Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 7 Chang'an is difficult to live in



When Li Tai returned to the temporary camp from several Hui tents, more than thirty men and women all stood up to greet him.

"Eat first!"

Li Tai waved his hand and pointed to the steaming clay pot on the stove. He sat on the mound on one side. When his subordinates were about to serve him a meal, he said again: "I have already eaten in several leading tents. You can do it yourself." Food."

It may be a bit pretentious to say this, but Li Tai really couldn't get used to the military rations distributed by the Western Wei army. The cornstarch with the shell and the chaff, and the half-cooked rice steamed in the clay pot was just one meal. He couldn't chew it carefully, otherwise it would be adulterated. The gravel and gravel can even chip your teeth.

But even such rough meals are only available in limited quantities in the army. Just because Li Tai received some favors, his subordinates received special care and were provided with military rations for two meals a day.

But the other casual soldiers in the army who were not led by a tough military leader could not even provide this simple meal in sufficient quantities every day, so they had to go hungry.

After marching for several days, Li Tai heard, witnessed, and learned more about the daily life of the Western Wei army. He could only say that when it came to enduring hardship and standing hard work, the ancient people were really much better than the modern people.

Even with the benefits of being a general, the food is only a little more seasoned with oil, salt and meat than ordinary soldiers, but this is already a delicacy that most soldiers cannot enjoy.

In terms of material enjoyment alone, even an ordinary person in later generations will far surpass the high-ranking officials and nobles in ancient times. The improvement of productivity is really reflected in all aspects of society.

After gradually accepting the fact of time travel, Li Tai also wanted to integrate into this era. Whenever he went to the camping and meal points, he would approach Shuo Hui's tent and ask for a visit in the name of discussing matters, deepening the relationship and having a meal.

Shuo Hui also gave him face and refused to see him every time. Probably because he had some common hatred for Zhao Guisheng before he scolded him, and because Li Tai was born in the Li family of Longxi, he was treated with courtesy.

If you have not come to this world, you cannot understand how much convenience a family's reputation brings to a person's social activities.

Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty's sinicization reform stipulated the clan system in the form of law. Under the leadership of Li Chong, the Li family in Longxi became the first-class clan in the world. Although Li Tai was disgusted with this outdated concept of respecting family status, he also I have to admit that with this layer of skin, he is really capable of five people and six people.

Although Hui Hui was born in Beizhen, he was resentful of the powerful families who had seized high positions. However, this resentment could not be classified as pure hatred, but was mixed with complex emotions such as envy, jealousy, and ambition in their place.

When Li Tai had no conflict with Li Tai in terms of attitude, feelings and status, Shuo Hui was also happy to talk to Li Tai and inquire about some stories about the family's personnel style and the laws and regulations of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

It was not difficult for Li Tai to deal with this by relying on his memories of his previous life and his own associations. During the conversation, he also asked about the personnel affairs of the Western Wei Dynasty, which gave him a preliminary understanding of the environment he was about to go to.

Today, Zhu Hui was in a good mood and told Li Tai an interesting incident that happened in Huazhou. After reading the previous memorial, He Basheng, who was also a general in the Western Wei Dynasty, led his slaves to Zhao Gui's place to smash it. Because He Basheng's relatives were also living in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Li Tai's accusation against Zhao Gui hit his heart.

Shuhui had a smile on his face when he talked about this incident, but Li Tai couldn't be happy, which meant that he offended Zhao Gui more severely but couldn't kill him directly.

He Basheng is an old man of the Wuchuan Group, and even with his younger brother He Batayue, they are the leaders of the first generation of Wuchuan's powerful people. He just beat Zhao Gui to vent his anger. It can be seen that these old guys in Wuchuan Town have a tacit understanding, and it is okay to make noises. , but will not bring Zhao Gui to death.

In addition, there is another piece of good news, that is, Gao Zhongmi, who was captured by Zhao Gui, has been released by Yuwen Taylor's order. Not only has he not been questioned, but he has also retained the title he received when he surrendered. It can be seen that Li Tai That petition also achieved some results.

But there is also bad news among the good news, that is, his father Li Xiao did not follow Gao Zhongmi, but stayed in Hulao City. However, news came from the back road that Hulao City had been captured by Hou Jing of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Gao Zhongmi's family members had also been intercepted, and Li Xiao was missing.

After Li Tai learned the news, he felt mixed emotions.

He didn't have any affection for Li Xiao, but the father-son relationship was undoubtedly the strongest connection in troubled times. After all, there was no fight for the throne in their family. Moreover, according to Shuhui, Yu Wentai originally asked Su Chuozheng, the Minister of Xingtai, to appoint Li Xiao to serve in Xingtai, but the result was that Li Xiao was not in Guanzhong and nothing happened.

Obviously Yu Wentai despised his youth and did not think that Li Tai's suggestions were his own talents and strategies. He failed to catch the big one and left the small one behind.

Although Li Tai was a little disappointed that he could not directly catch up with Yu Wentai, the boss of Guanlong, he had nothing to say. He was lucky enough to be able to barely find a way to survive in this treacherous and chaotic situation.

Shuhui also expressed his wooing of Li Tai and hoped that Li Tai could serve as his staff. But after weighing the matter, Li Tai neither refused nor agreed. He only said that he still wanted to ask Gao Zhongmi, the original lord, for instructions.

