Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 353: Young Taoist swears!

"Like alive? People are dead, sewing back is not good!" Ma brick jumped and shouted: "What are you when I am? Wood doll?"

"Wooden doll?" Wu Hao is very surprised, there is no doll?

The loli who was pondering the world was really pitiful. Even when there were no rag dolls, Li Daochang and others on the sidelines quickly sent the guards to take down the heavy weapons on her hands.

"Good sinking." The young guards took over the mace and only thought it was quite heavy.

Her great strength. Unexpectedly, several similar heavy-duty long-handled weapons were so easily pulled into the arena by her in the elbow.

Several other guards are also quite surprised. If you don’t use your mysteriousness, you’re afraid that you won’t be able to drag these heavy weapons. But Xiao Ruoyao did not have the slightest volatility, and it seems that she has a lot of doorways.

How to know the mysterious star of a warrior? Experienced judges rely on feelings. The experienced Master will teach the apprentice how to sense the strength of the other side to determine the level.

When the military uses the mysterious spirit, it will emit fluctuations, which are naturally perceived by human beings, and can be used to judge whether it will use the mysterious spirit.

As for Wu Xun, who can hide the existence of Xuanqi himself, it is extremely rare, and many people cannot imagine this situation. Only the people recorded in the book can exist, and they are all geniuses who are not born out of the world. However, they do not indicate that they are the secretive qi exercises of the unique path, or that the mysterious stars caused by the natural physique are not noticed.

At this moment, Wu Hao is carrying Samsung's mysterious spirit, which can be known as the Samsung Warrior. But it didn't work, there was no volatility, so in the eyes of others, it is the ordinary Samsung warrior.

Wu Xuan's mysterious pneumatic use, with the help of the magical power of the magical powers, can be no less inferior to the four-star rating. In addition, the evolution of the body itself is extremely fast. The meridian is the most adaptable and unprecedentedly open, so that she will not suffer a big loss even if she is on the five-star Xuanqi.

But the horse brick is a seven-star Xuanqi level, and Wu Hao’s Samsung is still too far away. Fortunately, he had just been obscured for a while, but instead cast a promise of failure to use high-level sin.

The horse bricks stood at the arena at this moment, and could not help but scream: the loss is big. Why did you panicly promise to use only Samsung's mystery?

If it is not that he is flustered, he can defeat her with a little bit of arrogance. It is not easy to use the mysterious attack of Samsung or above, but it is not easy to win.

Think about the 18-year-old swords that she showed before, and the bricks feel a headache in two heads.

Wu Hao saw the change of expression on his face and knew that he was embarrassed, for fear that he changed his mind. Quickly hugged the boxing hand and shouted: "Be careful! Brother, I have to shoot!"

The voice just fell, Wu Hao turned a scorpion and passed over, the volley is a lower leg.

It seems to be empty-handed. Everyone on the sidelines watched the battle.

Many guards secretly raised their fists and wanted to cheer for Wu Hao. However, due to the presence of the left country teacher of Jin State, it is not good to cheer for his opponent's opponent in front of him.

This is the first time that Wu Hao has been playing Xuanqi on the court. The fluctuations of Samsung's Xuanqi are all released.

As soon as Samsung’s mysteriousness was released, the masters and other masters were moved.

The fluctuations are so strange that it is obviously the sacredness of the Samsung level. How can it be sent out of the fluctuations of the five-star level, and even the feeling of passing it.

When the Sovereign was practicing in the first time, he also discovered the mystery of his own star rating, which is not inferior to the ordinary mystery of a higher star. Just more intense fluctuations like her. It is really amazing.

The sensation of Samsung's mysterious scent has released five-star volatility. It is as if it is a glimpse of the moon, but it gives off the warmth of the sun, which is a weird effect.

Is this the advantage of talent? The lord and others want to come and think, can only think of her special physique.

Wu Hao’s half-legged squats in the air screamed like a screaming engine, a sports car in the Santana shell, and made a strange roar.

"How come?!" Ma brick is also a martial arts for many years, eyesight is not low, see her this trick is shocked.

Where is this Samsung Xuanqi? Who is Samsung's Xuanqi so powerful? !

But he didn't have time to think about it, and he turned his body to hide next to him.

The body shape barely avoided Wu Hao's lower leg. The horse brick suddenly felt a pain in his arm and actually ate the other side.

Wu Hao’s squatting figure was actually squatting in the leg while the right arm was coming out and punched out on his right arm.

The sin of this hit is fierce, and the sound of the sound sizzles.

Although for the horse brick of the seven-star Xuanqi body. Not enough to cause physical injury, but the numbness can not be avoided.

Awesome attack power! The bricks were horrified.

I thought that Samsung's mysteriousness would only mean tickling in my own body, but I couldn't think of it to the extent that it hurts.

