Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 671: Who will act more?

Wu Hao had no way to get a few guards, but he saw that even the Leopards turned around and laughed. They suddenly said: "We are a group! You dare to laugh?!"

The leopard and the guards laughed even more. The tacit understanding of men in this respect is not the way Wu Hao can intervene.

I don't mention that Wu Hao was worried about the guards of several palaces here. He said that he was alone in the palace and took a quick step under the leadership of the eunuch.

On the road, Du Gu Mo is constantly guilty in his heart: she expected this step, will it continue to develop as she thought?

Along the hundred and eight steps, the hall was on the main hall. The guards on both sides were fierce, and the pressure of the hall was strong. The ordinary people had not seen the emperor, and they were already stunned.

Du Gumo still remembers the last time, that is, the day when he first went to the temple, he knew that he wanted to reward himself, but he still felt flustered.

It seems that there is a feeling of wanting to turn around and run.

But today, very wonderful, he has no fluster.

I am waiting for you.

Come, send me a problem!

Five days ago, I had already begun to secretly accumulate a kind of expectation, which broke out completely at this moment!

I have been at the girl's prompt, I know that you will come to see me. Then, I will cooperate with you.

When I arrived at the main hall, Du Gu Moguo was directly attacked by three officials.

The Xuanwu Emperor, as Wu’s guessed, allowed the two sides to argue freely.

When the big prince was thinking that everything was going on in accordance with the script, Xuan Prince was extremely frank. [Well. I confessed that they made all their remarks fall through and prepared in vain.

An inexplicable sense of powerlessness. Quietly risen in the hearts of the three officials.

Everyone in the court did not understand why Du Gu Mo would deny it... No, it is a confession!

Did he make a mistake, he actually admitted?

Should you deny it?

Everyone stared at him, and the kind of smile that was slightly tilted at the corner of his mouth was indeed full of a sense of victory.

However, no matter how confident you are. Admit that it is a big problem!

"You, you, you..." The second officer’s mouth was straight and he didn’t know what to pick up.

Especially three speakers. The set of words that were prepared for the slamming of the prince of the ink were all used.

Originally thought that he would first deny it, then the three would take turns to put the facts into account, citing the person's card, physical evidence to make the solitude and undeniable, completely unknowingly suspected.

They involuntarily have a little panic.

This is the official place for many years. Feeling that things are a bit beyond the expected intuition.

No, there is no need to panic! The three magistrates restrained their minds and drove this confusing thought out of their minds.

He is greedy! And greed is unshirkable, and it is admitted in court.

Fast, can't let him change his mouth!

"Haha! The ink prince accidentally said what he said in his heart!" The second singer turned his head and his right hand jerked a fist, as if he had caught an invisible big handle.

The third officer also jumped out and went down to the pilgrimage: "My emperor sees, the prince of ink has pleaded guilty. The court asked the emperor to decide!"

Everyone knows in their hearts that it is inevitable which prince is picking things behind. The purpose is self-evident, that is, it is necessary to stink the ink prince who has recently emerged.

some of. The big prince is the most suspect.

Of course, no one will say it in person, and the big prince is the general manager of the banned army. He is also dressed like a singer, even listening to the performance from time to time.

Especially when Du Gu Mo clearly expressed his greed, the big prince also showed an incredible expression, which is really superb performance!

The bright courtiers secretly called the great prince to be a good technique.

But they don't know. It was unbelievable that the great prince did not act at all.

He was unbelievable that he had confessed his crimes.

There is a kind of punching out. I thought about how the other party would move, so I left a seven-point effort to prepare for change.

But I can't think of it, the other party doesn't hide at all, just stand there and let you fight!

How do you feel this feeling...

Playing very badly!

According to the expectation, how the solitary ink will be like a spring, and argue that there is no greed.

Then the three voices of their own side can enumerate the evidence of plaque, and even at any time, they can tell a certain accountant’s master, and they can also list the time when they purchased the real estate on the outskirts of Wudu. And territory.

Then, I was very refreshed to see Duolun’s mouth hanging out in the air, and the two knees were soft and squatting on the ground. It is best to cry to the emperor again that I am your biological son...

That is the perfect!

Otherwise, how to explain that he took tens of thousands of soldiers and a basaltic woman to attack Jin, and won the Jindu on the basis of Xuanwu Emperor's more than ten years of planning, but was also chased by the other side to rush back to Wu Guo's wolf?

Solitary ink, it should be a big fool! Fully swaying the paternal favor of the father and the help of the three saints can only start.

Although he does not play according to the set script, his performance still shows that he is a big fool!

Look, he even confessed to the murder of the house and the silver. Do you think this is a child doing something wrong?

The prince gradually turned from an unbelievable expression to a look of distress. It seems that for his brother's infidelity and filial piety, he deeply regrets and regrets.

Hey - hate iron is not steel!

Of course, the big prince’s heart is happy.

Is this not worthy of the secret praise of the ministers?

But the focus of everyone, the prince who acknowledged the greed of ink?

Du Gumo stood there.

Whether you are shocked or not, he stands there, not panic.

In the quiet performance of Du Gu, the Xuanwu Emperor spoke up: "Ink, do you really have a copy of the silver?"

Du Gu Mo did not plead for mercy ~ ~ only the body said: "The children did indeed do. The vertical and horizontal boxing Huo Jia's copy of the family two, was used by the children."

The group of ministers suddenly screamed. The three magistrates even want to jump up and accuse the sins of Du Gu Mo.

Many people have not noticed the difference between [great ink] and [used].

But what kind of person Xuanwuhuang was, immediately understood that Du Gumo did not correct himself verbally, but said that he had made a difference, he immediately asked: "You said, the silver that should have been turned over to the Treasury, how was it used by you?"

The Xuanwu Emperor opened his mouth and the ministers were silent.

Du Gumo replied to the words "Children, who used the tens of millions of money to copy the family, and set up two things."

Xuanwu Wang’s mouth was almost undetected and slightly tilted, and he asked: “Two things?”

Du Gu Mo is not in a hurry: "Two things. One is stone, one is human..."

This sentence was spoken five years ago from a girl’s Tankou. (To be continued)

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