The group stayed at Baishui Manor for three days. Li Tai, under the leadership of Zhu Ziyong and others, walked around and observed dozens of miles around. He wrote tens of thousands of words on the notepad he carried with him. content.

"Looking at your kid's appearance of being resourceful and scheming, could it be that you are planning to do some grand work again?"

When they were on the road again, He Basheng finally couldn't help but ask. Although he rarely asked about Li Tai's plans these days, he often saw him writing and drawing on paper: "I think this is a business that is doing well." Is the business of being a villager still so unbearable in your eyes?"

"It can't be said that it's unbearable, it can only be said that the geographical advantage has not been fully utilized. If my uncle's industry is only limited to farming and weaving, there won't be much difference between me and me. But if we want to maximize the human and land resources, we will need some planning and adjustments."

After hearing this, Li Tai smiled and replied, pointing to the way forward: "There is indeed a career we are planning, but it cannot be said to be grand. It just needs the people in charge of the state and county to consult whether it is feasible. When I enter Beihua Prefecture, I will see some envoys. Sir, let’s discuss the details with my uncle.”

Going further north, you will gradually approach the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi, and the terrain will become more undulating. Xingcheng, the governor of Beihua Prefecture under the rule of Huizi, was located on the west bank of Luoshui River, near the later Huangling County.

He Basheng had no other gardening properties in the north, but he was not far from Xingcheng, so he simply stopped by to visit Shuohui.

The group continued northward along the Luoshui River and arrived at Xingcheng in the evening of the next day.

Li Tai had previously felt that the layout of Huazhou City was too militarized. When he came to the outside of North Huazhou City, he saw that the military color was even stronger. There were many ravine outposts more than ten miles away from the city. There are many Juma trenches scattered outside the city, and there are only a few roads for walking in and out.

"There are often intrusions from Jihu in the north. With a few Huibao guarding this village, we won't suffer from loneliness."

Seeing the layout around Beihuazhou City, He Basheng couldn't help but feel happy.

While he was talking, a group of knights from the city came galloping towards him, and one of them, a tall and eye-catching knight, was Shu Hui.

"Why does Brother He Ba have time to travel to Beizhou? Is it a pity that Li Lang's talents were neglected and he was sent to me personally to do my bidding?"

Several Hui galloped forward and greeted the two of them with a smile: "The timing of your visit is a coincidence. I just returned from hunting in the north this morning. I arrived a day early, and the wind and sand here are the only place to entertain guests!"

He Basheng smiled and nodded to Shu Hui, while Li Tai dismounted and saluted, saying: "Don't come here to see me again. I will make you look as majestic as yesterday and even more energetic. I was traveling with my uncle in the countryside, and when I came here, I wanted to disturb the master. I asked the envoy whether the harvest was enough to satisfy his needs."

"The hunt is quite rich, but I'm afraid Li Lang is disgusted with the smell and refuses to swallow it!"

When Shuhui heard this, a narrow smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He waved his hand to signal Li Tai to mount the horse, then turned the horse's head and led the group into the city.

As he got closer to the city, Li Tai could smell the strong smell of blood in the air. He passed through a row of horses and his eyes suddenly froze. He saw wooden shelves lined up outside the city, covered with corpses with wet blood stains hanging on them.

Luo Hui was still chatting with He Basheng. When he came here, he looked back and saw Li Tai's expression changed. He pointed at the corpses and said, "Does Li Lang have an appetite for watching these kinds of hunts?"

After hearing this, Li Tai hurriedly shook his head. He really couldn't accept such evil, and couldn't help but ask: "Is there a stubborn bandit wandering into the country?"

"The inexhaustible Buluoji thieves gathered together a month ago to cause trouble and rob and kill salt households in the north. These thieves live scattered in the north and often gather together to cause trouble. When I heard the news and rushed to the place, the thieves dispersed again. If you can track down a few of them, surround them and kill them!"

After hearing this, Shuo Hui said bitterly: "The military and administration have been busy since entering the rule, and it is really hateful to be disturbed by these thieves!"

Jihu, also known as Buluoji, is said to be a different species of Xiongnu and can be traced back to the Xiongnu Liu Yuan, Han and Zhao regimes who were the first of the Five Hus to disrupt China. There are many tribes living in northern Fen and northern Shaanxi.

As early as the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Liu Lisheng, the leader of Jihu in Fenzhou, took advantage of the mutiny in the six towns to rebel and declare himself emperor. This regime existed for nearly ten years. After the separation of the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties, Gao Huan found time to destroy it.

The Jihu Rebellion in northern Shaanxi was like a bullshit plaster. Later famous Western Dynasty generals such as Yu Jin, Hou Mo, Chen Chong, and Li Bi from the Eight Pillars Kingdom all used them to achieve military success, but they were still not completely wiped out.

In the later war of the Northern Zhou Dynasty to conquer the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Qi army was defeated and abandoned its armored staff along the way. Jihu from Fenzhou appeared again, collected and stole these armored staffs and once again gathered people to restore the country. It was not until the Northern Qi Dynasty was destroyed that the Northern Zhou Dynasty came back to deal with it.

Even during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Jihu in northern Shaanxi rebelled again, but was put down by the then generals Wang Fangyi and Cheng Wuting. When it comes to their tenacity in revolting against China, these Jihus are even comparable to Murong Fu in Gusu during the Northern Song Dynasty. After all, they really started to fight.

Li Tai lamented that the Jihu thief was tenacious, but he still felt a little uncomfortable with the scene. He did not stop to take a closer look, and rode his horse into the city following He Basheng and Shuhui.

