Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 900 Holy 3

Unfortunately, fate seems to be unstoppable.

All the wheels of destiny are still running slowly and unstoppably.

The unstoppable holy light in destiny finally appeared

After a long time, the red whale finally arrived in front of a remote teahouse.

The waiter led him upstairs to the second floor.

In the entire Nuoda space on the second floor, there was only one person sitting there upright.

That was a very strange man.

He is like a silhouette, blurry, and may disappear at any time.

But he was able to hold a teacup and drink hot tea slowly.

If you look from the side, you can see that person's body, as thin as paper.

It's like a paper man being erected.

And the most important thing is that no one can see his appearance clearly. On that blurred face, what can be seen by others is only a piece of blue.

Azure blue like the starry sky.

"Hi, long time no see, Hong." The man raised his hand at Red Whale, showing a smiling expression.

It's strange, even though you can't see the other person's face, you can know that he is smiling.

"Did you feel it too? Blue." The red whale walked over, and the waiter behind him was like a candle, which quickly melted and flowed to the ground, and evaporated and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He didn't take it seriously, and went directly to sit opposite Lan.

"Yeah. I felt that he appeared again. And this time, it was more troublesome than the previous two times." Lan put down his teacup and restrained his smile.

"I have incarnated countless times. I thought that if I could find the other party first, I would be able to kill the signs at the most basic stage. Unfortunately...but I didn't expect that the person was clearly in front of me, but I didn't recognize it." Red Whale sighed.

"You tried your best. The main body is self-proclaimed among countless stars, and countless incarnations are looking around. You have done everything you can." Lan comforted.

"It's not the same with you." Red Whale looked up at the other party. "Put everything about yourself on the wheel of fate, and now even your own cognition, your true spirit, and everything about yourself are about to disappear. The price for this is too great."

"That's why old friends like you need to remember me, otherwise even you guys will forget me, then I will really disappear." Lan smiled indifferently.

"What should I do now? I found him, but it was too late. He got that, and he has accepted everything from that woman." Red Whale asked calmly.

"It's fine just like it was at the beginning." Lan stretched out her hand and gently placed it on both sides of the table. "Gather all our strength. Suppress and seal that evil light again."

The red whale fell silent.

After a long time, he spoke dryly.

"So, what about Ash?"

"If he is still alive, he will definitely come." Lan said firmly.

"During the last Great Nirvana, we had five positions. Now there are only three of us." Red Whale's voice gradually dropped.

"I have always disagreed with Hui's approach, but this time I have to say, if it weren't for him, maybe we haven't found the light of this generation so quickly." Lan said with a hint of helplessness.

For a moment neither of them spoke.

Red Whale stretched out his hand, picked up the teapot and gently poured himself a cup of hot tea.

When he picked up the teacup, the opposite side was empty and there was no one there.

Pausing for a while, Red Whale raised his teacup far away, saluted the empty seat, and drank it down in one gulp.

Holy Spirit Palace.

Lin Sheng supported his side face with one hand, and spread out the palm of the other hand, and the phantom of a blue planet slowly rotated and shone in his palm.

"This is the planet where Jianwang is located? The resources are quite rich."

Lin Shengbai stared at the phantom of the planet in his hand boredly.

"Unfortunately, such a small matter can only give me a slight adjustment."

Lin Sheng pinched it lightly, and the phantom of the planet was instantly shattered.

The King of Steel was dispatched there, and he also brought a small squadron of the Holy Spirit Army, and of course it wasn't just for a mere planet.

That planet is just an insignificant little thing, the key point is the Celestial Realm Tower.

The forces behind him are the real fat. The purpose of the King of Steel in the past was also to conquer the power behind the Celestial Tower.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have personally asked about such a trivial matter.

After all, he is not an idler with nothing to do.

After the entertainment is over, what should be watched and what should be played is also played, Lin Sheng returned to business.

With the continuous expansion of his spiritual grid, the capacity of the spiritual grid has now reached a jaw-dropping level.

The new round of the second breakthrough to the spiritual level has already begun.

According to the different laws of each universe, Lin Sheng ordered the forces below to establish primordial energy pools in each universe.

The primordial energy pool is a device he personally tinkered with.

The only function is to convert all the known energies of the major universes into an energy that is closest to the divine power.

These energies are then transmitted to the Holy Spirit Realm where the Holy Spirit Palace is located.

Then, he will collect the primordial energies of these different universes, bring them together, and transform them all into the huge energy needed to fill the new spiritual grid.

This is a lot of great power in one body.

Of course, the laws of different universes are different, and the natural properties of the condensed and transformed primordial energy are also different.

So what Lin Sheng has to do is to erase all these differences and transform them into a kind of divine power.

"How many universes have established energy pools?" Lin Sheng asked the statistics department through Shenghe.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, so far, twelve universes have formally established primordial energy pools. Among them, four were conquered by you yourself. Eight were conquered by major military departments."

The communications officer promptly responded to the message.

"Too few major military departments are idle, let them go out for some activities. Free activities to conquer more universes." Lin Sheng knocked on the armrest.

"It's already very fast. In addition, His Majesty's Kingdee has spread through countless gaps, and some of them may be able to give feedback." The communications officer over there reminded slightly.

The messenger is a clone of Kadulla, so he has some understanding of this aspect.

"There are a lot at Kingdee, but it still needs time to ferment." Lin Sheng thought about it, his current physical body has become the biggest shackle for his spiritual breakthrough.

Be it the true spirit or the soul, they have already far surpassed the limit of this body at this time.

Human flesh and bones, no matter how strengthened and evolved. He is still a skeleton, still flesh and blood.

Therefore, Lin Sheng, who has countless avatars, also began to look for an existence substance that could truly entrust his second breakthrough to the true spirit.

Matter, soul, and true spirit are indispensable. Otherwise, the balance will be lost, resulting in immeasurable consequences.

Lin Sheng has been thinking about this issue for a long time.

Shenghe has also been looking for calculations.

But now, he seems to be finally on the verge of finding the answer.

The fingers tapping the armrest suddenly paused, and Lin Sheng's eyes slowly lit up with a deep light.

"Since the body can't bear it, then use the source that made this body as the material to reshape the body."

The main material is the new true spirit, the countless soul power of the chaotic sea is the auxiliary material, and the source of life is the carrier.

He will usher in the second breakthrough of the spiritual limit!

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