2.1 - The Admiral's Jacket

Luo Ran walked out of the office and looked around. 


No one was around. 


Luo Ran let out a long sigh and leaned against the wall. 


His legs were feeling a little soft and he couldn’t stop shaking. Luo Ran tried hard to remain upright and not to let himself slide down to the ground. 


After seeing Lucas, the scent of his pheromones violently swept over Luo Ran. As if the temporary mark couldn’t wait to subdue him. 


Luo Ran stood in front of Lucas, feeling as though his body was losing strength all over  and he began having difficulty breathing after a certain distance. 


Lucas is a rare SSS level Alpha with a strong level of pheromones to match. His intimidating personality and strong pheromones can even make Alphas in the battlefield feel uncomfortable.


The good news is that Luo Ran himself is a rare SSS level Omega. After working under Lucas for a long time, he was able to adapt to Lucas’s pheromones. However, after crossing the line the other night , he was caught off guard and was quickly overwhelmed.


This feeling of suppression was not a pure, generic suppression, but more of an Alpha trying to make their Omega submit. This was the exclusive mark of an Alpha on an Omega, even if it was only a temporary marking, the exclusive attraction still exists.


Luo Ran tried to steady his breathing while holding his red face and ears, trying to calm down and suppress his pheromones. 


Stop it. 


What happened between him and Lucas was nothing more than an accident, a terrible mistake.


He and Lucas originally had a normal relationship between superiors and subordinates. Apart from their official duties, they did not even communicate with each other. Luo Ran, who had a high level of professionalism, absolutely did not allow himself to react differently to Lucas’s pheromones.


Luo Ran took a deep breath and took a detour to the bathroom. Once inside a cubicle, he took his inhibitor from his pocket and stuck the needle in his wrist. The inhibitor was injected into his body, soothing his restlessness.


“Hey…! Did you hear that the Admiral sent guards to arrest the person from the night before?”


“I know, I was monitoring the situation the whole day, yesterday. My friends in the technical department were so busy, that they couldn’t get any sleep.”


“Yes, Secretary Luo was not in yesterday, so everyone in the company was all over the place.”


Luo Ran heard his name from outside his cubicle. He thought the people outside were talking about him, so when  he was finished injecting himself , he suddenly felt too embarrassed to come out now.


“I don’t know who it is… Is it true that the Admiral said he was going to kill that person?” 


“It should be true, the Admiral hates this kind of thing the most.” 


“Alas, it would be fine if that person was Secretary Luo. Unfortunately, Secretary Luo is a Beta, and the person from that night seems to be an Omega.”


Luo Ran: ‘? 






Filled with curiosity, Luo Ran bowed his head and pressed his ear to the door. 


“Yes, if that person was Secretary Luo, there wouldn’t be so much trouble. Who doesn’t know about the Admiral crush on Secretary Luo ?” 


Luo Ran: ‘? ? ?’


 ‘…I didn’t know?’ 


Luo Ran felt that the thought of the Admiral liking him was even more bizarre than the Admiral becoming an Omega…


Where did these people get this idea?


The voices outside continued. 


“You are right. If that person is Secretary Luo, the two of them may have obtained the marriage certificate already. Given their tacit understanding at work, I don’t know whether they have already discussed their lives together.”


Lou Ran: No, our lives have nothing to do with each other. We don’t even exchange holiday greetings.


“Be bold! I think it’s not just falling in love, but maybe they already are living together! I’m so envious. I heard that the Admiral has many villas and houses everywhere. I wonder which one was given to Secretary Luo?” 


Luo Ran: If the truth is revealed, the only thing your Admiral may want to give me is a coffin to live in forever. 


“Wuwu…Their Love is really beautiful!”


Luo Ran: …


Luo Ran shook his head, feeling dumbfounded. 


If the truth really came out, knowing Lucas’s temperament, not only will he not forgive Luo Ran but he may be even angrier by the betrayal of those around him.


Luo Ran covered his wrist with his terminal and came out after the two Betas left. 


Luo Ran washed his hands and made sure that the inhibitor was put away, before returning to his desk. 


Luo Ran’s desk was just outside Lucas’s office, not too far away. 


“Secretary Luo is back!” A girl sitting next to Luo Ran’s desk warmly said, “I will be working with you today.”


“Good.” Luo Ran smiled and nodded before asking: “Your name is Rong Duo, right?” 




Luo Ran has a photographic memory and remembers just about everyone who has a position in the company. Right now, he was just making small talk and not really confirming.


Luo Ran thought that if it wasn’t so chaotic, he would have a person from the Secretary’s office accompanying him to handle the official affairs every week. Although it was messy yesterday, at least work can still be carried out. 


“Well, then please help me organize these files.” Luo Ran reluctantly pointed to the mountain of files in front of the table. 


Luo Ran took them one by one and quickly read through them. 


Luo Ran not only has a great memory, but he can also organize the documents with a quick glance. What documents needed to be immediately signed by Lucas and what documents should be submitted… Luo Ran solved a lot of problems in a short while. 


Someone called out, “Secretary Luo.” 


After that, a small Captain from the security team came to Luo Ran. He handed over a report to Luo Ran, and reported in an apologetic tone: “This is the investigation report from the hotel. Sorry, the hotel’s security system was broken into the night before yesterday. We didn’t find any extra clues.”


Luo Ran paused. 


Yes, if you want to find the identity of the person from the night before, the first thing to do is to check the surveillance system.


However, Luo Ran was not too worried about exposing himself. Since someone had laced the Admiral’s drink with drugs, the surveillance system must have been taken care of in advance.

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