Old Injury

Chapter 15:

[Liang Qiuyang said that when he becomes a big star, he will specially hire a nanny to cook and do laundry for us. I asked him to wash the clothes in the tub for a week before the dream came true. 】

I was almost stripped of my pants in the alley. Although I was interrupted by Song Bailao at a critical moment, the wound on my face could not be eliminated. As soon as I got home, I locked myself in my room and didn't go to dinner. Ning Shi and Zhu Yunsheng went out to the reception, and Zhu Li and I were the only ones at home. He knocked on my door and said he brought me something to eat, so that I could eat when I was hungry at night. I was afraid that he would worry, and I was even more afraid of causing trouble for him. Just let him leave things outside the door.

Zhu Li was quiet for a while, and then knocked louder on the door: "What the **** happened to you? Xiaoyu, open the door and let me see you."

I raised my face buried in the pillow a little: "I'm fine, I'm just too tired... Brother, leave me alone, I'll just sleep for a while."

After that, Zhu Li didn't say anything again. I thought he was gone, so he relaxed and poured into the pillow again, but he gasped because of the pressure on the wound.

Just as I was about to fall asleep in a daze, there was a sudden sound from the door.

At first I didn't know what it was, but when I saw the doorknob start to turn, I realized it was the sound of a lock being unlocked.

After being shocked, I jumped down and tried to block the door, but it was too late. The door was gently pushed open from the outside, and Zhu Li's beautiful and fair face appeared at the door, and opposite him Yes, it's my bruised face.

"Xiaoyu, you..." Zhu Li seemed to be frightened by my appearance, walked a few steps to me, grabbed my arm and looked up and down to see if I was injured anywhere else , "What's the matter with you? Who hit you?"

He played the role of an older brother who cared about his younger brother so well that it was hard not to be deceived.

I did not experience the warmth in Ning Shi, but in Zhu Li, so even if I finally learned that everything was fake, it was acting, it was between him and Ning Shi I still have a complicated sense of his fighting style, and I don't completely dislike or hate him.

"It was an accident..." At first I wanted to deal with it with clumsy lies such as accidentally knocking on the door, but Zhu Li didn't believe it.

He had a sullen face and a calm tone: "If you don't want to say it, I will ask your classmates one by one tomorrow."

If he asks, those people will not dare to go against his will, and will tell him all the bullying and bullying that I have suffered.

He has always been indifferent to the world and treated others peacefully. How can I involve him in my own disputes and cause him trouble?

"Don't..." I grabbed his arm, "I'm really fine."

Zhu Li frowned, and a look of displeasure crossed her eyes.

"The corners of my mouth are blue, and my eyes are swollen." As he said, he moved his fingertips to outline my facial features, "You still say you're fine?"

His eyes were too severe for me to look directly.


Under Zhu Li's repeated questioning, I had no choice but to tell the whole story.

Hearing Song Bailao's unexpected appearance, Zhu Li's expression was out of control for the first time, full of doubts and confusion.

"Song Bailao?" He squinted slightly, and the tone of his words made people feel uneasy, but soon, the smile of He Xi was raised on his lips again, and he returned to that elegant and friendly one brother.

"Are you familiar with him? Last time I remember you picked up his collar."

At that time, he might have planned to use Song Bailao to harass me, otherwise he would not be as interested in my relationship with Song Bailao.

But I was really unfamiliar with Song Bailao at that time, I even disliked him a little bit, thinking he was arrogant and arrogant.

"I don't know him well, I don't know him." I told Zhu Li truthfully.

He patted me on the shoulder: "Leave this to me, you can rest well."

He took two days off for me to recuperate at home. When I went to school again, I found that those who bullied me in the past saw me like a mouse seeing a cat, not only walking around me, He didn't even dare to communicate with me. Although still no one wants to ignore me, my life is much better.

Later I found out that Zhu Li led someone to find the guy who took the lead in taking off my pants the next day, beat him violently, and then took off his pants and beat him up Push the toilet closed for a day. The man was hit by this, and he soon changed schools and left, and I never saw him again.

With Zhu Li taking over for me, no one would dare to provoke me again. But I still don't like Shang Shan, the place full of hierarchy and hypocrisy.

At noon, I will bring my lunch to the rooftop of the next teaching building to eat. It was very quiet, and sometimes I would lie there and sleep for a while when the weather was good and the food was good.

But I didn't expect the seemingly unowned rooftop, in fact, "a famous flower has an owner" long ago, and the owner of the territory is still alive is Song Bailao.

I was lying on the rooftop sunbathing that day, and slept soundly when I suddenly felt a shadow cast above my head.

It's too thick for a dark cloud.

I opened my eyes in confusion, and what I saw was Song Bailao's upside-down face.

He squatted in front of my head, propped his chin, and stared at me playfully. In the face of this unpredictable evil star, I was not prepared at all, and I was so frightened that I immediately wanted to stand up.

Song Bailao took the first step and pressed my chest, stopping all my movements.

"I think you're enjoying it, please sleep for a while."

