Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 573: Let them see the real oil pan to get silver!

Wu Hao’s mysterious outburst was on the edge of the beach. The seven-star core and the nine-star peak-level Xuanqi burst out, suddenly like a bomb explosion, and the sea and sand splashed.

The pirate was able to do his best, and the screaming screaming was so many miles away that he flew into the sea.

The pity and the female guards are not low, and the sand flying will not be affected.

"Drought weather thunder?" Most of the pirates did not respond. Many people have no time to guard against fascination and even fail to understand the situation.

The pirate leader saw it clearly and was shocked.

The cadre is also Xuanqi Samsung, just upgraded soon, although the Samsung mid-section is not as good as the leader, but it is also the best person in the dwarf.

After he took a few mouthfuls of water in the sea, after all, the thief's professional response was not bad, and he quickly resumed his self-study. But a dark pirate dressed up in water, no matter what, it falls in absolute disadvantage.

The sun was slanting westward, and the waves of the sea gradually rising. It is very convenient for him to swim back.

Wu glanced at the chicken, and the pirate leader did not speak.

The pirate leader saw Wu squatting himself, and he had to let go. "To count, you have won this game."

"Ye" Wu Hao converges on Xuanqi and makes a gesture of victory to Mu Qingya.

Although everyone can't understand it, it also understands what it means. Mu Qingya also smiled and had the same kind of learning, and extended the fingers of two jade fingers to make the v.

Sure enough, there is her, everything is not used. Mu Qingya’s heart is warm.

Undoubtedly, this field is naturally a pity.

The pirates are very frustrated, because it is obvious that the new helper is a guy who is stronger than the patriarch. They have the heart to say that they are not allowed to foreign aid, but they have already let her play. Plus they are afraid that the other party is really scornful, and directly turned their faces to use force. I don’t have to mention the results.

In particular, this foreign-born Shantou, who is white and tender, is named Xiao? The appearance of weak talk is so fierce, the strength is even more amazing, how can the pirates dare to provoke?

"Then we should be out of the question." The pirate leader turned his eyes, and determined that the strategy that had long been thought of should be no problem, haha ​​laughed twice: "We take silver than the oil pan!"

Oil pan to take silver? Wu Hao's eyes were pumped. Wouldn't that be the oil pan to withdraw money?

Sure enough, the pirates took out the materials that had been prepared in advance at a time, and took a few steps to avoid the possible high tide and dug a fire pit on the beach.

After the fire in the velvet waterproof bag sealed in the velvet waterproof bag, several pirates set up a pot.

In the oil pan, the water sac was poured into the oil, and two pieces of silver were thrown in.

Are you bullying the poor people who are not running the rivers and lakes? Wu Hao is aware of the fact that the bottom of the pot must be vinegar or other liquid with a relatively low boiling point.

Wu Hao to the poor people, but they really do not know this situation.

The information transmission in this world is not easy. Naturally, there is no experience in Wu Yi’s original world of information explosion. The pity of the people in the field did not even know the principle of taking money from the oil pan.

The pirates laughed. One by one is like seeing them, they must be afraid of burning and fail.

Soon, the oil in the pan began to boil.

The rolling bubbles rise in the oil in the pot, as if the temperature is extremely high and can be fried at any time.

The pirate leader jumped a little like a fish in the side of the pan, and stretched out his right hand and shouted and shouted: "The eagle **** possesses the body!

With his hoarseness, the dirty hands reached into the boiling oil pan.

Immediately, he pulled back the greased hand and grabbed a piece of silver between his fingers.

The pirate leader yelled at the shocked pity and the female guards: "Mother, do you dare to do this like me?"

"Don't dare not." Wu Hao actually shakes his head for the first time.

The pirate leader is very proud.

Mu Qingya frowned slightly. I feel that there is nothing wrong with taking the silver from the oil pan, but it is impossible to crack it for a while.

Wu Hao was in the heart. I looked at her and smiled: "Don't worry."

She said that Mu Qingya’s brows were untied.

"Don't worry about anything?" The pirate smiled and delayed the time: "Shantou, don't you worry, you will not ruin your white and tender arm?"

"Worry? There are also, but I just worry that the oil pan is not hot enough." Wu Hao immediately pulled out the whip at the waist and slammed the whip in a sea crab that rushed in the distance.

Hudi whistleed with a sea crab. He was thrown into the pot.

The crab struggled back and forth in the pot.

Everyone is puzzled.

The pirate leader has a big heart: Is this gimmick seeing something flawed? Do you know that the oil pan is not hot?

"The oil pan is not hot enough. Even a crab is not burned for a long time. How can it be fried?" Wu Xiao smiled and shook his head.

Ok? The people quickly realized that there was really a problem. The crab in the oil pan has passed the time, and it is still struggling in the boiling oil pan. Not to mention that the crab shells are only slightly reddened. Crab pliers also waved back and forth along the pot.

