Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 882 Planning 3

"Are you really willing to help us?" One of the two high school girls asked timidly.

Although they were young girls, these two were obviously overweight, with oily faces and out-of-shape figures, so no one felt cute when they spoke timidly.

"It's not easy for everyone. If I can, I can take care of you. Let's take it as a good relationship. Maybe everyone here will be able to walk out of one or two powerful reincarnations in the future?"

Lin Sheng replied gently and sincerely.

His kind attitude immediately made the two girls feel cared for.

After all, because of obesity, no one spoke to them so gently and kindly even in school.

Not to mention that Lin Sheng has a handsome face, flawless skin, and the clothes on his body are not of ordinary class, and he doesn't look like them at first glance.

In an instant, the two girls' affection for Lin Sheng rose rapidly.

The rest of the people also saw Lin Sheng speak.

Several white-collar workers got together, looking vigilant, it seemed that the more kind Lin Sheng was, the more vigilant they were.

The two masked hunters got up silently and got together, but also did not choose to believe Lin Sheng.

But soon, some of the white-collar workers seemed to have figured it out, and they also approached and asked the bald head in a low voice, and then silently stood beside Lin Sheng. Choose to be with him.

Lin Sheng had already spoken, and he didn't bother to appeal to everyone one by one.

He just gave these people a choice in advance.

Soon, the mask slowly faded and disappeared.

The sound of burning flames in the surrounding cities gradually passed into everyone's ears.

The oncoming heat wave scorched the air and the ground, making it difficult to even breathe.

The red flames dyed the clothes of everyone in a deeper color.

‘Complete the task: survive for seven days. Mission reward, 1,000 exchange points. '

A cold mechanical sound suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

Lin Sheng looked at the others again.

"Anyone who is willing to come with me, come here. The teachings I believe in will not allow me to leave any little lamb behind. Facing the unknown, don't be shy, put yourself down, and you will get a better future."

he said gently.

This time the persuasion played a much stronger role than the previous one.

After feeling the reality of the ruined city around them, the white-collar workers who had been vigilant before were shaken in the end, and soon followed Lin Sheng.

With a smile on his face, Lin Sheng quietly released a trace of divine power particles.

Thin particles can make surrounding creatures more peaceful. This sense of security, in such a strange environment, is the deadliest attraction.

Immediately, very quickly, in the entire team, there were only two masked hunters who did not join Lin Sheng.

The rest of the people have already gathered. The bald head surrounding Lin Sheng and the mechanical arm stood still.

"Children, since our task is to survive for seven days, and there are so many of us, it is not easy to move, so my opinion is to find a safe hiding place, hide, and build some basic defensive measures. Ever changing!"

Lin Sheng began to use his bloodline ability to charm human beings a little bit.

If it shows too much, it is naturally not very good, and it is easy to be noticed.

But if the one-time amount is reduced in a silent way to moisten things, and slowly infiltrated and guided, people will not notice it.

Soon, after a conversation, the eyes of the group of people gradually filled with trust in Lin Sheng.

Especially the sense of peace of mind following him made everyone even more reluctant to leave his side.

A group of people didn't care about anything, they found a basement to hide in a nearby office building.

Lin Sheng's sacred power particles are gradually penetrating into their bodies, making them healthier physically and mentally, in a better state, and at the same time trusting Lin Sheng more.

There was no delay.

Lin Sheng gave the eleven people separate tasks, and then he took a break to stay alone in a room and began to quietly arrange the magic circle.

Eleven people come from four worlds.

After Lin Sheng set up the magic circle, he asked people from these four worlds to enter the room one by one. By asking about the situation, he quickly located the world behind them where the true spirits were.

After doing all this, Lin Sheng showed great kindness and cast defensive spells and concealment spells on the group of people to protect the hidden basement.

Afterwards, he sent someone to find some food and drink supplies left in the nearby supermarkets. After doing all this, he quietly left the basement. Get out of the office building.


The stone bricks of the ruins that had already collapsed, after the supporting points of the wooden structure were scorched and broken, the upper half of the ruins slowly slid down and hit the street lamps on the side of the street, making a loud noise.

Lin Sheng walked slowly on the street, inspecting the city.

The wide neighborhood is full of abandoned and apocalyptic scenes. Broken cars were parked on the side of the road, and torn billboards leaned crookedly beside the shops.

Some deformed soda can beverage boxes are scattered on the ground, everywhere.

"Since it survives for seven days, there must be something that can threaten people in this city. What is it?"

Lin Sheng sensed the surrounding environment calmly.

In the powerful bloodline ability, there is a special ability related to perception, which allows his five senses to extend to a range of hundreds of meters, and it is easy to grasp all the details within a hundred meters.

So what appears to be his walk is actually looking for clues.

After patrolling for a while, no threat was found, so Lin Sheng simply didn't waste any time.

I don't know where the mechanical bald head went. It seems to be to complete the tasks of the seniors themselves.

"Then, let's test the upper limit of the Lord God's tolerance." Lin Sheng stretched out a finger.

"If you don't decide what happens, throw the crystal."

Over the years, Lin Sheng has already formed the best daily habits.

Chi! !

His fingertips slowly lingered with a large, colorful glow of bloodline abilities and spell abilities.

Countless rays of light quickly aggregated, fused, and then changed qualitatively, condensing into a pure white crystal the size of a fingernail.

The crystals are diamond-shaped, floating in mid-air, slowly rotating with the rhythm of rhythm.

"Go." He casually threw the randomly condensed holy crystals to the side of the road.


As soon as the crystals touched the ground, they spread rapidly.

The ground seemed to be frozen, and the hoarfrost-like crystals quickly transformed everything, devouring matter and energy, and spreading to the surroundings.

'warn! warn! The reincarnator No. 2124 Mafaria is doing a large-scale distortion of the world. Please stop all behavior immediately! Please stop all behavior immediately! ! '

As Lin Sheng expected, the Lord God's warning came.

Lin Sheng stood among the crystals with a smile on his face, watching the white crystals spreading rapidly from the ground, waiting without saying a word.

The speed of the crystal spreading became faster and faster, and in just over a minute, it completely eroded and transformed the area of ​​hundreds of meters around.

The flames began to die, and the tall buildings began to crystallize like ice. Even the black coke was crystallized into pure white and flawless crystals, spotless.

Because even the dust has already been transformed into crystals.

The Lord God's warning kept ringing in Lin Sheng's ears.

After repeating nine times.

'The warning is invalid, and the forced erasure is started. ’ A cold and merciless electronic sound suddenly sounded.

Before Lin Sheng could react, he saw a crack in the space an inch above his head, and a transparent light beam flew out, precisely shining on his head.

Yes, he saw this scene.

Surrounded by his magic eyes, he naturally paid attention to all his movements in all directions without dead ends.

The transparent beam suddenly landed on Lin Sheng.

Instead of being angry, he was overjoyed, and grabbed the transparent beam with his backhand, the moment he touched the beam.

"It's another new world, and this world is so powerful!!"

He showed surprise.

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