After spending a few days together, Li Tai had a good impression of Shuhui. Although he is scheming, he is not very deep. He is straightforward and loyal.

The reason why Li Tai didn't agree was not because he looked down on the other party's future, but because Shuo Hui's official position was a bit embarrassing. In addition to the right army governor who participated in the Mangshan battle, Shuo Hui also served as the leading general and was the general of the Imperial Army of the Western Wei Dynasty. After returning to the army, he would go to Chang'an to serve as a guard.

The emperor of the Western Wei Dynasty was a mascot, and he was also very dangerous. He might be finished one day. The Longxi Li family he came from was closely related to the Yuan Wei royal family. There was no guarantee that the emperor would see his relatives and give him a belt. Should he take it or not?

It was best to stay away from him. Even if there was a certain amount of protection, it was not safe. It was too sensitive to stay in Chang'an, and it was not suitable to do anything small. He was not qualified to talk about big ambitions now, but even for self-protection, it was necessary to have a small team of confidants. Chang'an was obviously not a suitable place.

The large jar of rice looked like a lot of food, but it was only barely enough to fill the stomach for more than 30 strong men to share. It was soon eaten up, and even the edges of the corrugated pottery were scraped clean.

After everyone finished their meal, they all gathered around Li Tai.

Li Tai looked at the dozen new members and said, "We will arrive in Huazhou in two days. I know that you all originally belonged to different groups. If you don't want to follow me and establish yourself in Guanzhong, you can tell me now and I will send you back to your original group. If you want to stay, there are also family traditions and rules in my family. If you violate them, you will be treated as an evil slave!"

Li Tai, who had just arrived in this era, was not used to treating living people as private property.

But before he arrived in Huazhou, he was already involved in the personnel disputes of the Western Wei Dynasty. He didn't know what kind of entanglements and difficulties he would encounter in the future. It was best for his subordinates to be loyal and reliable. It was better not to keep those who were half-hearted.

There were 17 new members, including Han, Di, Qiang, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Gaoche, etc., which showed the mixed ethnic groups of the Western Wei army.

Hearing what Li Tai said, they all seemed a little flustered. Some of them knelt on the ground and said, "I am willing to follow the lord, and I will never have second thoughts!"

Among them, a tall and thin Xiongnu man spoke the most coherently and sincerely: "My name is Poye Tou Baolu, and I am a garrison soldier in Duling. The garrison master died in Mangshan, and many garrison soldiers were also scattered. If the lord does not accept me, I will definitely be incorporated into the Sixth Army. Without the protection of a strong lord, it will be more tragic than dying in battle..."

"I, the slave, am an old soldier of the Sixth Army. I have rarely had a full meal since I joined the army. Those soldiers and slaves are still loved by their masters, but we, the scattered ones, can only line up and die. Please, please don't expel me, I will work hard!"

Some soldiers were so anxious that tears were about to flow down. The seven-foot-tall man was in tears, and his panic and miserable appearance made people sympathize.

Li Tai was puzzled when he heard this: "The Six Armies are the main force of the king's army directly under the Grand Secretariat. The military orders are passed down from top to bottom, but how can they be so cruel in their management?"

It was the wild head Paul who answered again: "The Grand Secretariat is indeed lenient and kind in its management of the army. He will give clothes and food to the poor soldiers, but he doesn't have time to supervise the army for a long time. There are often famines in the pass, and the military supplies cannot be allocated on time. The generals also take care of their private affairs, and no one cares about the lives of the soldiers. If it weren't for the good fortune of joining the lord's troops in Tongguan, how could we, the soldiers, get two meals during the withdrawal!"

Everyone nodded with sympathy, and looked at Li Tai, the new master, with more eager and sincere eyes.

Li Tai originally felt that the morale of the Western Wei army was far more than just a simple defeat, but only now did he realize that the accumulated problems were so profound. The Six Armies, which should have been the main force of the central elite, turned out to be a hard job that everyone hated. How much combat effectiveness could such an army have?

It is not right to conclude that Yuwen Tai was mediocre and incompetent based on this. The fundamental reason is that the Guanzhong area was exhausted and the Western Wei was poor. It was impossible to even provide basic supplies for the army, so it was no wonder that the army was demoralized.

He remembered the historical record of the Battle of Xiaoguan when the Western Wei was founded. The Eastern Wei army attacked in three directions. Yuwen Tai relied on his keen insight to directly attack the Eastern Wei's Dou Tai army to win the victory.

Soon after the victory, there was a great famine in the Guanzhong area. Yuwen Tai had to take the risk of leading his army out of Tongguan to Hengnong in Guandong to get food. He waited until Gao Huan's army attacked again before he hurried back to Guanzhong to prepare for war.

It was also because Gao Huan underestimated the enemy and was eager to avenge Dou Tai that Yuwen Tai defeated the army with a small number of people in Shayuan, which extended the life of the Western Wei regime.

"Since you have returned to the new master, you have already enjoyed the grace before you have made any contributions. After keeping warm, you should be grateful and repay the favor! My family is a famous clan in the world, and it is definitely not comparable to you old subordinates. Next year, you will be given the surname of the master for your accumulated merits, and your ancestors and descendants will be honored by this!" Li Zhusheng stepped forward and said seriously to everyone. Although not all the new soldiers knew the Longxi Li family, several people who were familiar with the world had nodded repeatedly, and their expressions were even more excited. Obviously, this temptation was very great.

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