Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 510: Flow Bijian = Cow B Sword

The flow of the blue sword in the mysterious gas perfusion, like the green light bulb that got the energy, emitted a green light.

Taking advantage of the sword in his hand is so abnormal, Wu Hao self-deprecating: "If this is white light, you will become a Jedi Knight."

"Be careful! This is the handle of the blade!" The guards were shocked.

"She wants to work hard! Everyone pays attention!" The guards reminded each other. This kind of treasure blade will not easily show people, only in times of crisis will come out desperately.

Many guards shed tears in their hearts: did she start to work hard? We all worked together for an hour.

Playing with Wu Hao, although the Wu national guards are numerous, they are really desperate.

Because her martial arts is too sultry. The left and right hands are like two people in control, and different attack and defensive techniques are used. It is as if the two masters of the same body are performing the total coordination in a very coordinated manner.

This kind of combo can be much stronger than the guards' separation. Because it is the core processing of the evolutionary body, each stroke has reached the level of the monthly order of the saints, so that the nine-star master is also very difficult to cope.

Just now she made a fist in her left hand and a knife in her right hand. It was the left-handed shackles of the shackles of the shackles of the shackles of the shackles of the squadrons.

This momentary attack seems to be simple, but the mysterious operation and eyesight are accurate, and the guards at the scene are at their own discretion.

At this moment, her sword is in the hand, let alone the left and right hands make the ability, but this sword is enough for all the guards to drink a pot.

The guards of the guards screamed and shouted, and the sword rushed to Wu Hao.


This is not the bell ringing, but the metal squeaking sound of the flow of the sword when it resists several swords.

With these few bumps, the guards of the blade only felt that the hand was first heavy and then light, and then half of the blade and half of the blade fell to the ground.

"Good sharp sword!" The guards were shocked. Subconsciously leaping back.

Just a face-to-face, four weapons have been cut off the blade.

Wu Hao is also very surprised: "Well? I can't think of Qi Hao to send me such a good baby, this is absolutely invaluable."

Of course, what is the treasure of Qi Qi? At that time, she basically regarded Wu Hao as a half daughter-in-law to draw. The general thing still can't get it.

With this sword, you will have a strong heart. She went to the east and broke out: "Which is not long-eyed, let's try it! The sword is ruthless, no brains, no shouting!"

The guards had no choice but to hold weapons to stop.

I will be a while. There are countless swords broken. Even two guards were too forward-looking, and after being cut off directly, they cut off half of their heads.

Whether it's cutting his head or piercing the body, this sword is always a touch of blood.

Wu Hao waved a sword with green light. In the process of rushing, it is almost like nowhere. There is no stagnation in the slashing, and the chiller is blocked.

No wonder the flow is Bijian, the sword is waving smoothly and smooth, and the sword is three feet apart.

However, Wu Hao thinks that the tone is called the flow of the sword, but it is better to call the cow b sword more appropriate.

Her right hand sword is waving like a round. The camp from the north actually went all the way to the eastern camp.

"Don't let her go! She wants to meet with Qi Guoxing!" Several outstanding people in the guards yelled.

"The sword in her hand is afraid of a nine-star treasure. How can this be won?!" There are guards and grievances.

"The prince has a life, can't help!" The nine-star guards have been wounded, and now the scalp is on.

However, Wu Hao has a treasure-level sword to help. On the other hand, martial arts reached a level of incomprehensibility. Several nine-star guards went hand in hand and were also cut back.

One of them was cracked by half of the palm of his hand, and a **** dripping basically lost the possibility of continuing to fight.

The guard circle that besieged Wu Hao gradually showed a collapse.

"Giant Shield! Hewei!" There are guards who rush to summon the soldiers of the Wu State.

The Giant Shield is one of the must-have services for the front line. A giant shield of up to seven feet wide and about five feet wide was held by two soldiers. With tens of hundreds of giant shields gradually encircling a basaltic master, although it is not possible to completely limit the high-to-high players, it is a good force to block the way and force the other party to not stand hard from the ground.

The so-called force is born by the heart, making her difficult to display on the ground, and forcing it in the air may be a good way. That makes it easy for some marksman to play.

Flat archery is easy to hurt oneself. When the girl has to jump into the air, she will hurt her with an arrow.

Only the archer secretly complained: Xuan Prince said that oysters, where is this good? Don't say that she is difficult to shoot like a rabbit, even if it is shot, who will say that it will not hurt the key? When you don't finish the task, you must be punished by the Xuan Prince...

"Sun and Moon Swords come!" Two guards dressed in white rushed.

It is support from the deputy camp! The guards were overjoyed, and those who were so happy could not help but yell: "How come you come!"

"Who wants to get you even a woman is not flat!" One of the swords in the sun and the moon screamed.

His unintentional words are like a knife poked in the hearts of the guards.

A group of people angered, can be refuted without words, can not help but withdraw, let the sun and moon double sword to deal with girls.

The bigger the hope, the greater the disappointment.

The two nine-star guards only had two or more moves, and they were drawn two or three. Their weapons have been cut off, and a few swords have been rushed.

If the two have a heart to observe a few eyes, they will not eat such a big loss. Where did they think that Wu Hao was holding the flow of the sword that Qi Qi gave at the moment.

Where the military custom iron is under the blade of this sword, it will collapse without three. Plus Wu Xuan Xuanqi is like no money, more sharp after pouring the sword.

Fortunately, the two have a lot of practical experience, and they have been removed from each other, otherwise they are afraid of being hit hard or even killed.

There were other new battalions of the deputy battalion who rushed to the top but as soon as they withdrew, the former guard had a quick mouth: "Oh? How can you not take her?"

"What do you say?!" When did the Sun and Moon Sword Brothers get beaten like this? Suddenly angry.

Fortunately, some people have rushed to solve the thief's thief. Otherwise, the martial arts camp will be shackled by Wu Hao.

The sun and the moon double swords and big names can't stand, and the four seven-eight-star guards who are hard to resist are also unable to stop. After a few clicks, a bodyguard was cut off his arm, and a guard was under the sword. He almost died on the spot.

Can't stop it! Everyone has a tight heart and sees that Wu Hao has already rushed to the east side of the camp and is about to break out.

"Dead hoe! smashed!" Suddenly there was a broken drink, which was the voice of Crane.

Everyone was overjoyed, but only heard the voice and did not see anyone.

It’s normal for them to find people, because the cranes are... also in the pit...

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