"This pan has a problem!"

"The oil temperature is not high!"

"They are deceiving!"

The people of the Pity family immediately called, and the indignation was filled with preparations to clean up the people.

The pirates have been seen in the scams, and their faces have changed dramatically. Even many people want to smear their feet.

"It's fine, let them know that it's just that we can't win us." Wu Hao confidently said: "Let this oil pan burn for a while."

Everyone was ashamed, but since Wu Hao made a speech, the pity family naturally obeyed and waited for her further action.

The pirates glared at Wu Hao.

"Add another fire." Wu Hao raised his chin.

The pirates are not sure, but they dare not obey.

Two pirates next to the fire added several pieces of wood to the fire pit. Everyone has come to the conclusion that this gimmick is weak, but it is actually an absolute master.

To what extent they are up, they don't know. Because the mysteriousness is too much, there is no way to feel it.

"It's still too slow." Wu Hao still sneered at the intensity of the fire, and the palm of his hand was like a hurricane.

But after a few instigations, it was confirmed that there was a bellows in the blast, and the fire was vigorously booming.

The bottom of the vinegar in the oil pan was quickly dried, and the oil pan began to boil.

The crab has already been boiled to death. The burnt crab shell reddish in the oil, and a pair of big pliers occasionally bumped **** the side of the pot.

Seeing that it will burn again, the crab will also be cooked and smashed.

The pirates began to swear in their hearts, and many people chilled and thought deeply: "This gimmick, shouldn't it be remembered to throw us in and cook it?"

Fortunately, the pot is not big and should not be thrown in. But even if they forced them to put their hands in. I am afraid that it is enough.

When the pirates thought of it, they couldn’t help but shudder. It’s okay to kill others in the past, but it’s the turn of your life, and it’s hard to be scared.

Some people think that there are many people who have been killed since the pirates. If they are dead, they will return to the present, but they are always dying. At least with such a tender girl, I rushed over and took a kiss, even if I was beaten, I earned it.

"Well, this is called a real oil pan." Wu Hao sniffed the nose.

The air is full of oil and boiled a slight smoke. There is also a scorching smell of crabs.

Yes, the oil temperature is already high enough not only to cook the crab, but to gradually burn it.

"Let you see, what is the real oil pan to take silver." Wu Hao put his sleeves in a row, revealing a white arm, and extending his right hand to the oil pan.

"Be careful!" The female guards and the people of the poor voice exclaimed.

Mu Qingya is catching up with two steps to pull Wu Hao.

"Don't worry, I have my own size." Wu Yan smiled and said: "Let them open their eyes."

What she said is her own measure, which is naturally calculated by the computationality of the evolutionary body. If not, there is sufficient confidence. How can she take a big risk?

Mu Qingya saw her affirmatively and nervously nodded slowly: "Be careful. Be careful."

Wu Hao nodded and gently pushed Mu Qingya a few steps before he came to the side of the pot.

The oil pan braved the smoky blue smoke and apparently reached a very high degree of burning.

Does she really want to go in? Everyone simply mentioned the eyes of the blind. Even the pirates groaned one by one, fearing that the arm that was like a fat would be ruined by the oil pan.

At this tense moment, Wu Hao suddenly screamed like a big jumper: "People ask God to be on the body"

The crowd almost fell...

"Haha. Just kidding." Wu Hao scratched his head: "The atmosphere is too tight, and I can't help but relax."

Everyone on both sides is ashamed.

At this moment, Wu Hao suddenly flashed in the eyes of the eyes, Xuanqi calmly raised.

Although she did not suddenly explode like that, she did not have the wind and shake herself.

The setting sun shines. In the dance of the green clothes gowns, everyone watched the girl stretch the delicate white arms to the pan.

Everyone rounded their eyes, and even a lot of female guards and pity people covered their almost uncontrollably issued a low-pitched exclamation.

However, Wu Hao's palms looked close to the oily surface of the oil pan, but there was a weird creaking sound.

It was like the red hot iron that touched the cold water of the brush pot and the sound that was emitted.

The tumbling oil level gradually subsided when the palms slowly pressed down!

Invisible to the naked eye, a layer of smoky hoarfrost began to appear on Wu Xu’s original white palm!

The hot water vapor near the oil pan suddenly touched the palm of the cold and began to condense into frost.

"There is a stubborn winter!" A female elder with a pity voice whispered. Twenty years ago, she had the privilege of seeing the old man who used the winter to perform his stunts. The ice was frozen in the hands of many strong people. At this moment, she suddenly remembered this stunt. (To be continued...)

Ps: Does the reader think of this solution? Don't forget that this is the world of basaltic, not martial arts (hey, stress is not martial arts). If you really didn't think of it, just enjoy it! Thank you~!

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