Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 504: 闯武营(10)

"Hey, she is so bold."

"Right, she poisoned Xuan Prince."

The generals’ eyes were focused on the medical officers in the crowd.

The medical officer carefully considered: "The poison seems to be toxic, it should be twelve cycles of poisoning, and it will take a lot of time to attack."

"It turns out that. No wonder she dares to let us go." The generals suddenly realized.

Xuan Prince is even more eager to ask for it. She can turn to think about it. She dares to let people come. If she retreats, does she seem to be timid? Hey, let a little girl look down.

After the deputy commander turned back and pointed out to the generals, he sang: "What are the generals still standing there? Don't come to accompany Xiao girl to drink!"

The words of the deputy commander made it clear that the guards did not come up. He also thought about a slow transition to prevent Wu Hao from suddenly vigilant.

These generals will listen to the old and the old, and suddenly burst into anger.

Although let us accompany a little girl to drink, it sounds like the general of the Wu State. However, this girl is incredible, not to mention the strength and mentality of Xuanwu, but this amount of wine, wine, will not let us drop the price!

What's more, with the little girl drinking, there are both wine and flowers, and there are beautiful flowers and flowers, why not? !

The generals hula are all around.

Twenty generals were robbed at the table, and the middle-ranking generals, including the generals, the generals, and the generals, happily married a jar of wine.

Even the scene was a bit confusing, and Xuan Prince was trapped in the crowd.

At this time, Lu Lao and He Lao and others also quietly came over.

The two crowded in the crowd and consulted with Xuan Prince.

Without opening, Xuan Prince also knew what he wanted to ask, but he just smiled and shook his head.

Lu Lao and He Lao understand that this is not to let them both hands.

In fact, if you start doing it at the moment. They have certainty that they can save the Prince of Xuan directly and even hold the little girl. But it seems that the master still wants to put a long line to catch big fish...

Even if she is here, don't say that it is a wave of enthusiasm, even if it is drinking, I am afraid to drink it. The two-month-old saints look at the wolves who are wolves like tigers. Can not help but gently shake your head. The guard is standing near the Xuan Prince.

Xuan Prince and their mistakes in judgment were also the reason for Wu Hao’s ingenious design.

When throwing dice. Wu Hao deliberately lost the 32 cups. This gave a great shock. I couldn't help but feel that she was acting hard and good, and that she did not cheat. It also gave a hint that even drinking so many cups. It is estimated that the high amount of alcohol is not far from drinking.

The girl, young, single camp, stubborn character, brought back the Xuan Prince, Xuan Prince intends to be included in the account...

A line of development is a variety of ingenious arrangements, coupled with many seemingly inadvertent coincidences. Actually, a hostile girl’s family was formed, and the strange scene of public drinking in Wuying was not taken.

At the table, the head was swaying, and the beard of the beard would be strong and strong, and it was squeezed in front of the wine jar and screamed: "Xiao girl. A family name is Zhao, nickname Zhao Bajin, but it is drinking but not too bad." reason."

"Well, General Zhao, let's do an altar!" Wu Hao touched the jar with him, and sighed on his neck.

Next is the next general.

When the wine is drunk, the atmosphere will be lively, and the wine of one altar will come and the altar will be dried.

Surprisingly, in the face of a group of big men, the little girls have come across them one by one.

Lu Laohe and He Laoxin said: This girl has a good Xuanqi, but he can still live so much, and the wine is forced out of the body.

The month-old saints are close, and Wu Hao is very anxious to drink, and the slightly transpiration of the body gradually becomes apparent, and the eyes of the master can naturally see clearly.

The two looked at each other and their mouths were slightly smiling.

They have a number in their hearts, and they are forced to drink with mysteriousness. Xuanqi is born from Dantian, and the wine is also set in Dantian to turn around the whole body. For a long time, you can't stand the high spirit.

It seems that this **** is generally tempered by the mysterious gas, even if she is the great strength of the nine stars, the maximum amount of twenty altars. More, although the water vapor evaporates, but the wine is not scattered, accumulating in the body is bound to escape the drunken end. Moreover, it will even damage the mysterious spirit. If it is a better move, it will be better.

Therefore, the two masters do not stop, just waiting to see jokes.

It is a pity that they do not know that this method of using the evolutionary body to evaporate alcohol is different from Xuanqi. It is the natural hangover method of the hangover enzyme and the physical chemistry of the body circulation, and does not lose any mystery.

The generals all came up to each other and soon had a round. The guards in the distance did not dare to call forward, but they could only squint their eyes and eyes.

The wine is full of camps, and many soldiers are quietly looking forward, but also dry and vomiting.

"Who is that girl?"

"It's not very clear."

"It seems that the Prince Xuan personally sent it before."

"It looks so pretty."

"I don't want to be beautiful, how can I drink this?"

"Yeah, it’s all very powerful, so many will use the jar to fight with her?"