Don't listen to it, it doesn't hurt, it seems that it is not worth the money, but the other party is just Samsung. The difference between the other days can hurt yourself, and the punches are not restricted by the body, and it is hard to prevent.

First, just keep on attacking and see the situation. The brick brick concealed the mysterious body and faced the attack of Wu Hao with a 100% spirit.

Right, I used the seven-star Xuanqi to protect my body, but I didn’t need to attack her with Qixing Xuanqi. So no one has anything to say? The bricks in the heart of the sneak peek, self-righteous.

The masters of the sects are as high as the lords, and even the white elders, the sad old man and even the Li Daochang, at this moment despise the horse bricks.

With their keen sense of Xuanqi, they found that the scene was unfair.

The bricks are good to play only Samsung's mysterious, but the body of the body is not suppressed. It is equivalent to attacking the Samsung Warrior with the strength of the body still a seven-star warrior, which is cheaper.

Bo channel's long-term strength is also superb, naturally knowing the truth, secretly screaming the bear apprentice, I really shame my face!

You a strong guy to play a fat girl, actually want the seven-star Xuanqi body to resist Samsung's attack, say go out and face? Can't afford to lose that person!

"The nose of the cow, your apprentice is very smart." The lord suddenly whispered.

This sentence makes the Bo channel long hate to hit a big tree, only the face becomes discolored: "When the bunny comes back, he must let him go for three days and three nights!"

"Yes, the male apprentice is free to punish, not distressed." The lord looked like a schadenfreude.

In his capacity, this attitude should not be made at all.

But who told Bo’s channel leader that he was still ridiculed that he was not willing to slap in the face of a prostitute? Don't be polite, but one report.

Ma Bian also thought that his small abacus was not found, but he did not know that there was nowhere in the sense of the masters, and his master was already ready to pack him.

On the court, Wu Hao continually attacked the horse bricks by hand. The boxing methods and methods used were diverse. Not to mention the splitting of the young guards, and even the cross-cutting punches of the disciples of the Wu nationality.

The average warrior is dazzled.

The layman looked at the doorway, and the master looked at the exquisite place. The boss of the Bo channel took advantage of Wu Hao’s move-style change and slowly said: “You, this female apprentice, is Xiao Ruo Yao? I can’t think her understanding is so good?!”

His words slowly said, this is not a polite praise, but a heartfelt statement.

Before that, he also felt that his apprenticeship was a genius, and that he was able to achieve the first-class standard in the move between the moves, not inferior to any experienced veteran.

In front of this Xiao Ruo Yao, his genius is simply not enough!

Bo Channel's long-term discretion, even if it is to cast such a fist, the coherence between the gestures will reach this level, at most slightly better.

She is only fourteen years old. How can she understand this aspect of Xuanwu moves?

The lord looked at Bo's channel and was surprised to open his mouth slightly. This was a surprise to a point of ecstasy.

Cool! The lord looked at the performance of the old friend and felt that he was comfortable.

That! Let your bull nose show off in front of me. how about it? The beggar’s baby girl is more than one day, right?

Although most of her martial arts skills are not high, but the effect of the exhibition is very good, 100% of the power of the fist.

And everyone can see that Xiao Ruoyao's offense is like two people. The whole body is constantly moving, but the left and right hands can not attack in coordination.

What is even more surprising is that her ambition does not seem to be restricted by the right and left attack. She can play at the same time at any time, and the latter move is still full of mysteriousness.

This is the great advantage of Wu Hao's evolutionary body. Although her temperament is still difficult to achieve excellent two-way output at the same time, but the fast output of a certain time difference before and after can still be achieved. It's like designing an extremely good engine that can be accelerated several times in the middle.

Wu Haoli slammed against the horse bricks, and it was completely pressing him.

If it is not too big a difference between the Xuanqi, I am afraid that it has already won the game.

The horse bricks were in a hurry, and Wu Hao’s fist was like a punch, and finally screamed with a fist.

Wu Hao’s right arm has hit his shoulder, but the other party is not shunning at the moment, only to raise his left arm and hurriedly block.

A pain came. The joints of the left arm almost made a painful sound, almost dislocated.

[Do you block the pain during the battle? 】 The body reminds me in my mind.

For the time being, Wu Hao screamed deliberately, and the body was shaken and flew out.

The horse brick attack, at least using the five-star peak of the mysterious level attack.

Play it! A number of guards on the side of the field gave a slight sigh.

At last, the bricks were guilty, and they dared not do their best. They only wanted to force Wu Hao’s mad attack.

The five-star peak of the mysterious attack, only Samsung's Wu Hao naturally resists the hardship. If it is not the self-sufficiency and the muscle resistance of the body is strong, I am afraid that there may be fractures.

The difference in mysterious level is too great.

The other side has released a little bit of mysterious strength, and how fascinating it is for your martial arts moves, it is also vulnerable!

This is how to do?

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