathe.

However, they are actually dead.

At sea, the wind and waves gradually subsided, and the thunder and lightning gradually stopped.

The indescribable evil god still looked at the cruise ship deeply.

Looking at the place where the two disappeared just now.

After a long time, he muttered,


As soon as his eyes were closed, he returned to the white and flawless settlement space.

At this moment, the light curtain is rapidly presenting the settlement information.

It's just that Ling Yichuan has no intention of looking at it for the time being.

He was also immersed in a state of extreme excitement and enthusiasm.

I'm so nervous....

Did I just confess to a girl for the first time?

Ling Yichuan's old face turned red.

He used to be very resistant to the sour smell of love, and it was even difficult to understand why someone didn't play the game and went out for a hook-up... Oh no, is it going out on a date?

He used to feel...

What's the point of being in love?

It's nothing more than behavior governed by the genetic reproductive process, with a little dopamine and serotonin as a cheap reward.

Now, he suddenly discovered... I also developed the same vulgar feeling.

"Sure enough, I'm just an ordinary adolescent boy..."

Ling Yichuan was inexplicably a little ashamed.

It took a moment to adjust his mood before he raised his head and looked at the settlement light curtain.

[Rating: S

] [Experience Points: 800

] [Player Level: lv4→lv5

] [Blood Coins: 3230] [

Acquired Equipment: Rusty Ghost Axe; tungsten steel head tactical fountain pen; AK47 Assault Rifle

] [Acquisition items: C4 plastic explosive (3 kg pack) ×5; rifle magazine filled with bullets×2

] [Acquisition skill: Dream Invasion] [

'Gods Guide' is turned on and can be viewed at any time.

【In this quest world adventure, you have several talents that have been improved. 【

Thermal Weapon Talent Tier 0→ Tier 1】【Cold Weapon Talent Tier 0→ Tier 1】【Fighting Talent Tier 0→ Tier 1】【Physical Talent Tier 0→ Tier 1】【Detection Talent Tier 0→ Tier 1】【Occult Talent Tier 0→ Tier 2】【Spiritual Talent

Tier 0→

Tier 10】

In this quest world, you unlocked the complete ' Copy Backstory', get 'Midnight Blind Box Redemption Coupon'×1]

[Settlement completed, you can continue the game.

"What is this?!" Ling Yichuan was frightened.

The experience points of the horror world mode are very small, and this Ling Yichuan has long been prepared.

However, the number of blood coins exceeded his expectations.

However, it was not these that scared him, but ...

"Why did my spiritual talent suddenly rise to the 10th rank!"

"Is there a bug in this game?!"

You know, talent this thing... There are only 10 steps in total.

And talent is difficult to upgrade, the later it is, the more difficult it is to upgrade.

Spiritual talent is the most of them!

The role of this talent is mainly to increase the upper limit of mental power, as well as to improve the resistance to all mental damage or pollution.

So how to raise the level of spiritual talent?

The official website did not give a clear statement, and the earliest pioneer players relied on their own exploration and summed up a half-joking statement.

If you want to have good mental talent, you have to do it often:

First, think diligently

, two, don't run to hell

, three, take drugs to refresh the mind Fourth, skills to refresh


brain The first way is to improve spiritual talent, that is, to be an intellectual player, constantly thinking in the copy, the death of each of your brain cells, the game system will look at it.

The second is the need to overcome fear and overcome one's instincts. To put it bluntly, it is to reduce the SAN value, but not collapse, just like exercising muscles.

The third and fourth items are relatively simple, some potion-type props and skills can temporarily improve spiritual power, and if used regularly, spiritual talent will also increase.

But no matter what, spiritual talent is the most difficult talent to improve, and there is no one.

Ling Yichuan thought about it seriously.

"To speak of... Is this abnormal upgrade phenomenon because of my SAN value problem? "

His SAN value has never been below 100%, which is obviously not normal.

This time, by Cthulhu, the SAN value is even more rising!

How much the highest rise, he himself did not pay attention.

"Could it be that this is also a side effect of the 'Character Template Fusion System'?"

Again a question that is doomed to inconclusion.

At this time, Xia Beizhao from the friends list sent a message:

[This one is really tired... For 5 hours, I was in a state of high tension... In other words, you haven't settled yet? They

are still in a team state, as soon as they exit the settlement space, they will enter the two-person team room.

Ling Yichuan replied: [Not yet, I need a while to appreciate my achievements]

Xia Beizhao: [You are such a smelly fart ahahahah! ] But you do have this qualification, and your commotion has actually awakened an evil god! Hi dead! But I just have a little question for you...]

Ling Yichuan: [Loved.

Xia Beizhao: [Snake essence disease! What I want to ask is, why can you look directly at Cthulhu without any side effects?

Ling Yichuan: [I don't know.

Xia Beizhao: [Qi, don't say it! ] I went offline first to rest... Also, this time the copy video, can I upload it to the midnight forum? Now you have a lot of fans on the forum, and if they see you making your debut in Horror World mode, they will definitely be hilarious and spiral to the sky! Ling

Yichuan: [Yes, as long as you arrange more recommendations for me in terms of novels.] Xia

Beizhao: [... How does it sound like PY trading? It's down! System


[Your teammate has exited the room]

Ling Yichuan looked at the settlement light curtain again.

In other respects, there is no problem.

Although the occult talent is also directly jumped to the 2nd level, this is within the normal range.

After all, his actions led to the awakening of an evil god.

The special plot seems to have no reward, but it should actually be hidden in it.

Closing the settlement light curtain, Ling Yichuan noticed that a brand new function was flashing in his field of vision, as if tempting himself to quickly open it and take a look.

He selected it, and a simple and heavy leather book appeared in front of him out of thin air, floating in the air.

On the cover of the book, only two lines of writing are written about the dragon and snake Chinese:

'The gods have no image, they are all-encompassing. '

'With human wisdom, only a small part of them can be known...''

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