Under the gaze of countless people, Wu Hao’s altar wine is dry.

The generals admire her.

"Xiao girl is really a female hero!"

"The wine sensation is not too much!"

Then, it is the second round.

Some of the generals have already had wine cellars, and some are drunk. But the atmosphere of the people is so warm, how can they be willing to let go of the jar? Anyway, there is no queue, just mix and continue to drink.

The order of the generals' wine-making began to be chaotic, and Xuan Prince saw it next to him, and wanted to say it, but he held back.

How to describe Xuan Prince’s hesitation? It can be said that it is a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

Now interrupted Xiao’s girl’s enthusiasm, maybe she has abandoned it before?

But don't say, don't dump all of my generals.

Xuan Prince looked at the deputy commander. The deputy commander understood what he meant. He just wanted to open his mouth. The deer was slightly smiling and shook his head.

Xuan Prince and the deputy commander looked at the deer's deliberate sight. When Wu Hao was drinking on his neck, he began to drink alcohol from his lips. This is completely different from the performance of drinking before.

Fortunately, her clothes seem to be quite thick, otherwise I am afraid that I will leak the spring after the wet.

More obvious, her face is not red and white.

The more you drink, the more the red color of the wine is faded. The skin that was just pinked by the wine just now began to recover from the white.

More than one detail, her forehead has seen sweat, and the back neck is full of sweat. On the shoulders, it seems that there is a white steam transpiration.

Such an abnormal situation has made Xuan Prince and others secretly happy.

it is good! I am going to drink it! Xuan Prince slightly narrowed his eyes and smelled the girlish aroma mixed in the wine, and could not help but feel a little heart.

With the enthusiasm of the altar that had just been anxious, Xuan Prince seemed to see the upcoming spring scenery.

Green grass, water, and dragons hurt thousands of phoenix. In the powder account, the brocade is on, the first flower is falling with a hundred red...

Xuan Prince is imagining, and the voice of the girl is heard from the ear.

It’s just the girl’s original swearing. At this moment, I heard a little stagnation: “Old deer head, old crane head, oh, you are so called right?”

"Not..." Lu Lao and He Lao were very tempted to correct, but it was a bit bad to correct it when she saw two stalls in front of her.

Little girl has drunk too much, what is the meaning of correcting it?

"Before you robbed the prince and the female prince from your hands, you have not yet won a win or lose in your hand." Wu Hao said in a stiff, "Do you dare to fight with me?"

Deer old and crane can not help but smile. Actually want to get drunk with us? It’s really a mess.

However, since she said that she is taking hostages, if she does not drink at the moment, she will seem to be stingy.

At this moment, the surrounding generals looked at them, and the two men couldn’t push it, and they picked up the wine.

When they picked up the jar, both of them felt the girl's hand tremble.

They are the saints of the month, and the natural points are the real shaking and shaking. At the moment of contact, it is really drunk and trembling when judging the girl from the frequency of shaking.

Good wine, although using Xuanqi to promote alcohol, but can stick to this moment, it is only life.

The two looked at each other and left the side of Xuan prince. They stood next to her as one left and one right, tearing open the red circle of the jar and raising their necks to drink.

"Good--" This is a rare situation in which three people drink alcohol, and the drinkers have a special status. The generals and even the Xuan Prince and the deputy commanders also screamed in unison.

Moreover, after Wu Hao drank a jar of wine, he left it with a hand, licking his own drink, and picked up a jar of wine to continue drinking.

The wine is good! The two shared with her, she drank two altars! Everyone has a great heart.

Drinking the second altar wine, Wu Hao seems to be slightly unstable under his feet, and his figure is shaking.

Sure enough drunk! In the old deer of her left hand, she was funny, and she continued to drink with one hand and the left hand.


A slight pain on the finger.


Help her with her heart, but what sharp objects do she use to stab me? !

The deer was greatly surprised, and the sacred body of the saints of the month was suddenly erupted.

Awkwardly Wu Hao was shocked.

She pinched something on her hand, why didn't I see it? The deer screamed and dropped the jar. Looking at the right middle finger, it was already a little red needle, but the red mark blinked black.

Poison needle!

It is the nine-turn poison needle of Xuan Prince!

Where is she hiding? Why didn't she see her take it out? And why didn't you see the sharp flash?

"Oh--" On the other side, it was an exclamation of Crane.

Wu Hao was actually hit by the power of Xuanqi, and instantly hit the old man who was drinking. In the middle of the hand, the hand was lifted back without a trace, and the poison needle was stabbed to the old leg of the crane.

They couldn't think of it. Before Wu Hao actually toasted, he first put the needle into the flesh of his index finger, spelling his own poisoning needle, and pointing the flesh to hide the sharpness of the needle.

Less than a break, the people around did not even understand, the two-month-old saints were attacked by a little girl!

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