I didn't dare to look at him, because of the strange angle, I couldn't accurately judge whether he was serious or speaking ironically.

He tilted his head and smiled: "I was wondering why there are things here that don't belong to me. I'm still wondering who is so daring to fight me for territory."

Sometimes I accidentally leave the drink cans on the roof, and they are often gone the next day. The person turned out to be Song Bailao.

I swallowed hard and struggled to the death: "No one else can enter..."

Subconsciously, I was afraid of being beaten.

Song Bailao looked at me for a while, then nodded: "That's true." He stood up, "Didn't Zhu Li take care of it for you? Why are you hiding here to eat? "

I sat up and sat up nervously. Seeing him staring at my lunch box, I hurried over to cover it and put it in my arms.

"It's quieter here." I was hugging the bento box, and I was already thinking about how to defend myself when I was beaten.

Song Bailao leaned against the wire fence with his hands in his trouser pockets: "It's very quiet, especially suitable for skipping classes to sleep." He turned his head, pointed to a place downstairs and said, "Last time you were there I almost got my pants ripped off there."

I looked in the direction he pointed, and it was indeed that place. Although he seemed to be in a good mood, I really didn't know what he meant, so I didn't answer.

"So, I saved you twice." He looked at me and smiled, "You really have a Cinderella physique."

I pursed my lips, undeniably, although he had a bad attitude, he was indeed kind to me.

"What do you want..." I take it for granted that he is blackmailing him.

"You can use the rooftop if you want, bring me a snack." He strode towards the exit of the rooftop, threw his right hand back gently, and threw a bunch of things at me, "Then dispose of the trash yourself. "

I caught it subconsciously and found it was a crumpled little paper bag that I used to hold my own cookies.

The biscuits were made on a whim the day before, and they were not very well done. Some were too burnt and too sweet. I packed them in a paper bag and planned to use them as snacks after meals. I stole it and ate it all.

Looking at the empty bag in my hand, I recalled Song Bailao's words, feeling a little complicated.

If you want to use the rooftop, do you have to use dim sum instead? Shang Shan, the famous fighting king, has such a hobby...

Originally, I had no interest in baking, but in order to continue to use the rooftop, I not only bought many baking books and taught myself various bread and cake making methods, but also gradually developed a love for this area. Beginning to be really obsessed with this skill, it can be regarded as a blessing to Song Bolao in disguise.

I don't meet Song Bailao every time, but I still prepare "tributes" every time in case I meet him suddenly.

During the sharing of the rooftop, we didn't actually communicate much. Even if we happened to be there, we stayed on each side. If he happens to have a "guest", I'll just stay on the stairs for a while and then go up when he's done.

Such a year, the harmony is amazing.

"It's good for a while." After finishing the recollection, I smiled at Song Bailao, which made him feel a little pleasing to the eye.

No matter what Zhu Li's original intention was, at that time, I really treated him as a "brother".

Song Bailao's eyes were half-drooping, and his eyes fell on my smile: "He's done too much for you, he's given you medicine, and he's locked the door... You are really a pair of good brothers."

Before the smile on my face dissipated, I was frozen by Song Bailao's more deadly accusation.

What you didn't do together a few years ago, and finally succeeded seven years later, this perseverance is really admirable."

His imagination is also quite admirable.

I leaned to the door, far away from him, not even in the mood to answer his words.

Song Bailao drank the wine in the glass, put it aside, and suddenly reached out and pulled me into his arms.

"Why don't you speak? Are you acquiescing?" He put his palm on my lower back, making our entire upper body close to each other, and I could even smell the aroma of wine between his lips and teeth.

I tilted my head and put my hand on his shoulder, trying to get out of the twisted position.

Song Bailao increased the strength in his hands, and his face came closer to me: "Why did you suddenly become dumb?"

His misunderstanding of me made me ready to be found by him all the time. He didn't believe me at all, he already had the answer in his heart, so why bother asking me again and again. Could it be that he is happy to see me embarrassed and miserable?

I was tired of explaining again and again: "Yes, we discussed it early." Thinking that he wouldn't believe what he said anyway, I just broke the jar, "Everything is between me and Zhu. Li's conspiracy."

I could feel the muscles on his arm tense at that moment, like a pair of iron pliers, it hurt my waist.

"You're still the same..." He hesitated, full of anger.

He believed it quickly.

I helped him make up the rest of the words: "Shameless? Have a scheming?

He seemed bewildered by my question, stunned for a moment, loosened the arms that were holding me, and I seized this opportunity to escape from his embrace and sat back on the other side.

I was arranging my clothes and felt that the jar was not hit hard enough just now, so I added two more words: "In the past seven years, I have always wanted to marry you, even if you don't want to marry me. I know you despise me, but I don't care." I smiled at him, "I'm just shameless, scheming, and cheap."

Having said this, he had already made a draft in his mind, and decided to record Song Bailao's uncontrollable expression in his diary, so that he could read it at any time when he was in a bad mood in the future.

The author has something to say: This chapter counts as Saturday and will not be updated on Sunday.

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