This North Huazhou City is not magnificently built. The height of the city wall is less than two meters, and there are many signs of damage. There are also many felt tents in the military buildings in the city. There are quite a few, but it looks a bit messy at first glance.

The soldiers of the camp were moving in an orderly manner, some were repairing their weapons and staffs, and some were repairing the city walls. There were almost no idlers wandering around, which showed that some of Huizhi's troops were still in good order.

But He Basheng still commented unceremoniously: "Huibao, if you restore the old land and serve as Fang Mu again, you won't make much progress."

"It makes me laugh, I am not a talented person who can make things complicated and simple. Since Daxingtai has to do this, I can only try my best. I don't seek to be excellent, just to have no faults. When it comes to caring for others and caring for others. , I am indeed a lot worse than my wish brother.”

Both of them were old acquaintances from the township party, so Shuihui didn't think that He Basheng was ridiculing him, so he sighed and replied.

After He Basheng heard this, he also sighed and said with a smile: "Ruyuan is indeed a talented person who is good at governance and compassionate. There are very few people in our generation who can surpass him, but the advantages you have, Huibao, are not something he can compete with."

Li Tai followed behind and couldn't help but smile when he heard the conversation between the two people. It was indeed fun to listen to the characters commenting on and complaining about their companions.

Not long after, Shuo Hui led them into a separate hall in the mansion and sat down at separate tables. While waiting for the servants to prepare the meal, subordinates frequently came into the hall to report matters, which showed that Shuo Hui was really busy in running state affairs.

When he came back, Shuo Hui first smiled apologetically at He Basheng, then looked at Li Tai and said, "Li Lang really doesn't think about joining the government to work? Only when my husband holds the seal and has the power can he stretch his will and strength. This is a good time." But just lying around in the countryside is a real letdown!"

Shuhui has offered to recruit Li Tai more than once. The last time at the Shayuan Military Camp, it was He Basheng who refused on behalf of Li Tai. This time there were the same three people present at the table, and several Hui brought up old things again, which showed that they were really hungry for talents.

"I'm not afraid of Brother Heba's ridicule. It's really hard to govern in this state, and the number of things is several times worse than in previous years!"

After returning to the table and sitting down, Shuo Hui vomited his bitterness: "I can still maintain it by repairing the city affairs and supervising the people's defense. But now everything is going on at the same time, which is really overwhelming. In the middle of the month, the township groups from the northern states will gather. This is waiting for the big reading. When Su Shangshu went to Taipei, he also vigorously supervised the creation of books and households in various states. It will be submitted after the autumn..."

Hui's troubles actually exposed the shortcomings of the North Town warriors. It is true that it performs well when it comes to siege cities and territories and form battle formations, but when it comes to sitting in a place and doing politics, it is not its specialty.

The repeated solicitation of several favors shows the sincerity. If Li Tai was new to Kansai, even if He Basheng was there to dissuade him, he might not be tempted to agree, otherwise it would be a bit disrespectful.

But now, Li Tai already has a more concrete idea about his future path, and he will no longer blindly pursue opportunities that he can see but are not suitable for him.

He Basheng did not speak to dissuade him this time. He probably felt Shuo Hui's sincerity and felt that it would be difficult for him to provide Li Tai with any considerable political future.

"I have made several offers, but it is really disrespectful to push back. But this is the only appreciation that makes me timid and dare not respond. I am afraid that I will be derelict in my duty and hurt our friendship."

Hearing what Li Tai said, Shuhui frowned slightly, and He Basheng also opened his mouth to speak.

Without waiting for the two people to speak, Li Tai took out another scroll and presented it with both hands: "As for the complicated government affairs that you are worried about, I have also been deeply touched since I lived in the country. I have a plan for you to see, and I hope it will be beneficial to the state affairs."

After hearing this, Hui Hui's expression became slightly brighter, but he was still dubious. He was well aware that state affairs were detailed and complicated, and he didn't think Li Tai had any strategy to simplify them.

When he opened the scroll and shook out the pieces of paper, he looked even more confused: "What is this?"

"This is the booklet for accounting."

Li Tai was a little surprised after hearing this. He didn't even know this. How could you be the governor?

"Of course I know this is accounting, but what does it have to do with our state affairs... No, wait, what is this?"

Shuhui looked at the paper for a while, his eyes rested on the blank space of the official document, and then he saw some mystery.

Li Tai came closer, pointed to the blank spaces in the official documents and said: "In the politics of the people, apart from education, the most important thing is to create records and supervise classes. To create records for officials, it needs to be scrutinized carefully and written one by one, which is labor-intensive and material-intensive. But now you only need to hold this booklet, write down the name, and fill in the numbers, and you can travel to several places every day, which is convenient and fast!”

"This is a convenient method, but don't these manuals also need to be written by a pen?"

After Shuo Hui heard this, his brows relaxed at first, and then furrowed again: "Nowadays, there are only thirty writers in the state government. If they are not sent to the countryside, they will be sent to the government. The manpower is still insufficient!"

More than thirty clerks were responsible for writing military and political documents for an entire state. It was understandable that the workload was huge, and Li Tai increasingly felt that this was a good idea.

"If I just move my work power back and forth, I wouldn't dare to suggest a plan. Please take a closer look at the books. They are not copied by human hands..."

Li Tai arranged the papers on the table, and then said with a smile: "I was tired of the complicated family planning, so I came up with this clever plan. My uncle asked me to reorganize the village business. I went to Baishui a few days ago and saw that there were many good materials for papermaking in the village. , so there is another plan, which can not only help the country, but also make up for the family..."

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